Monday, January 18, 2016

Words of Wisdom by By Mario Calanna

Dear Club Member

Welcome to a New Year. Most of us approach it with enthusiasm, expectation and a big list of dreams. It is funny how we innately believe that because the number of the year  changes – we can expect a better year and an improvement on the old year.

However life being what it is – there will be always be good times and challenging times on a daily – yet alone a yearly  basis. We will never have 365 days that go our way – day in and day out. So if we are going to have a more achieving year, a year during which we improve ourselves, our family, our friends and our community. We need to choose what and where we really need to improve and achieve.

I invite you to follow these simple steps to determine your main goals for a better you in 2016:

1. Too Many, Too Much
We normally have too big a list and expect too much of ourselves. Normally 1 to 3 main goals have huge positive effects over 12 months.   We need to remember that it takes years to        develop the habits we have and so it will take one or more months to establish a “new groove” and build a new  habit. So keep your big goals small in number, have a plan and follow it with patience and confidence.

2. Too Tough, Too Soon
High expectation for results can lead us to spend too much time per day and just wear ourselves out. Gone are the new resolutions. Need to be practical and patient.

3. Too Hard core
we can be too focused on our goal and tied to our plan that we neglect the other parts of our life – fun, family and friends.

4. Too Rigid 
As mentioned above failure and disappointment will always occur.  Again a time to accept the setback and gradually move back into our plan.The more important our goal – the more challenges we may encounter. The more mentally tough we need to be.

5. Too Vague
our plan needs to be specific and clear so that we know where we are and how to continue our journey toward our goals.

6. No Measurement
 If we have no way of determining where we are and how far you have come – the chance of continuing towards our goal/s becomes more unlikely. We    really cannot get away from numbers and graphs.

7. Lack of the WHY and the PASSION
To see the result and continue to push towards them. The goal/s we have       chosen should have a big and defined WHY? It/they need to ignite our passion and our desire to eagerly pursue it/them day in and day out.

Good luck on your 2016 journey. May your goals and their achievements improve yourself, your family, your friends and your community.

 Take Care……………….Mario

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