Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Is the Flu, the REAL Flu?

In a CBS news study 3-17% of flu like symptoms are influenza
Viruses and bacteria cause the other 83-97%

The cause of Colds and Flu are viruses. These viruses trigger your cold and flu symptoms but are NOT the real cause of the illness. So what is the REAL CAUSE?
The underlying cause of catching colds and flu is a Vitamin D deficiency and an impaired immune system. I hear you. We live in the tropics, we get plenty of sunshine (Vitamin D), how is this possible?
Firstly let's start with a weakened immune system;
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Eating too much sugar and grains
  • Too little restorative sleep
  • Too little exercise
  • Not managing emotional stress
If you feel the signs of flu and cold coming on, it is Not the time to eat sugar, processed foods and artificial sweeteners. Sugar depresses the Immune system, instead we need to wind it up to combat any infections. At the first sign of a Cold or Flu try some of these immune building strategies:
  • Wash your hands often
  • Drink plenty of pure water, get more sleep and do regular gentle exercise
  • Eat coconuts and cook with coconut oil
  • Mushrooms especially Reishi, Maitake and Shiitake contain Beta glucans and are immune enhancers and anti-viral agents
  • Herbs and spices such as turmeric, oregano, cinnamon and cloves are powerful anti-oxidants
  • Long term emotional stressors can be aided by Vitamin B complex and extra Magnesium
  • Olive leaf extract used by ancient Mediterranean cultures, builds a healthier immune system
  • Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant, together with Zinc reduce cold & flu symptoms even quicker especially recurrent colds and flu. Combinations with Vitamin A and E multiplies the positive effects
  • Other immune boosting herbs are: Echinacea, Andrographis, Astragalus and Elder
  • Mucus busting foods such as: Horseradish, Chilli and Wasabi
Let's get back to the Sunlight Vitamin D. This amazing vitamin affects 200 to 300 Antimicrobial peptides in your body to kill bacteria, virus and fungi. As you know, direct sun exposure is the best source, however did you know that Vitamin D is only formed on the skin that has enough natural oil on its surface and if it stays on the skin long enough after sun exposure.
Chlorine from swimming pools, baths and showers strip away natural oil, as does soap. So after washing with and chlorinated water, apply unrefined coconut oil to your skin. This allows natural ois to start building up on the surface. It may take between 24-48 hours for vitamin D to be formed after sun exposure.

Other factors affecting Vitamin D absorption:
  • Lack of sunshine
  • Air pollution
  • The colour of your skin: Darker skin has more melanin and competes for Ultra violet B rays in the skin
  • Temperature: Warmer temperatures result in greater Vitamin D
  • Your body composition: Fat tissue sops up Vitamin D from the skin and afects bioavailability
  • Age: Older people have lower levels of precursors in the skin that convert UVB into Vitamin D
  • Health conditions such as; Coeliac Disease, Chronic pancreatitis, Crohn's and Cystic Fibrosis mean less absorption of Vitamin D in the gut from food sources
  • The health your liver and kidneys: liver disease, kidney disease, no gall bladder, or in fact anything that reduces normal bile flow affects Vitamin D metabolism
  • Consumption of unnatural fats and oils: best to stick to cold pressed oils in glass bottles
When people come down with colds and flu, there is usually a combination of contributing factors. So before your immune system crashes from poor food and life style choices, tweak your diet, choose your favourite supportive supplements that will allow you to sail through the cold and flu season, free from encountering stormy waters.

Balch PA Prescription for Nutritional healing New York: Penguin Group 2010
Hechtman L. Clinical Naturopathic Medicine Sydney: Churchill Livingstone 2012

Written by: Kathleen Faile Naturopath - Calanna Pharmacy Atherton

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