Thursday, May 10, 2012

MAY 2012 Younger looking Skin.....Here's how to get it!

For many women, the vitality of younger looking skin is comfort. This month, we are looking at skin care, with some very helpful tips on how to look after your skin for that youthful feel. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It has many important functions, which include:
 Preventing too much water loss from the body’s tissues 
 Regulating body temperature 
 Eliminating wastes 
 Protecting the body from invasion by bacteria, fungi and parasites 

To perform these vital functions, skin consists of the following three layers: 
 • Hypodermis: an underlying loose connective tissue layer which contains lots of fat cells, blood vessels, nerves and immune cells. It nourishes and supports the upper layers. 
Dermis: a dense layer of connective tissue that sits on top of the hypodermis; it contains lots of collagen and elastin fibres, giving skin strength and elasticity 
Epidermis: the overlying protective layer, which consists largely of dead cells filled with a protein called keratin. It forms a natural barrier to keep water in. 

While the winters are mild in North Queensland, many people notice that their skin becomes drier during the cooler months. Follow the tips below to keep your skin in optimal shape so that you can look and feel great! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water each day. This will keep your skin hydrated and assist in elimination of toxins from the body. Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol or caffeine-containing drinks, as these draw water out of the body. 
No soaps allowed… 
Normal soaps and hot water destroy the protective layer of oil that covers the epidermis, leaving it more vulnerable to damage and dehydration. Have a warm shower and use a non-soap wash. 
Moisturise the skin regularly 
Make moisturising your body part of your routine after bathing. A variety of skin creams will do the trick – most people won’t go wrong with sorbolene cream or aqueous cream. For particularly dry skin, try applying an oil such as olive oil, evening primrose oil, almond oil, avocado oil or apricot kernel oil. 
Boost your intake of the good stuff! 
Essential fatty acids and vitamin E are wonderful for skin health. Rich sources include tuna, salmon, sardines, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as selenium and zinc, are also important for skin wellbeing. Eat lots of colourful fresh fruit and vegetables and wholegrain products to optimize your intake of these antioxidants. Essential fatty acids and antioxidants are also available as supplements.

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