Friday, August 9, 2013

AUGUST 2013 - Practitioner's Corner: Discussing Osteoporosis

Written by:
Kym Hughes - Naturopath
Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan
Our skeleton is much like a coat hanger with which to hang our skin and muscles and to house our internal organs.  For this very reason a "Good Strong Frame" is important.
The word OSTEOPOROSIS comes from the Greek word: ostoun meaning 'bone' and poros meaning 'Pore' so osteoporosis literally means porous bones. There are numerous things that can weaken our bone support for example:
  • Poor Diet - Lack of calcium and cofactors
  • Faulty Parathyroid Gland
  • Chemotherapy (May cause or contribute to the development of Menopause)
  • Post Menopause (Females in late 40's to early 50's)
  • A family history of osteoporosis and fractures (indicating weakened or stressed bones)
  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle (little or irregular physical activity)
We can however, remedy bone loss with simple measures that may include one or more of the following:
  • Calcium Supplements: By using compatible calcium such as Hydroxyapatite, a major component and essential ingredient of normal bone and teeth, which has an excellent absorption rate.  (Many modern implants such as hip replacements and dental implants are coated with Hydroxyapatite).
  • Cod Liver Oil Supplements: Cod Liver Oil contains vitamins A & D which not only aids absorption but also contains Omega 3's which help to alleviate creaky bones and joints
  • A Healthy Diet: Fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, good whole grains and fresh water is a simple approach but one that has proven to be very beneficial.
  • Regular Moderate Exercise: Regular exercise have been proved to:
  1. Control weight
  2. Combat health conditions and disease
  3. Improve mood and
  4. Boost energy
For more information, or to book a consultation with Kym, please call our Kirwan Pharmacy on (07) 4773 4224 or pop in on your way home, 36 Thuringowa Drive.

1 comment:

  1. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to fracture. Usually the bone loses density, which measures the amount of calcium and minerals in the bone.

    Approximately 30% of hip fractures worldwide occur in men. It is like as per the age the bones also get weak, so it will be easy to break. So it is recommended that elder age people should remain carefully.
