a Healthy & Happy Pregnancy
you’ve found out you’re pregnant but the original excitement is wearing thin
due to the many symptoms that come along with the job.
most cases many women will experience at least one of the following symptoms which
is often a natural occurrence in pregnancy due to the rapid growth, development
and hormonal changes that occur during this time.
focus of this article will be to address some of the physical symptoms
experienced in pregnancy and how natural remedies can help provide relief and
sickness (or anytime sickness):
- Morning sickness may be a direct result from unstable blood sugar levels. Eating small meals regularly throughout the day may help to alleviate nausea and vomiting.
- Ginger tea has been successfully used in pregnancy to treat nausea and can also be used to treat other digestive symptoms.
- Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has been effective for some women who experience vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. B vitamins are more effective as a complex due to their synergistic affinity.
- Exercise regularly and drink plenty of purified water. Exercise stimulates peristalsis in the gut (natural pushing movement) and water works as a natural lubricant to aid bowel movement. Add a squeeze of lemon juice to a glass of water twice daily to help aid healthy bowel function and remove toxins via the kidneys.
- Eat plenty of raw vegetables especially green leafy types, sprouts, brown rice, lentils, raw unsalted nuts and seeds. These foods have a good source of roughage fibre to bulk the stool and facilitate easy bowel excretion.
- Practice pelvic floor exercises
- Add 2 tsp of oat or rice bran to freshly squeezed apple juice, suggested to be taken twice daily, may alleviate constipation
- 1- 2 tbsp of flaxseed or olive oil added to yoghurt, salads, smoothies or juices which may help to stimulate bowel contraction, soothes mucous membranes and promotes bile secretion (natural laxative).
and indigestion:
- During pregnancy the high levels of oestrogen and progesterone can have an effect on the digestive tract causing reflux and indigestion. When eating be conscious of how you are eating. Sit upright, chew your food slowly until a liquid consistency and avoid lying down immediately afterwards.
- Keep your head elevated using pillows if the problem occurs at night.
- Slippery Elm is a mucilaginous herb that helps to soothe and coat the digestive tract. It may also help promote better bowel elimination.
- Probiotics such as acidophilus can alleviate multiple digestive complaints as well as maintain healthy bowel flora.
Varicose veins & Stretch Marks:
- Increase fibre (roughage) and water intake. Follow constipation suggestions.
- Elevate your legs to promote blood flow back to the heart.
- Use a cold compress with the herb Witch hazel may help reduce the size of the hemorrhoids.
- Supplement with vitamin C and bioflavonoids can help improve capillary strength and elasticity.
- Jojoba cold pressed oil, rose hip cold pressed oil, vitamins E & A may be a useful topical remedy to prevent stretch marks. Ask your naturopath to make this up for you.
NB: Stretch marks that are
pink/red in colour may be reduced, if they are white; scar tissue has already
- The increase of oestrogen in the body when pregnant can lead to fluid retention especially in the hands, feet and ankles. It is important to monitor large amounts of swelling with a qualified professional, however small amounts of swelling are considered to be common. Blood pressure monitoring is also recommended.
- Avoid processed and salty foods, this will retain fluid.
- Exercise regularly: exercise stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxicity accumulation and prevents stagnation (oedema).
- Reflexology is another modality useful in treating mild oedema.
- Homeopathic Nat Mur 6C may be helpful to reduce swelling.
- Dandelion leaf tea is a gentle diuretic.
is a natural but complex process that remains forever in your life as a special
experience. Having confidence and trust in your own intuition provides you with
a sense of empowerment and better bonding with your unborn child. A balance between a healthy diet, lifestyle
and a positive attitude as well as professional information, can provide you
with an amazing experience through a life changing moment.

Balch, J. & P. (2001). Prescription for Nutritional Healing.
Avery Publishing , New York , USA .
Osiecki, H. (2006). The Physician’s Handbook of Clinical
Nutrition. AG Publishing, seventh edition, Queensland ,
Australia .
Naish, F. & Roberts, R.
(1999). The Natural Way to a Better Pregnancy.
Doubleday, Sydney , Australia .
Written by Vanessa Laird|Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy
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