Monday, December 14, 2015

How to Survive the Festive Season | Practitioner: Katie Faile

If you’re going to try to get through the holiday season with your sanity, credit card and waist line intact—you will need a few strategies to help you deal with the stressors this time of year brings.   Christmas can polarize people, those who love it and those who don’t.  Some may feel overwhelmed by the commercial pressures to spend your way to perfection and happiness, only to feel stressed and morose to the max.  Some strategies you may need to help you successfully navigate your way through this Christmas include:-

  1. Drink plenty of water, prior to partying and between alcoholic drinks, always finish your night on 2 large glasses of water to help re-hydrate your body.  Keep your blood sugar levels balanced.  This helps to balance the emotions and energy levels.  Eating makes a big difference to how the body absorbs alcohol.  Eat a meal which includes proteins, nuts, seeds or slow release carbohydrates like vegetables and beans.
  2. Make sure you give yourself a night off. Reschedule catching up with friends in the new year and go for a picnic or bush walk instead.
  3. Take a strong multi vitamin/mineral supplement that contains at least 50 mg of        Vitamin B6.  Vitamin C helps to metabolize alcohol and reduces harmful effects to the liver, try 500 mg of slow release vitamin C. Remember not to drink coffee at least 2 hours after taking a Vitamin supplement as their full benefit reduces during this time.
  4. If you wake up with a sore head, activated charcoal soaks up about 80 times it’s weight in   toxins, this will reduce the ill    effects of the previous evenings indulgences.
  5.  Look after your liver.  Start the day with 1/2 a lemon squeezed into body temperature water.  A liver tonic, tea or supplement that includes St Mary’s thistle can actually regenerate liver cells.
  6. If the festive season gives you the blues, ask for help. If symptoms are relatively new and you are not taking any medication St John’s Wort is helpful in reducing some forms of depression. (not for those on anti depressants, organ rejection drugs or hormone       replacement).  You can also try Omega 3 oil supplements, chamomile tea or burn             deliciously scented oils such as rose or lavender .
 Above all be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others, after all this is the true meaning of the “Spirit of Christmas” .

Christmas greetings, hope and happiness to you all from the team  at your local Calanna Pharmacy 


Hello Club Member,
Welcome to December, the season of Giving and the end of another year of “your” life. For those of us who believe – it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

However - for all of us - it is a time to  enjoy more family time, a break from the daily grind and an opportunity to reflect and determine the New Year - Our New Year.

We can reflect upon our success through the following questions:

1. How many of my top goals did I achieve?
2. Have these goals led me towards my Purpose in Life?
3. Are the bonds between my family, my friends and my work colleagues – more meaningful and stronger?
4. Am I content with my life balance between health, learning, finance, personal and work life?
5. Can I look into the mirror and see a better me? Do I like the me I see?

Jim Rohn said:“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day”  and John Maxwell would say that these practiced disciplines plus knowing your purpose in life and applying Intentional Living to the mix – almost guarantees you will become who you are meant to be and leave a Legacy of Significance.

“Intentional Living – living with intent to act and do – is what causes you to start. It does not allow good intentions to stay as merely intentions” – John Maxwell.

Michelle Payne’s Melbourne Cup success is a current and wonderful example of a Purpose in life, of a Big Dream, of disciplines practiced every day, of Intentional living and working with family, with a horse, with owners and the trainer.  The power of the story lies in the Dream of One infused into the lives of many. It     exemplifies Determination with the power of Humility.

Humility to accept that she was only part of a team needed to achieve the Dream.  It is a success story that began over 20 years ago borne of a Big Dream to win the Melbourne Cup and the unshakable belief in this dream since the age of 5.   What carried her through the years of sweat, heart break, near fatal accidents and day to day practiced disciplines –“GRIT”.

Grit = Passion + Perseverance + Purpose + Patience = Disciplined Intentional Living

Her story is one to admire, to enjoy and to spur us to achieve our own Big Dream. To write your own story.
I wish to thank you for your loyalty to Calanna this year. We thank you for your trust by choosing to allow us the           privilege of serving your needs. It is our Mission to continue to improve our    products, our services and our people – so that you are offered the best help at all times.

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more – But those giving more” …Jackson Brown Jr

I wish you a Holy Christmas and an Intentional, Successful 2016…………..Mario

Calanna Stores Opening Hours This Festive Season


 Heat Related Illness 5 Things You Must Know

1.         Heat Rash
· Keep the affected area dry,
· Avoid using ointments and creams on heat rash
  as they keep the skin warm and moist. 
· Try Mario’s Prickly Heat Spray, this great product
   opens the pores of the skin to soothe and relive
   heat rashes quickly.
2.       Heat Cramps
· Stop all activity and move to a cool shady place to rest.
·  Increase fluid intake.
· Supplement daily with a good quality magnesium formula
3.        Dizziness and fainting
· Move the affected person to a cool area and lie them down. 
· If fully conscious increase fluid intake.
 4. Heat Exhaustion
· Move the person to a cool area and lay them
· Remove outer clothing and wet skin with cool water or wet cloths.
· Increase fluid intake if fully conscious and seek medical advice.
5.          Heat Stroke
· Call 000 for an ambulance
· Move to a cool shady area and lay person down while waiting for ambulance.
· Remove clothing and wet skin with cool water, fanning continuously
· Do not give fluids to drink
If you suspect someone you know is suffering from heat exhaustion or heat stroke seek medical advice immediately.  Heat related illness can be prevented, with a little care and forethought there is no reason we cannot enjoy the lovely weather that we are blessed with living in the far north.

 Don't Forget Your Pets!