One of the addictions of the past two decades is the term
that has pervaded society - that you can have it all right now. It appears to
have been mainly related to women to encourage them to work, to build a career
and to raise a family as well.
There is also that eternal debate that women can multitask
and men cannot.
Jim Rohn has said:
“Life is a process of accumulation. We
either accumulate the debt or the value. The regret or the equity. The degree of our success is directly related
to the degree in which we excel in and balance certain segments of our life.”
There is no question that we are each born for a purpose –
it gives us the meaning in our life. The sooner we determine this purpose – the
sooner fulfilment and happiness become part of our life.
We are also born with certain talents and skills. Which we
are challenged to use, to develop, to share and to achieve our purpose and
build the legacy we wish others to acknowledge.
We build a life then by:
- Determining our Purpose – why was “I” born.
- Planning – having a set of timed and achievable goals we work towards each day.
- Persistence – is our determination and discipline to ensure we follow this plan and act on it.
- Patience – we need to believe that if we follow the plan towards our purpose – we will “have it all”. We need to accept that life does not always play fair. Things will go “ape shit”. During these times the qualities of Humility, Gratitude, Service and Patience – will get us through.
So – as I believe it – life is a journey and we need a
purpose to give meaning to this life. We can build the life we choose – through
this purpose – with the gifts and talents we have been born with. And whatever
challenges and successes we obtain or encounter – it is the meaning we give to
these that allows us to accumulate the value or the regret. The debt or the

Take Care………………..Mario
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