Friday, January 30, 2015

FEBRUARY 2015 - What does a Naturopath's Shopping List look like?

So, what does a naturopath’s shopping list look like? Are white chocolate Tim Tams at the top or bottom??? Shopping is an emotional experience and supermarket chains know that. Having a good range of ingredients in your kitchen makes cooking fun and easy, and since food is our most basic medicine, this is an important expedition.   

I’m going to start with what is never in my cart. Sugar is number one. The Chinese recognise five flavours to balance in the diet and sweet is one of them. But they differentiate between  ‘empty’ and ‘full’ sweet. ‘Empty’ sweet doesn’t satisfy, it increases the desire for sweet. For instance, lollies, candy, and pastries. ‘Full’ sweet is satisfying, like raw almonds, whole grains, legumes and vegetables. In ancient  times, the sweet flavour was very important, because it nourishes the body and also meant that the food source was not likely to be a poison, which tends to be bitter. Concentrated sources of pure carbohydrate, such as honey, were rare and one had to compete with it to get it. Nowadays it is probably the dominant retail flavour. So, no biscuits, chocolate, or pastry go in my cart. I like a good quality honey, one that smells like the flower or tree that it came from. There are all sorts of sweeteners  available nowadays; have you checked out agave syrup? Goji berries, strawberries, cherries, dates, prunes and a good variety of raw nuts, fruit and vegetables, pearl barley, buckwheat, tahini, tofu, tempe and soy milk (Vitasoy is the bomb) – in they go. Celery and asparagus are favourites because they are high in fibre and cleanse the bladder.  In the sweet category there are three canned products that I cannot do without – the small cans of coconut milk, water chestnuts and bamboo shoots.

Bread doesn’t  go in my cart because Australian flour is too high in gluten; I get corn and rice crackers instead and don’t consume them too regularly. Italian flour is lower in gluten than our local flour, so in the pasta department  I like the chunky Italian imports; a bit more pricey but heaven on a plate.

The sour flavour is a great inspiration in cooking. Capers, caper berries, pickled artichokes, lemons, limes, yoghurt, vinegars; life would be too drab without them. I don’t know what category mayonnaise falls into but the Norganic brand is not too sweetened and will always be welcome in my cart.

You can guess by my name that there is always a big tin of Spanish, extra virgin olive oil on my list and I use it for and on everything, and almost always raw. I fry in water, not oil, with a non-stick pan, and then douse (not drizzle) my food with it. Try stir frying this way and adding the oil after – you will never look back! To this end I keep a variety of oils, such as sesame and macadamia, to add to my cooking.  

The other dominant flavour in our modern world is salty. While sodium and chloride are necessary for life, they are often too high in our diets. Tamari and Soy sauce are my alternative choice to table salt. Cheeses fall into this category. Boconcini and ricotta are soft textures to cook with while parmesan and romano are the hard guys – finely grated and used sparingly.

Lately I’ve been experimenting with ‘beds’. By this I mean a bed of rice, upon which something is placed. Rather than use grains, such as rice,  as a bed, I’ve gone in for alfalfa sprouts or finely chopped parsley, basil or mint mixed with chopped walnuts and chilli sauce – yeah baby!

OK, let’s get serious. Chocolate.  Is it on or off the list? If I buy it, I’ll eat it. So, no; chocolate I defy thee. Get thee hence.  You shalt not enter my fridge. Except for those chocolate orangey things cunningly crafted to look like oranges, and then only at Christmas when all sense goes out the window!

Written by: Miguel Trapaga
Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy North Cairns

FEBRUARY 2015 - Stress; Mental & Physical Effects

Stress can become a real problem during this time of year with Christmas, New Year, going back to, or starting school for the first time all happening within a few weeks, the cost alone can, for some be the cause of many sleepless nights.  Stress is a natural part of life and most individuals experience some form of stress on a regular basis, too much stress however can begin to negatively affect your health and wellbeing and it is important to be able to wind down and relax every now and then to ensure we are performing at our best physically, mentally and emotionally.

Let’s take the analogy of a plant. Plants under stress from external sources such as heat or water look very sad indeed, with drooping wilted leaves their little flower heads hanging low making them vulnerable to attack from pests and diseases.  When we provide the right conditions and nutrients however they very quickly spring back to robust health.
We homosapiens are very much like plants, subject to harsh and sustained stress such as bills, and a busy life we inevitably droop, fade and loose our energy and drive.  And this is just the outer physical manifestation of sustained stress; internally there is a lot more damage going on.

When the body is under stress the adrenal glands release a hormone called adrenaline. This is our “fight or flight” hormone, in days gone by this hormone would be released when we faced a physical threat such as a wild animal chasing us or a neighboring tribe attacking us.   In cases such as these we had two choices fight or run.  These days threats to our safety come from modern societal pressures such as peak hour traffic or having to be in two, three or even four places at once, we cant really do much about this type of threat so we internalise our feelings which leaves us with high levels of the stress hormone Cortisol causing inflamation.  When in balance and handled well cortisol is a healthy form of energy however when faced with prolonged stress  this hormone can build up in the body  effectively causing  a lack of energy which can in turn lead to other problems such as depression and anxiety- the nameless worry.  We then become like the plant, unable to fight off pests and disease our immune systems weakened by the excess levels of cortisol.
So the general picture of sustained stress is that it’s not good for us!
But how do we effectively deal with stress?
There are many ways to cope with stress such as:-
  • Eat a good wholesome diet packed with wholegrains, fresh fruit and vegetables and lean protiens with minimal processed food.
  • Exercise for at least 30min each day. A good walk everyday helps to circulate excess energy and prevents “blow outs” due to pent up energy.  Physical movement activates the eliminator channels for that excess adrenaline.
  • Supplements – a good multi B plus multivitamin/mineral probiotics and the addition of “green foods” to alkanise the body  are essential to help relieve stress symptoms.
  • Maintain good friendships and social networks – a good friend to talk to is sometimes all one needs.
  • Positive thinking – try to find the silver lining when life seems hard and too much to take, there  is one in every situation!
  • Time alone – Make sure to take time to just be, meditate, read a good book, day dream or anything that relaxes without outside pressure.
  • Visit your local Calanna Pharmacy Naturopath – Your Naturopath can help you to manage the long term effects of stress and teach you how to enjoy life and the many gifts life offers us.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience” – remember to enjoy what your life has to offer!"

Written by:  Kym Hughes
Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan

FEBRUARY 2015 - Success and Neglect are Easy

Hello Club Members,

Having negotiated the endless political advertising emphasising all the problems and offering virtually no solutions – it is time to place some perspective on where we areas individuals. We are part of a family, a community and a nation.

Over the past three to four decades we have been slowly (cooked) conditioned to accept mediocrity. To ask for welfare, for grants and for help. We are becoming quick to blame and look for the worst in others.

We have slowly become more dependent on the public purse, lost our sense of accountability and responsibility and become Victims rather than Heroes. Only a small number of us have goals, have a plan and work toward it – day in and day out.
Only a few of us actually have a plan to save and to invest our earnings (wages or profit or both) – so that we will be financially independent as we age.

To me this is Success- as long as you have factored in your Health as well. This is ZEST!!!
With Health and Wealth – you are surely on your way to Success.
So why do only a small percentage of people actually embrace this?
Well as Jim Rohn said - Success Is Easy, but so Is Neglect
  •      Some people find setting goals easy to do – most neglect them
  •      Some people find it easy to eat well and exercise – most neglect this
  •      Some people find learning and reading easy to do – most neglect them
  •      Is your Library at home – bigger than your Entertainment room – or have you neglected to have one?
  •      Do you save and invest 10% or more of your weekly wage or salary or earnings – or neglect to?
  •     Do you look to be around successful and inspirational people – or do you neglect them?

Neglect is not about a lack of resources – it is a mindset of scarcity. Success is a mindset of Abundance.

There is no lack of books, of learning resources, of successful people, of opportunity or of ideas. No lack of innovation, of communication options or opportunities to serve.

“Neglect is like an infection. Left unchecked, it will spread throughout our entire system of disciplines and eventually lead to a complete breakdown of a potentially joy-filled and prosperous human life.” – Jim Rohn

Let me implore you to ponder on my SIX points – change some or add some – just decide to make the important things Easy to Do and Do NOT Neglect these important things.

Take Care………………….Mario

Thursday, January 15, 2015

JANUARY 2015 - Exclusive Offer and Promotion

Have you got your Calanna Life Club Card?
For your chance to WIN the Samsung Galaxy S Tablet,
simply sign up in-store (only) at the registers when making a purchase, 
and you'll be automatically entered! EASY!
If you are an existing rewards club member, simply use your card with every purchase for your chance to WIN
Calanna Pharmacy, not only for when your crook!

JANUARY 2015 - Detox, should we or shouldn't we?

Do you suffer from 3 or more of the following symptoms?
  • Recurring headaches
  • Ongoing fatigue and lethargy
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and reflux
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Allergies and intolerances
  • Mood swings, anxiety and depression

If so then detoxifying the body is  something you should seriously consider this year to get your body working at is absolute best.

Any detox program should begin with the gut and aim to rid the body of any nasty parasites, bacteria and fungi  particularly within our digestive system and then to rebuild and strengthen the stomach along with the liver kidneys and other body organs.

Important points you should know about detoxing…
  1. Drink plenty of clean pure water every day. This will help prevent dehydration, rid the body of toxins and improve the overall health of the body.
  2. Eat plenty of alkalizing foods such as green leafy vegetables such as Kale, Spinach, lettuce and cabbage. Tomato, avocado, lemon and lime are also beneficial along with almonds brazil nuts and caraway seeds.
  3. Avoid more acidic foods such as meats, peanuts, sugar and sweeteners, soft drinks coffee and processed foods.
  4. Herbs can be beneficial in helping the organs to eradicate unwanted parasites in the body and to strengthen the digestive system
  5. Eat small meals regularly
  6. Avoid strenuous exercise during detox programs – walking is beneficial
  7. Side effects from detoxing include headaches, irritability and stomach upset
  8. Do not detox if you are pregnant or breast feeding
  9. Avoid detoxing if you have a cold or flu or are unwell or have a chronic medical condition
  10. Always talk with a qualified health care practitioner before commencing any detox program.

 Written by: Matthew Calanna - BPharm
Calanna Pharmacy Group

JANUARY 2015 - Itchy Head?

Seven things you SHOULD know about Head Lice
  1. HEAD LICE CAN NOT FLY OR JUMP - Head lice are small and have limited leg structure and are wingless so are not able to jump or fly from head to head. Headlice are transmitted by head to head contact or sharing hats, combs, scarves and other objects that may come in contact with hair
  2. HEADLICE CAN ONLY THRIVE ON THE HUMAN SCALP - The insects are attracted to the temperature and humidity of the scalp and feed off blood supply from the scalp. They survive less than 36 hours once they are not in contact with the scalp. It is important to focus treatment therefore on the hair more than household items
  3. CLEAN HAIR DOES NOT MEAN NO HEAD LICE! - Head lice can survive in clean and dirty hair alike. Having great hygiene does not necessarily mean you can not get head lice
  4. HEAD LICE ARE MORE COMMON IN GIRLS - Yes, generally speaking girls are more prone to contracting headlice than boys. Girls generally having longer hair making it easier for head lice to move from scalp to scalp.            
  5. ONE ROUND OF TREATMENT IS USUALLY NOT ENOUGH - Its pretty difficult to eliminate every louse and nit with one treatment. Also head lice mature around 10 days after hatching and are capable of reproducing. Therefor it is important to re-treat the hair 7-10 days after the initial treatment.
  6. HEAD LICE DO NOT SPREAD DISEASE - They may be annoying but they do not communicate or carry any diseases
  7. THERE ARE NON-CHEMICAL WAYS TO TREAT HEADLICE -There are a variety of non-chemical treatments for head lice. Many of these utilise one or a variety of essential oils which work synergistically to help the removal of head lice and their eggs.


The new Calanna Pharmacy Atherton team opened the doors to a brand new store in Main Street Atherton on the 15th December 2014 and have been enjoying meeting new customers and serving the community with the Calanna approach.
Calanna Atherton has employed 12 new team members, all with a wealth of experience in Pharmacy.

Pharmacist manager Jessica Flood leads the team along with pharmacist Melanie Lindsay (Mel) who had previously worked across the Woree and North Cairns Calanna stores since 2002. We also welcome back into the Calanna family Nicole Callaghan who previously worked across the Calanna stores in Townsville.
As with all Calanna Pharmacies, the store operates the traditional Calanna “face to face” dispensing model which allows clients to sit with the pharmacist while their medicines are being dispensed, ask any questions they need and have the pharmacist provide the necessary advice and information to ensure you get the most out of your medicines.

The store also hosts Naturopath Katie Faile  who is on hand to assist you with the stores wide array of vitamins, health foods and herbal products.

We look forward to servicing the Atherton community in 2015. The store is open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm Saturday. 

Contact us:
P: 07 4089 2900

Herbal Head Lice Stopper
Mario’s Range Head Lice Shampoo & Conditioner are great products to keep Head Lice at bay, especially at the beginning of a new School Year.
Shampoo contains: A combination of herbs & essential oils to effectively deal with head lice

Conditioner contains: A combination of essential oils which may assist in the elimination of head lice eggs, by  loosening the ‘cement’ which attaches them to the hair shaft

Calanna Fish Oil 400caps 
The benefits of Omega 3 - Fish Oil are;
  • Helps with Arthritic Pain
  • Reduces joint swelling and inflammation
  • Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Assists general health
  • Is odorless - so no fishy after taste.

 Did you know that you can find   Omega 3 in three different sources?
  1. Marine based omega 3
  2. Plant based  omega 3
  3. Animal based omega 3
Oily fish as well as Barramundi & seafood such as scallops & mussels are  good marine sources. Soybean oil & Linseeds are good plant based sources and Eggs, Chicken and Beef are good sources of omega 3 from animals.

JANUARY 2015 - Words of Wisdom

Hello Club Members

Welcome to 2015 and a new year which provides an opportunity to reset our Philosophy and contemplate our opportunities.

I believe it can be safely stated that we determine – to a very large extent – our own destiny and how we decide to live our lives. Although politics do affect our lives – we will not achieve too much if we wait for the “political winds that suit us” – for they never will.
To wait for these winds to suit us - we could quickly fall into a “Victim” mentality and allow someone else to determine our destiny. Our other choice is to be the “Hero” and decide to be accountable, responsible and make our own opportunities.

Sure – this can cause some pain or discomfort – as we establish new habits and bigger goals. For there is the need to form new disciplines - to learn more - to listen more - and to be more objective in looking at ourselves.

As Jim Rohn continually reminded us: 
“You need to live with either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret”

For those who watched the First Test Match in Adelaide in December – we saw the heights of achievement which were underpinned by the emotional death of Phillip Hughes and the agony of Michael Clarke’s defining injury. Both teams were spurred on by respect for Philip, for their desire to achieve and – most importantly – by the desire to achieve the best outcome for their team.

We heard that Michael Clarke works three to 4 hours every day – to strengthen his back. The players had many emotional demons to overcome. But united and disciplined as two teams – they achieved the ultimate result – a memorable and remarkable Test match. They were “heroes” – they decided their destiny.

Long lasting prosperity and the building of a cohesive community and country can only come when we decide to grow personally and as a team or community. For as the Chinese Proverb says:
"If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If want 100 years of prosperity, grow people"

Growing people means to mentor, to teach, to inspire and to influence the “hero” in others.
The Character of our Nation, of our society, of our communities, of our families – is all dependent upon the character of each individual. The onus falls on each of us to improve our Nation.

Take Care………………..Mario
CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group
Cairns Queensland, Australia