Thursday, July 3, 2014

JULY 2014 - Notice Board!

Private healtH Insurance from your local chemist

For the first time, now you can speak to the people you trust most for your health and wellbeing about your health insurance too! Compare your health insurance   today with COVAD!

Why choose COVAD?
ü Quickly compare your private health insurance premiums and options
ü Access to one of the largest range of health insurance  providers
ü Pick and choose the cover  you want
ü Available online and through your local pharmacy COVAD agents

Need more information or advice?
Calanna Pharmacy is your local COVAD agent.
Or visit:

                   This Winter we have an amazing Prize for a lucky LifeClub member!

Don’t forget to use your LifeClub card in participating Calanna Pharmacies, for your chance to WIN!

You could be going to New Zealand to watch the Wallabies v All Blacks!

Get your tickets to watch and support your local Rugby League Team!            
20th July
27th July
Home Games played at Barlow Park

 Get your tickets to watch and support your local QBL Basketball Teams
Cairns Dolphins & Cairns Marlins!
5th July
27th July

Home Games played at the Cairns Basketball Centre, Aumuller Street

JULY 2014 - Ginger Genious


Ginger has long been known for its healing and medical properties, everything from nausea and travel sickness, as an anti-inflammatory and to relieve digestive health ailments.
Dr Cliff Hawkins, a highly decorated biochemist from Brisbane experimented with a number of specially treated and activated forms of ginger grown in the Atherton Tablelands and Queensland’s Sunshine Coast which has shown to produce a number of remarkable results.

The Biohawk range of food supplement products have been of particular use for a number of common food intolerances such as gluten, lactose and casein intolerance - some of the fastest growing food intolerances across the nation.

The products have the unique ability to help break down proteins in foods that commonly cause intolerances, reducing the inflammatory response and the symptoms associated with food intolerance which include:
· Pain in the gut
· Wind
· Constipation and Diarrhoea
· Reflux
· Hives
· Tiredness or “Fuzzy Head”
Exclusive to Calanna Pharmacy there are a number of products in the range to suit everyone from children to adults and even pets!

Visit your local Calanna Pharmacy or to discover more about the healing properties of ginger.


Australia has one of the highest incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the western world and is largely attributed to our diet which has been increasing in sugar intake and processed foods along with a more sedentary lifestyle and increases in stress hormones, in particular cortisol. All of these have the effect of increasing blood sugar levels in the body which in turn requires the body to produce more insulin – an important hormone that assists the body to absorb and utilise glucose.

When the pancreas has trouble producing or regulating the correct amount of insulin to “mop up” excess glucose in the body, this is when we can notice the first signs of diabetes - which if left unchecked go relatively un-noticed.
These symptoms include:
· Elevated blood sugar levels
· Increase in frequency of urination
· Excessive thirst
· Tiredness
· Blurry vision, headache and fatigue (common symptoms of high blood sugar)
· Sweating, dizziness, shaking and weakness (common symptoms of low blood sugar)

The long term implications of Type 2 diabetes are huge and can lead to chronic condition such as heart disease, poor    circulation, kidney disease and even blindness to name a few.

So, what can we do to prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes? Here are 5 key tips…
· Diet high in soluble fibre and fresh foods
· Moderate sugar intake (all forms of sugar!)
· Regular moderate exercise – at least 30 minutes 3-4 times weekly
· Regular blood sugar test
· Moderate alcohol intake

Ethical Nutrients Magnesium|$ 22.50 60 tabs

Magnesium helps to:                               (also available in 120 tabs)
¨ Relieve Stress
¨ Relieve Muscular aches, pains, cramps & spasms
¨ Relieve leg cramps
¨ Assist in cellular energy production
¨ Relieve premenstrual syndrome pain & cramping
Maintaining a healthy diet is important in maintaining magnesium status in the body. Foods that are rich in magnesium include; Broccoli, Spinach, Pumpkin Seeds, Nuts & Wholegrain breads & cereals

Diabete Ezy Range|

Diabete Ezy is a QLD based company founded by former  Brisbane Bronco player Steve Renouf and his wife Elissa.  Steve along with 3 of their children suffer from Type 1 diabetes.   Here are a number of products that are available in-store

Call into Calanna Pharmacy for your diabetes consultation, and upgrade your meter to new technology at no charge, conditions apply.

The Freestyle Optium Neo Blood Glucose and Ketone Monitoring System from Abbott Diabetes, is designed to help insulin-using patients take a more active role in diabetes management.

Offering accurate blood glucose and blood ketone testing, trend indicators and insulin logging to help you stay on track.

See it for yourself today at Calanna Pharmacy. Term’s & Condition’s apply, offer valid to Australian Diabetes patients.

JULY 2014 - Important Food Choices

The Food You Eat Affects Your Entire Well-being

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.”  Hippocrates

Why the food we eat is important:
Making conscious decisions about the food we eat is just as important as our relationships, careers and recreational activities. Without our health we are restricted to do all the things we love and cannot embrace life to the fullest. Making poor food choices will eventually lead to chronic disease, forcing you to look after yourself. The best fighting chance we have against disease is prevention. Eating a diet high in fibre and low in fat will help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.  

Poor dietary practices can lead to being overweight, which increases the risk of becoming obese. Low self-esteem, relationship issues and social isolation can often occur as a result of obesity. Depression, anxiety and mood swings are often seen in people who are obese.

A low nutrient diet impairs the body to function optimally leading to multiple problems affecting digestion, absorption and metabolism. When this process does not operate optimally it can cause secondary conditions such as metabolic syndrome, poor liver detoxification and reduced bowel clearance.

Decreased nutrients in the diet can lead to impaired immune system function, therefore making the body more susceptible to infection. Frequent colds and flu’s is a good example of poor immunity and nutritional deficiencies.

Poor Food Choices:
·         Saturated fat eaten in excess increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Saturated fats include: All animal products, meat, cheese, deli meats, sausages, butter and cream. Biscuits, chocolates, cakes and pastries also contain high saturated fat as well as refined sugars.
·         Refined carbohydrates have had the germ and bran content of the grain removed. The bran and germ contain the highest level of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Refined carbs not only have no nutritional content, they also rob the body of its nutrient stores to break it down. Refined carbohydrates include: white bread, pastas, white rice and white flour.
·         A diet high in saturated fat and refined sugars can lead to metabolic problems such as diabetes mellitus. This condition is becoming increasingly common in Western societies and is caused by a disruption in normal insulin secretion and production. A disruption in insulin causes the body’s blood sugar levels to become too high, in turn leading to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and loss of nerve function.
·         Processed foods contain additives, preservatives, refined sugar and other chemicals. Foods that are processed are not in their natural form. These alterations have been linked to reduced concentration, hyperactivity and aggression.

Foods to enhance your vitality and well-being:

Eating healthy foods enhance vitality, strengthen immunity, reduce stress and improve mental performance. Eating healthy will not only make you feel amazing, you’ll also look fantastic and love life.

Healthy Food Choices:
·         Living raw foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits are the key ingredient to healthy living. These foods eaten raw contain natural enzymes that help to keep the body vital and alive. These natural enzymes will help to aid better digestion, improve metabolism and enhance energy.
·         Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) are good fats that are absolutely vital to good health. These healthy fats can help boost immunity, protect your heart, reduce cholesterol and enhance metabolism. Foods high in EFA’s include: Oily fish, avocado’s raw nuts, linseeds, sunflower seeds, pepitas and sesame seeds.
·         Whole grains are rich in vitamin B and fibre. These foods can help improve your energy, digestion and elevate mood. Complex carbohydrates include: brown rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, oats and rye.
·         Lean quality proteins contain amino acids, which are the essential building blocks of the body. Protein is required to help transport substances around the body, regenerate cell & tissue growth and provide mechanical support such as collagen & connective tissue. Proteins are also involved in immune protection and nervous system signalling. Foods high in protein are: meat, fish, poultry, quinoa and seeded sprouts. Legumes combined with grains will provide you a complete source of protein and will enhance metabolism.

Helpful Suggestions to get the most out of food:
·         High fibre foods rich in nutrients such as fresh fruit & vegetables, whole grains and legumes will provide most of the body’s fuel power. Organic is preferable, but can be expensive. When purchasing fresh fruit and vegetables, ensure you wash them thoroughly using a vegetable wash or white vinegar. This will remove toxic pesticides from your food and reduce the risk of health problems.
·         Avoid overcooking vegetables. The best method is to steam vegies for a few minutes. The colour should still look vibrant.
·         DVD recommendation: Food Matters

Book recommendation: “You are what you eat.” Dr Gillian McKeith 

Written by: Vanessa Laird - Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Woree