Tuesday, August 5, 2014

AUGUST 2014 - What can our EYES tell us.....?


What is Iridology?
Firstly let’s take a look at what Iridology is not? Iridology is not a predictive tool
Iridology cannot predict whether a person will get cancer or how and when they will die, it can however, offer an indication of the condition of tissue and organ health which in turn determines a person’s quality of life and how well the body is working.

To an Iridologist, specific areas of the iris correspond to specific organs, tissues and body areas, while colour and texture give an indication of biochemical changes in the body.  Specific changes in the appearance colour and even texture of the iris assist the iridologist in the detection of particular areas within the body that are inflamed, overactive, degenerating or underactive.  Iridology does not diagnose or name disease, but it can identify weak or overactive areas in addition to detecting poor waste removal.  An Iridology consultation with your Naturopath can pinpoint areas of dysfunction within the body that may require additional support or further treatment. 

So.., the tool of Iridology is very useful when used in partnership with a comprehensive health consultation by your Naturopath as it is able to confirm the cause and effect of disease.  I recommend giving it a go, try to determine the how’s and why’s of your existing medical conditions and symptoms.  Knowing your body is the first and most important step toward optimum good health and well-being.

Written by:
Kym Hughes - Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan

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