Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Did you know?

A FREE Checklist for Back to School essentials is available at your nearest Calanna Pharmacy?

Be sure to pick up one of our FREE Back to School Checklists.

It has a list of items that would be very handy to have at home and also for your children to take to school!


It's WORLD Cancer Day - February 4th

Q: What can we do to help reduce our risk of developing certain cancers?

At least one in three cancer cases are preventable and the number of cancer deaths could be reduced significantly by choosing a cancer smart lifestyle.
More than 13,000 cancer deaths each year are due to smoking, sun exposure, poor diet, alcohol, inadequate exercise or being overweight.

Get a full body skin check regularly (once a year) at a skin clinic or by your GP and keep an eye on new moles, moles that are asymmetrical, itch or change shape or colour.

Protect yourself in five ways:

February's Promotion Products.....


Mario’s Range Head Lice Pack is a natural formula that is locally made & is exclusively available at Calanna Pharmacy.

The pack comprises of;

  1. Lie Down & Die Shampoo - A combination of herbs & essential oils shown in clinical studies to effectively deal with head lice
  2. Egg Removing Conditioner - A combination of essential oils which may assist in the elimination of head lice eggs, by loosening the cement which attaches them to the hair shaft
  3. Lice Prevent Spray - A mix of essential oils to repel head lice & is suitable for daily use
  4. Lice Removal Comb - included

GREAT VALUE & GREAT STYLES - prices start from $13.95!

Cheeki Stainless Steel Water Bottles are a fresh new Australian brand. Make your Cheeki bottle a way of life! Cheeki water bottles are available from Calanna Pharmacy in a variety of colours and sizes.

These excellently designed bottles are perfect for the children to take to school.  Just fill your Cheeki bottle and leave it in the fridge overnight, next day out you go to work, school or play with cool fresh water!

Nature’s Way Vita Gummies - Kids Multivitamin
Specially formulated with 18 essential nutrients for growing children.
Prices from $13.95

Back to School - Fresh Idea's for the New Year!

Going Back to School can be a very exciting time for all children and teenagers – and perhaps Parents! It means catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, new classrooms, new equipment and a new focus. It could also mean that children are susceptible to getting lice, worms, colds, rashes and other infections. Calanna Pharmacy is fully equipped for providing the products & advice to assist with these niggly little problems.

Calanna Pharmacy have a very helpful tool for parents, in preparing their children & teenagers for school, our “Back to School Checklist”. This checklist is available NOW, at any of our stores, and has some great ideas!

Healthy Lunch Box Snacks!

Ingredients: 1 cup pumpkin seeds (soft), 1 cup sunflower seeds, 1 cup sesame seeds, ½ cup honey, 1 cup tahini
Combine all ingredients
Glad bake oven tray, scoop in & spread evenly
Bake for 10-15mins at 180 degrees Celsius
Cool, then cut into pieces of approx 4cm x 2cm

Lunch Box Tips & Ideas:
Make little quiches or zucchini slices, why not involve the children?

  • Sandwiches: use wholegrain, grain or rye breads. Fillers: Veggies, salad, non processed meat, tuna, eggs
  • Veggie sticks i.e. celery, carrot sticks, cheese sticks
  • Nuts, seeds and dried fruits – NO PRESERVITIVES
  • Plain / Vanilla Yoghurt (no preservatives) add frozen berries
  • Sultanas – are a favourite
  • Left over’s from dinner the night before
  • Put a frozen bottle of water into lunch boxes, this will help keep lunches cool this Summer
Lunch Box No No’s:

  • Soft Drinks – as they contain too much sugar
  • Limit lollies & chip treats – Only a treat, shouldn't be a regular thing
  • Limit tuck shop food
  • Limit packaged juices, try a squeeze of lemon or orange in their water bottle
~ Check out our snacks in store ~


The term ‘worms’ is used to describe the infestation of the body by various types of worms including: tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms and hookworms.

Preventing worms is as simple as; cleaning hands after using the toilet, scrub fingernails, wash & iron bed linen, sleepwear, underwear, towels (the heat of the iron will kill the eggs)
and wipe down door handles & toys with disinfectant. 

Tips (Diet & Vitamins):
Diet – include foods rich in the B group vitamins (lean pork, liver, yeast extracts and wholemeal bread & cereals)
Vitamins – take an antioxidant multi-vitamin containing A, C, E & Zinc *Acidophilus also assists with balancing bacteria.

Words of Wisdom by Mario - February 2012

Hello Club Members,

The late Jim Rohn said: “The soil says, 'Don't bring me your need, bring me your seed."

Can I ask that at least once this month you sit for a while with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and ponder on this quote?

1. What are my needs? How am I coping with life? How am I dealing with the fears, the uncertainty and the technology around me? Am I using my limited time in the best way for my emotional, physical and mental wellbeing?

2. What soil am I growing my life in? We are each the product of what we do, see, hear, feel and touch. We become the product of what is around us, of what we listen to and who we work with or socialise with or live with, day in and day out. Visual technology, media and advertising can take us away from reality and can influence who we become.

3. What seeds (ideas or habits) am I planting in my soil? What changes do I need to make or share with others? What do I have to share with others to become the person and influence, I am meant to be?

We are and act by what we carry in our heart – so to improve society, in safety and behaviour - the journey starts with individuals working and sharing together to rebuild a culture of commonsense and manners from the ground up.

Enjoy this time you set aside to plant your seeds of goodness……Mario
e: mario@calannapharmacy.com.au
w: www.calannapharmacy.com.au

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Calanna's Top Shelf Products for January 2012

Quickly treats & soothes irritated skin by opening the pores to relieve rashes associated with prickly heat.

Apply one to two sprays on the affected area(s) three to four times a day.
Shake well before use.



Survive the heat and humidity this summer with the ENDURA SPORTS RANGE! 

Work outdoors?  Play sports? Exercising? This is for you - for optimal hydration, water should be consumed with carbohydrates and electrolytes.

Endura Rehydration Formula can be used before exercise to maximise the magnesium levels in muscle, during exercise to increase stamina and after exercise to replenish electrolyte and hydration levels to prevent muscle cramps and weakness.

Free from: Wheat, Dairy, Yeast, Soy, Casein, Lactose, Sucrose, Egg, Preservatives or Artificial Colouring.

We also carry Endura hats and water bottles for you to stay sun safe and hydrated on the go!

Ask our friendly staff for more information on the Endura range to assist you in choosing an Endura product that suits your needs.

Visit a Calanna Pharmacy near you, for more quality products and a Total Health Solution.

WELCOME TO 2012 - Words of Wisdom from Mario!

What a year 2011 was - a year during which uncertainty, anxiety, fear and desperation seemed to be ever present from local to global decision making.
The more I think about these decisions and their probable negative impact on our community – the more I realise it is the individual (yes, you and I) who are responsible and who can turn this “sun-stroked mentality” into some common sense.
Common Sense is not dead – I know so many people who apply it daily to their  family, business and social lives. They do amazing things and give so much to their community.
So why is it that when it comes to information, on projects and causes - promoted by media and  community leaders – we do not question or consider their consequences?
Charles McKay in 1841 wrote: "People it has been well said; think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds; while they only recover their senses slowly one by one".

Like so many people I believe in abundance. I believe that mankind will always innovate, be    ingenious and can overcome almost all challenges. I am certain we cannot control death or the       climate. The more books I read about Climate (for example), the more amazed I am about the Earth we live in.

So take a personal pledge in 2012 to stop letting other people influence your attitude, your hope for the future & your potential to do something great.

Whoever or whatever is controlling your mind is also controlling your LIFE. It’s time to take back control of your mind & live on your terms with your values, your standards & your decisions about the world. Be well informed and just believe. This is the only way to live a free, abundant, peaceful & joyful life!
So: "Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; love more and all good things will be yours."  
This is the day to start…………Mario


Importance of Good Nutrition | Love to Exercise!
Keeping a healthy diet and an active lifestyle are important in maintaining good health. Nutrition and exercise can sometimes be neglected due to our busy schedules which can lead to an increase in body fat.
An increase in two types of body fat can increase the risk of health problems.  Subcutaneous fat is right below the skin and we sometimes refer to this kind of fat as ‘love handles’.  The other type is intra-abdominal fat. This is the fat that coats our organs and causes the most concern.
Even though we don’t yet fully understand what links intra-abdominal fat with chronic disease, we do know that even a small deposit of this fat increases the risk of serious health problems     including:
· Coronary heart disease
· Cerebrovascular disease
· Colorectal cancer
· Type 2 diabetes
· Osteoarthritis
· Osteoporosis
· Sleep apnoea
· Hypertension (high blood pressure)
· Fatty Liver Disease
· High cholesterol
· Infertility
· Impotence
· Stress

Chronic diseases are serious problems that may require ongoing medication for life but most chronic diseases are preventable for most people through healthy lifestyle choices.

Evidence shows that improving diet and being more physically active can help prevent or delay the onset of such chronic diseases.

On average Australians gain 0.8-1.5kg over the Christmas period. One to two kilograms might not sound like much but researchers have identified that weight gained over the holiday period is rarely lost.

There are easy ways to include healthy food and exercise into our daily schedules such as making lunch instead of buying it and walking to work or parking further away at the shops and pushing your trolley further.