Possible Younger Disease Tsunami
With the rapid advances in technology there are many benefits — however there are also potential damaging threats and consequences.
While we are enabled to navigate our business, access information and communicate form almost anywhere at any time —we need to be aware that there is a time to play, to exercise, to eat, to connect with our family and friends — all with out the intrusion of technology.
Children from a young age are using iPads, phones and the internet to access games and other information sites. The easier it is to use technology the more we will use it. It’s options are endless. A recent study I read concluded that if a young person sits in front of a computer or mobile device eight or more hours a day for three years and does not move or have a break in some way during this time — they have 40% extra chance of acquiring diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. The study also concludes that these diseases may not be reversible .
So it is possible that in the future more parents will outlive their children.
We go about our lives –day to day focused on our “to do list” and our responsibilities. While we have our health and our energy –we are fine however, chronic disease begins at a young age and slowly overcomes our wellness. Most times these are reversible. This current study challenges these beliefs.
Habits are difficult to break. Acquiring new disciplines and forming new habits is hard. As we live in a society of instant gratification, deadlines and the mindset to survive or thrive-we can easily forget about fun, family and the purpose of our lives.
Many young parents I speak to are very aware that providing their children with nutrient rich foods and siting down together at meal times without technology provides a happier, less stressed and fulfilled family and personal life.
I encourage parents to be mindful of your family life. To be aware that all the things we do day to day– have a compound effect. Some are beneficial, some are toxic. We all seem to gravitate towards what we enjoy of find easy to do. So we need to be aware of the future benefits or threats that these activities may achieve.
The 21st century is an age that has never occurred before. It is easy to believe that we can do things differently. That human connection can be acquired through technology. That science has the answer to all our needs.
Unfortunately-one thing has not changed. Our health and our body are affected by the foods we eat, the people we connect with, the material we read. Listen and watch. We still look for respect for care, for association. And we are all born for a purpose.
Although technology can aid us in achieving some of these human needs we have to make a conscious effort to ensure that it remains part of our life and not become our life.
Wellness is a constant journey and struggle — it does require our top priority.
Keep technology in it’s place.
Take care…...Mario
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