Monday, September 17, 2012

These Awesome Antioxidants Are Anti-Ageing!

Antioxidants are compounds that neutralise free radicals. A Free Radical is a molecule that has lost a part of its structure and is therefore unbalanced. This is a process called oxidation (exactly like rust on iron). It requires oxygen to balance it. Free Radicals are an essential component of the oxidation process and are produced during times of all body functions. Most of the Free Radicals generated are balanced by the body’s enzymes, vitamins & minerals. Unfortunately, the body's Energy production process is 2% - 5% inefficient and some Free Radicals are not neutralised and cause harm to the body. It is the excessive production and build up of Free Radicals that accelerates the ageing & disease process. 

An excessive amount can cause damage to a cell’s protein, membrane and ability to regenerate correctly. This leads to inflammation, damage to major organs and digestive system. Not to mention visible ageing on the skin. They can compromise the immune system, CVS and lymphatic system

They are formed just by natural body processes especially energy function. But it is the excessive amounts we are concerned with and the following options are able to produce many free radicals over constant use – smoking, long exposure to sun or other UV light, excessive alcohol, caffeine drinks, processed food, bad fats and continual emotional, physical and mental stress

The major antioxidants common to us are – Vit C, E, A, Zinc, Selenium, Bioflavinoids (Rutin and Hesperidin), Resveratrol, CoQ10. As well as many herbs including Ginko Biloba, Tumeric and Green Tea. The foods that are rich in these antioxidants are coloured – red, orange, yellow & green. The list includes – tomatoes, carrots, citrus fruits, red grapes and cabbage. Green leafy vegetables (spinach, endive, chickory), nuts, onions, and sprouts and protein in the form of fish, chicken and meat.

Mario Calanna

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Magical Magnesium the Magnificent Mineral

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for optimal body function. I like to call it the “Magnificent Mineral” and its usefulness is indeed “Magical”.

Magnesium is so important that cells have special membrane pumps to keep it inside the cell. Because so much is locked up in the cells it means that your body is dependent on your daily food and fluid intake to supply its daily needs.

Why would you call it ‘Magical’?

Magnesium plays very vital roles in our body functions:

  1. Helps produce energy required for daily body function & vitality
  2. It is a major catalyst in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate & fat. This means it plays a big part in the efficient use of food intake by the body.
  3. Helps regulate calcium metabolism – helping with bone & muscle strength, heart & cardio vascular pump.
  4. Helps keep BP low and improves blood flow. Low levels of Mag have been associated with heart arrhythmias, angina and sudden death from heart attack. Remembering that the heart is probably the biggest muscle in the body, Magnesium is very essential.
  5. It helps reduce dehydration, muscle cramps & pain so is very useful for sports people and all people in trades etc that work outdoors.  
  6. Magnesium helps reduce Inflammation.
  7. Magnesium is essential in the development and maintenance of the Optic Nerve & for the optimal function of the Retina. 
  8. Magnesium helps to increase HDL (good) Cholesterol levels & lower serum LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels.
  9. Magnesium helps to lower high Triglycerides levels
  10. Magnesium helps to prevent & control Type II Diabetes.
  11. Helps to reduce Fatigue, Lethargy, Chronic fatigue, Tension headaches, migraines, Stress, Anxiety and General tension. In all of these cases Magnesium helps relax muscles and allows better blood flow
The most common well know form of Magnesium is Epsom Salts. We all know what agnificent results are obtained from this form of Magnesium especially if you desire or require a regular bowel ‘clean out.’ The irritability this causes to the stomach & intestinal wall makes other forms of Magnesium more desirable.

There are better tolerated forms of magnesium that can be taken without having ‘that’ side effect. The main form is called magnesium diglycinate. This form allows the magnesium to be absorbed into the body & out of the gut area and into the muscles and Cardio Vascular System where it is required for the functions mentioned above.

How Does it Work?

Magnesium concentrates in the Muscles (26% of the body’s total Magnesium is stored in Muscles) – and its main role is to ensure that sufficient Oxygen is delivered to the Muscles.  Magnesium is also required for Muscle movement and for the transmission of Nerve Impulses to the Muscles. 

Magnesium Missing:

There are many electrolyte drinks on the market – they taste nice, look nice but usually have high amounts of sugar, Sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl) and Potasium (K) – but no Magical Magnesium

The absorbable “magnificent mineral” is missing in all of these high profile drinks. So when you purchase an electrolyte drink look for a formula which includes magnesium diglycinate and say good bye to muscle cramp, dehydration and pain; while keeping your stomach in tact.

Dietary Sources of Magnesium 

  • Kelp   
  • Wheat Bran    Sunflower Seeds      
  • Sesame Seeds        
  • Soybeans      
  • Most Nuts
  • Buckwheat Flour      
  • Oat Bran        
  • Nutmeg (powder)     
  • Kidney Beans (raw) 
  • Wheat Flour (wholemeal)    
  • Shiitake Mushrooms (dried)           
  • Brown Rice   
  • Dried Peas   
  • Oatmeal        
  • Prawns          
  • Rye (flour)      
  • Barley (pearl)
  • Spinach

Magnesium is truly Magical. It is involved in most critical body functions – this is what makes it Magnificent.

Check your requirement for Magnesium by going to our website and do our Nutricheck Quiz.

Mario Calanna – CEO Calanna Pharmacies.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SEPTEMBER 2012 - Feature Products & Specials

Mario’s Extreme Moisture Wash - $7.95 

A soap & fragrance FREE product, which is rich with moisture to use on dry or irritated skin. 

Fantastic for everyday use. 

Available in two sizes; 250ml (priced) & 500ml

Moo Goo Eczema & Psoriasis Balm - 120GM

“Just because you or your children have a skin problem, it no longer means that chemical based ointments are your only option. This cream took over a year to formulate and license and is both anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal.”

There is a vast variety of products in the Moo Goo range - be sure to check it out in-store today!

Thin Lizzy Bras - Townsville Stores EXCLUSIVE!

The Thin Lizzy Miracle Bra seamlessly moulds to your body and gives you a smooth, line-free appearance even under form fitting tops and blouses. No more rolls, bumps or bulges, the Thin Lizzy Miracle Bra’s fit provides the perfect support – for small to plus size shapes.

Made with the finest materials for maximum quality:
•  96% Premium nylon and 4% Spandex. Flexistretch Natural Fabric Technology moulds to your body and builds support into the bra that eliminates the need for underwire construction.
•  Seamless for smooth lines. With or without pads for additional lift in 6 colours (Beige, white , black, pink, blue & lilac).
•  Machine washable and non-shrinkable - doesn’t lose its shape!

SPECIAL PRICE!! Don't miss out

IgG Food Detective Food Test - Wellness Clinic

The IfG Food Detective Test is a food allergy test that is based on long term food intolerances. The test assesses IgG (immunoglobulin G) antibodies for foods that are involved in various conditions such as food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome and eczema.

For the month of September you will SAVE $25.00 on the cost of the IgG Food Detective Test! (normally $200)

*Must book in advance with your Calanna Naturopath - Woree, North Cairns, Kirwan) - you can book online using the link below.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SEPTEMBER 2012 - Practitioner's Corner with Lesley Parker - Naturopath


An allergy is an inappropriate response by the body’s immune system to a substance that is not normally harmful. The immune system is a highly complex defence mechanism that helps us fight infections. It does this by identifying foreign invaders and mobilizing the body’s white blood cells to fight them. In some people, the immune system wrongly identifies a nontoxic substance as an invader, and the white blood cells overreact, creating more damage to the body than the invader. Thus the allergic response becomes a disease state in itself. 

Typical allergic responses are: nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, itching, sinus issues, nausea, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhoea, anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath, headache, hay fever, fatigue, failure to thrive in children, behaviour disturbances, hives, eczema and other skin rashes. Almost any substance can cause an allergic reaction in someone. Traditionally, the most common allergens are pollen, dust, certain metals, some cosmetics, dust mites, animal hair, some common drugs such as penicillin, food additives, and chemicals found in soap, washing powder and many other chemicals including pesticide residues on foods. 

Mould and the tropics: moulds live throughout the home, in any damp, dark place of which we have many in the tropics. They also flourish in soil, and any organic material such as foods. Moulds can be beneficial (penicillin, blue cheeses) or create disease states (Candida).

There is a difference between food allergies and food intolerances. Some of the most common allergenic foods are soya, chocolate, dairy foods (lactose or milk protein), eggs, shellfish, strawberries and wheat gluten. A person with food intolerance is unable to digest and process that food correctly usually due to lack of certain enzymes. A food allergy occurs when a person’s immune system generates an antibody response to the ingested food. Food intolerance can lead to allergy, if particles of undigested food manage to enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction. Leaky gut syndrome is a term used to describe a condition in which the lining of the intestinal tract becomes perorated and irritated and tiny particles of partially digested food enter the bloodstream, causing an allergic reaction.

Some allergic reactions to food begin as soon as one starts chewing. Highly allergenic foods are easy to identify and eliminate from the diet. Delayed reactions are harder to detect. Emotional factors such as stress and anger may aggravate allergies, especially if the immune system is not functioning properly.

Food allergy self test: If you suspect you are allergic to a food, you may like to try this. When completely relaxed take your pulse at the wrist. Count the number of beats in a 60 second period. A normal pulse reading is between 52 & 70 beats per minute. After taking your pulse, consume the food that you are testing, wait twenty minutes and take your pulse again. If your pulse rate has increased more than ten beats per minute, omit this food from your diet for a month and then retest yourself. Use the purest form of the food available. For instance if you are testing for wheat, wheaten bread contains a raft of chemicals and yeasts and you may be reacting to one of these, not the protein gluten in the wheat. Use a pure wheat cereal for this test. Use a similar criteria for any food you may test.

Low hydrochloric acid in the stomach may be source of some allergies. When these digestive acids are low, food and pathogens are not completely broken down, do not digest completely in the small intestine and so to undigested foods into the bloodstream bringing skin and mucous membrane irritation (itch, sneezing, cough). An excellent place to start with allergies is to take digestive enzymes and beneficial flora for the gut. Specific herbs may also be prescribed for allergy sufferers. However, continual taking of digestion aids and herbs to overcome allergic reactions is not the answer. While getting relief from taking these aids, the antagonists, whether foods or environmental, need to be found and eliminated.

Allergies are not necessarily life long. Dependant on age, cause, lifestyle and ethnicity, allergies may come and go. This is why it’s important to get professional advice from a natural health practitioner who will also work with foods to find cause. The “Eat Right for Your Blood Type” is an excellent program to underpin any treatment program as the foods listed in the “avoid’ sections relative to your blood group type, may contain the antagonist you are needing to eliminate. It’s very important to build up the immune system in anybody presenting with allergic symptoms.

Allergy tests such as the IgG Food Detective test, heavy metal, Celiac and Candida tests plus the HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) are available at Calanna Pharmacy Natural Medicine Clinics, Townsville, North Cairns and Woree. Results from these tests will help to determine the body’s status to begin a treatment program. 

Prescription for Nutritional Healing Phyllis A. Balch P 153,154. 
The Physicians Handbook of Clinical Nutrition, Henry Osiecki. B.Sc.

SEPTEMBER 2012 - Words of Wisdom by Mario Calanna

Hello Zest Club Members, 
Welcome to September and hopefully a little warmer than August. 

There is much talk about “Change”:
• “Change is good”,
• “Change is inevitable’,
• “We must change the way we do things”,
• “Change how we think about things” 

The hype really makes you believe that “Change” is always good and always necessary, otherwise you’ll be left behind, you will miss something and you will never be as good as you should be. 

Yes – I do believe we must be aware of Technology changes, changes that can improve communication and business efficiency. There are really many fantastic options that can enhance our lives. I do not really see these as ‘changes’; but as newer and different ways of helping in all aspects of our daily lives. The danger is that we are then led to believe that we have to “change’ everything that has not begun in the 21st Century. 

These include – our Traditions, our behaviour, our language and our heritage. 

Before we agree with anything that an “expert” may say – let us find out more information about the topic. 

Let us look at the benefits and consequences of these decisions – before we just apathetically allow “changes” to occur. The evidence of social disruption and uncertainty are all around for us to see. 

Let us remember that: “When ever we give into something or compromise our tradition, our heritage or our values – we give a bit of ourselves away!!!” 

Take Care and have a very thoughtful September………….Mario

Monday, September 3, 2012

SEPTEMBER 2012 - Skin Allergies & Irritations

There are many factors that can cause skin irritations and allergies. Some of the factors include heat, immune system disorders, medication and infections. We’ll be looking at the symptoms and treatments of; 

  • Dermatitis (Eczema)
  • Urticaria (Hives)
  • Angioedema 

Dermatitis (Eczema) Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes in direct contact with and allergen i.e. an object you may be allergic to. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a chronic skin condition related to immune dysfunction in the layers of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is often associated with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or food allergy, and usually begins in infancy or early childhood. The allergic reaction can come from touching plants such as poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac, and also by touching clothing, and pets. 

Urticaria (Hives) Inflammation of the skin triggered when the immune system releases histamine, causing small blood vessels to leak leading to swelling in the skin, is a description of Hives. There are two types of hives - acute and chronic. Acute cases are triggered by eating a particular food or coming in contact with a particular substance. Chronic hives can last for months or even years. Hives can result from non-allergic causes such as heat or exercise and can also be an allergic reaction to medications, foods or insect bites. Note: Although uncomfortable & sometimes painful; eczema & hives are not contagious. 

Angioedema is swelling in the deep layers of the skin, often seen with hives and occurs mostly in soft tissue areas such as eyes, mouth or genitals. Acute angioedema lasts only for a short time caused by an allergic reaction to medications or foods. Chronic angioedema is when the condition returns over a long period of time, and often doesn’t have an identifiable cause. There is also Hereditary angioedema (HAE) which is rare but serious. This condition involves swelling in various body parts including the hands, feet, face, intestinal wall and airways. SKIN 

Most common symptoms of skin allergies are; Redness, swelling and itching.  However, there are some differences that help determine the diagnosis of specific conditions. 

Dermatitis (Eczema) Symptoms - Itchy bumps, blisters or very dry skin Appear as red to brownish-grey coloured patches May “weep” or leak fluid that crusts over when scratched

Urticaria (Hives) Symptoms - swelling or raised red or white bumps or welts that; 

  • Can cover large areas and migrate from one spot to another 
  • Itch 
  • Range in size 
  • Appear anywhere on the body 

Angioedema often appears on the face, around the eyes, cheeks or lips. This deeper layer of swelling can also occur on hands or feet, genitals, inside the bowels or throat. 

Skin conditions are one of the most common forms of allergy treated conditions and can be managed by an allergist, which is a physician with specialised training and expertise of the skin who will accurately diagnose. 
Dermatitis (Eczema) is best left unscratched, as scratching can cause bleeding and skin infections. Try applying cold compresses, creams and/or ointments recommended by a Pharmacist and/or allergist. Avoid using soap products that contain sodium laurel sulfate. Urticaria (Hives) If the skin allergy is identified as hives, you can manage the condition by avoiding the trigger. Treatment of hives is usually successful with oral antihistamines that control the itch and recurrence of the rash. Always seek professional advice before taking any over the counter medication.