Seven things you SHOULD know about Head Lice
- HEAD LICE CAN NOT FLY OR JUMP - Head lice are small and have limited leg structure and are wingless so are not able to jump or fly from head to head. Headlice are transmitted by head to head contact or sharing hats, combs, scarves and other objects that may come in contact with hair
- HEADLICE CAN ONLY THRIVE ON THE HUMAN SCALP - The insects are attracted to the temperature and humidity of the scalp and feed off blood supply from the scalp. They survive less than 36 hours once they are not in contact with the scalp. It is important to focus treatment therefore on the hair more than household items
- CLEAN HAIR DOES NOT MEAN NO HEAD LICE! - Head lice can survive in clean and dirty hair alike. Having great hygiene does not necessarily mean you can not get head lice
- HEAD LICE ARE MORE COMMON IN GIRLS - Yes, generally speaking girls are more prone to contracting headlice than boys. Girls generally having longer hair making it easier for head lice to move from scalp to scalp.
- ONE ROUND OF TREATMENT IS USUALLY NOT ENOUGH - Its pretty difficult to eliminate every louse and nit with one treatment. Also head lice mature around 10 days after hatching and are capable of reproducing. Therefor it is important to re-treat the hair 7-10 days after the initial treatment.
- HEAD LICE DO NOT SPREAD DISEASE - They may be annoying but they do not communicate or carry any diseases
- THERE ARE NON-CHEMICAL WAYS TO TREAT HEADLICE -There are a variety of non-chemical treatments for head lice. Many of these utilise one or a variety of essential oils which work synergistically to help the removal of head lice and their eggs.

The new Calanna Pharmacy Atherton team opened the doors to a brand new store in Main Street Atherton on the 15th December 2014 and have been enjoying meeting new customers and serving the community with the Calanna approach.
Calanna Atherton has employed 12 new team members, all with a wealth of experience in Pharmacy.
Pharmacist manager Jessica Flood leads the team along with pharmacist Melanie Lindsay (Mel) who had previously worked across the Woree and North Cairns Calanna stores since 2002. We also welcome back into the Calanna family Nicole Callaghan who previously worked across the Calanna stores in Townsville.
As with all Calanna Pharmacies, the store operates the traditional Calanna “face to face” dispensing model which allows clients to sit with the pharmacist while their medicines are being dispensed, ask any questions they need and have the pharmacist provide the necessary advice and information to ensure you get the most out of your medicines.
The store also hosts Naturopath Katie Faile who is on hand to assist you with the stores wide array of vitamins, health foods and herbal products.
We look forward to servicing the Atherton community in 2015. The store is open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm Saturday.
Contact us:
P: 07 4089 2900
Herbal Head Lice Stopper
Mario’s Range Head Lice Shampoo & Conditioner are great products to keep Head Lice at bay, especially at the beginning of a new School Year.
Shampoo contains: A combination of herbs & essential oils to effectively deal with head lice
Conditioner contains: A combination of essential oils which may assist in the elimination of head lice eggs, by loosening the ‘cement’ which attaches them to the hair shaft
Calanna Fish Oil 400caps

The benefits of Omega 3 - Fish Oil are;
- Helps with Arthritic Pain
- Reduces joint swelling and inflammation
- Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
- Assists general health
- Is odorless - so no fishy after taste.
Did you know that you can find Omega 3 in three different sources?
- Marine based omega 3
- Plant based omega 3
- Animal based omega 3
Oily fish as well as Barramundi & seafood such as scallops & mussels are good marine sources. Soybean oil & Linseeds are good plant based sources and Eggs, Chicken and Beef are good sources of omega 3 from animals.
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