Friday, August 9, 2013

AUGUST 2013 - Words of Wisdom from Mario

Hello Club Members,

The second half of 2013 is rapidly disappearing. More are more people say they are “busy” and do not seem to have time to “smell the roses”.  The situation is summed up really well in a phrase I heard during the week:

“Running around like embattled foxes with their tails on fire”

So many things conspire to steal our time. And in the course of daily life, lead to poor health (physical and mental), poor family relationships, deferred exercise time and poor productive outcomes - in all areas of our lives. Added to this is the search for the required “dopamine hit” through a “quick fix” and “the desire for peace and happiness”.

So many decisions and opinions are “made on the run” with little thought, understanding or  reasoning. The results – in the main – are uninformed, provide little help in planning our day and generally lead to more  negative challenges and more decisions made on the run. The result – we continue to “light our tails” and “run around like embattled foxes”.

As humans - we are endowed (Divinely may I say) with the gift of reasoning. We are able to speak, to listen, to see, to hear, to read, to discuss and to make choices about our own day.

We can plan our days. We can reflect on our days.  We can adjust our activities. We can choose who we associate with. We can choose what we watch and what we do.

When a “drama” occurs to disrupt our day – we can choose—how we will act, how we will handle the challenge and who can help us if we require.

I am grateful to the many people on a weekly basis  – who provide me with support, advice and ideas to reduce the number of times I light my own tail. They reduce the times I run around like an “embattled fox” and help me to focus, accept and make logical decisions.

Remarkably – these choices of behaviour have their basis in – humility, forgiveness, patience and carefulness. links to Character Values and How to Fox Proof the Chook House

 Choose to stop “running around like an embattled fox”…………………..Mario

Written by: Mario Calanna
CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group

AUGUST 2013 - What is Asthma, and how can we can breath easier?

ASTHMA is caused usually by an allergic reaction in the lungs which leads to inflammation of the lining of the airways. This inflammation causes swelling & constriction of the airway muscles, leading poor oxygen flow, wheezing and gasping of breath. Approximately 1 in 5 children and 1 in 10 adults in Australia suffer from Asthma or asthma related symptoms.

 What Symptoms are associated with Asthma?

The most common symptoms of asthma are a wheeze, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, a persistent cough at night or after exercise.  Sometimes asthma can be triggered by exercise, illness and a number of allergens.

What can trigger Asthma?

Some of the most common triggers for asthma include:-

4 Cold and Flu or chest infection

4 Pollens, grasses and mould

4 Exercise

4 Cigarette smoke, smoking or smoke in general

4 Some chemicals particularly those with strong smells

4 Emotions such as stress

4 Animal hair and dander

4 Dust mites

4 Some drugs including Aspirin, anti-inflammatories and some blood pressure medicines

These symptoms are not exhaustive and are not always related to asthma so it is important to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Tips for Avoiding triggers

· Dust Mites – exposure to dust and dust mites can be difficult to exclude completely as they are part of everyday life. Reduce exposure to dust mites by washing bedclothes in hot water, removing sheepskin and woollen underlays and airing pillow and quilts in direct sunlight each week.

· Mould – again similar to dust mites – keep surfaces clean and free from moisture build up, seal leaks in bathrooms,      kitchens and rooves and regularly place indoor pot plans outside for sunlight.

· Medicines – only a small percentage of people have an allergy to anti-inflammatory type medicines and blood pressure  medicines that may trigger an asthma attack and usually this can only be identified after having taken one of these       particular medicines (and resulting and asthma symptoms). Talk to your doctor or pharmacists for more information.

 What steps should people take if they have Asthma?

It is really important to visit a doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms & if diagnosed with Asthma your Doctor will provide an ASTHMA ACTION PLAN – it will incorporate ideas for reducing symptoms by avoiding known triggers. The Doctor will most likely prescribe medication to be used on a daily or regular basis to PREVENT an asthmatic attack.

It is most important that regular visits to the GP are maintained. There are also some nutrients that can assist in reducing the allergies & the inflammation leading to asthma.

What supplements may help reduce Asthma symptoms?

The addition of Magnesium, Zinc, Fish Oils (Omega 3 fatty acids) and fortified Vitamin C – can help prevent or reduce the extent of inflammation produced in the airways. These should be taken on a daily basis to allow the body to fight the trigger factors and reduce airway sensitivity.

Helpful tips for proper Asthma Inhaler Technique

Good inhaler technique will lead to better asthma management and control. Some important steps for people using asthma metered dose inhalers like those shown in the above pictures…

1. Remove cap

2. Hold inhaler upright and shake well

3. Breathe out gently

4. Put mouthpiece between teeth without biting and close lips to form good seal

5. Start to breathe in slowly through mouth and press down firmly on canister

6. Continue to breathe in slowly and deeply

7. Hold breath for about 10 seconds or as long as comfortable

8. While holding breath, remove inhaler from mouth

9. Breathe out gently away from mouthpiece

10. If an extra dose is needed, wait 1 minute and then repeat steps 2 to 9

11. Replace cap

Calanna Pharmacy Head Office: Calanna Pharmacy


AUGUST 2013 - Practitioner's Corner: Discussing Osteoporosis

Written by:
Kym Hughes - Naturopath
Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan
Our skeleton is much like a coat hanger with which to hang our skin and muscles and to house our internal organs.  For this very reason a "Good Strong Frame" is important.
The word OSTEOPOROSIS comes from the Greek word: ostoun meaning 'bone' and poros meaning 'Pore' so osteoporosis literally means porous bones. There are numerous things that can weaken our bone support for example:
  • Poor Diet - Lack of calcium and cofactors
  • Faulty Parathyroid Gland
  • Chemotherapy (May cause or contribute to the development of Menopause)
  • Post Menopause (Females in late 40's to early 50's)
  • A family history of osteoporosis and fractures (indicating weakened or stressed bones)
  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle (little or irregular physical activity)
We can however, remedy bone loss with simple measures that may include one or more of the following:
  • Calcium Supplements: By using compatible calcium such as Hydroxyapatite, a major component and essential ingredient of normal bone and teeth, which has an excellent absorption rate.  (Many modern implants such as hip replacements and dental implants are coated with Hydroxyapatite).
  • Cod Liver Oil Supplements: Cod Liver Oil contains vitamins A & D which not only aids absorption but also contains Omega 3's which help to alleviate creaky bones and joints
  • A Healthy Diet: Fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, good whole grains and fresh water is a simple approach but one that has proven to be very beneficial.
  • Regular Moderate Exercise: Regular exercise have been proved to:
  1. Control weight
  2. Combat health conditions and disease
  3. Improve mood and
  4. Boost energy
For more information, or to book a consultation with Kym, please call our Kirwan Pharmacy on (07) 4773 4224 or pop in on your way home, 36 Thuringowa Drive.