Thursday, April 10, 2014

APRIL 2014 - Practitioner's Corner - Detox Tips

Everyday we are confronted with toxins. We encounter them in our environment, food and imbalances of bacteria in the digestive system. Our bodies contain natural protective mechanisms that guard against small amounts of toxicity. When toxicity levels start to increase, our natural detoxification processes become overworked and weakened, leading to systemic health problems.

The gut is the main place where toxicity overload takes place. The gut is responsible for making sure we break down our food into absorbable forms and eliminates waste. The liver is the major filtration organ of the body and is in charge of multiple detoxification pathways and distributing wast toe the eliminatory organs. When these processes are impaired, multiple symptoms start to occur, leading to complications in our daily activities.

Symptoms associated with toxicity overload:

  • Reoccurring headaches
  • Chronic fatigue and lethargy
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Digestive discomfort such as: bloating, flatulence, constipation and diarrhoea
  • Muscular aches and pains
  • Allergies & sensitivities
  • Mood swings, anxiety and depression
If you suffer from 3 or more of the above symptoms, chances are you are in need of a detox. To start a detox we must first remove any potential dysbiotic bacteria (such as Candida albicans), fungi or parasitic organisms and clean out the digestive system. Secondly we need to strengthen and rebuild the gut integrity as well as support the liver to better facilitate natural detoxification.

What is required for a detox?

  • Herbs can be highly beneficial when eradicating bacteria, fungi and parasitic micro-organisms. They can help to strengthen the guts normal digestive processes and repair damage to the mucosa lining.
  • Supporting the liver with herbal and nutritional supplements can assist with better elimination of toxins as well protect the liver from any damage caused by toxicity influx.
  • The key to implementing a successful detox is through a healthy diet. Eliminating all sugar, processed foods, dairy and gluten containing grains can help provide the body with healthy nutrients and prevent feeding the unwanted organisms in the gut.
  • Drink plenty of clean pure water daily. This will help prevent dehydration, toxic accumulation and optimises body functions.
  • Eat plenty of alkalising foods such as green leafy vegetables.
  • Avoid doing strenuous exercise during a detox. High levels of exercise can generate an influx of toxins and cause you to become unwell. Mild walking is suitable.
  • Some side effects may be experienced such as headaches, irritability and nausea.
  • Eat small meals regularly. This will help to stabilise your blood glucose levels, which may help prevent some of the side effects.
  • Do not do a detox if you are pregnant
  • Avoid detoxing if you have a cold for flu
  • Always talk to a health care professional before commencing any detoxification program.
Written by Vanessa Laird - Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Woreee


APRIL 2014 - Words of Wisdom

Ever given much thought to Willpower? How much you use it? How much time is takes? How much energy it saps?

Kelly McGonigal defines willpower as “the ability to choose what matters most”.  I think the real emphasis is on “choose”. How many choices and decisions do you do every day?

The constant movement between the “devil of temptation on one shoulder” and the “angel of restraint” on the other – is taxing - and energy and time sapping. We go between “I won’t, I will, I should, I want” constantly – and this tires the brain and reduces its sharpness.

A danger – of course – is that we replenish it simple sugars (sweets, soft drinks, cereals) or perhaps a smoke. Instead of drinking water (250 mls a time), moving and munching on some fruit, nuts, carrots, celery, avocado, whole grains or low GI foods.

Willpower is less needed when we are certain of what we need to do, certain of what we need to achieve and certain of how our daily plan is conceived. Uncertainty causes and increases stress levels - more pressure on your Adrenal Glands, increased cortisol in the body – leading to more uncertainty and a bigger need for Willpower.

Uncertainty is reduced by acquiring new habits or habits that will enhance our daily activity. Habits are actions we do on a subconscious level. We don’t look at the devil or the angel – the body just does. This increases clarity and conserves brain energy.

So - while we need to look at what we eat, drink, how well we sleep, how long we rest during the day, how we move, the water we drink (instead of drinks with high sugar levels). Being more certain and focused on our daily plan is the answer to conserving our brain energy and increasing our activity levels.

Habits are difficult to acquire – need determination and a strong emotional/physical reason to achieve them. Which is the main reason why you should never make more than one important lifestyle change at a time.

Let me leave you with some tips to conserve energy used by Willpower:
1.       Have a daily plan to follow
2.       Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3.       Drink water throughout the day and move as well.
4.       Create the habits you need to make life more certain and natural
5.       Just do the things that you need to do – like them or not – without choosing.
6.       Be kind to yourself and appreciate what you do – just reduce the ‘choices’ you need to make.

Take Care………………..Mario
