We all enjoy the sun and being outdoors, especially in Summer, but we can forget that excessive heat and humidity can dry us out and make us de-hydrated which can lead to heat related illness.
Our skin is our largest organ, and we need to look after it. The most important thing for our skin is to maintain a certain level of moisture and suppleness. Here are a few tips on how we can accomplish this;
Drink plenty of water - A large portion of our body is made up of water, and we need to replenish what we lose through urination, sweating and cellular process
Eat Water filled foods - drinking water isn’t the only way to get your daily doses. Eating wholesome foods such as berries, melons, and vegetables will add to daily fluid intake.
Avoid Caffeine - caffeine in coffee, tea and carbonated drinks can dry you out.
**If you are heading to the beach this summer here is a friendly reminder to; Slip, Slop, Slap!!
SEEK - Seek shade to avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest part of the day (11am-3pm). Remember that reflection of UV radiation off surfaces like concrete, sand and water causes you to burn, even if you think you are protected.
SLIP - Try to cover as much skin as possible with clothing. Wear protective shirts which cover the back of the neck. Choose clothing with closely woven fabric to keep you cool.
SLOP - Use a sunscreen with SPF 30+, which is also broad spectrum and water resistant. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out and reapply every 2 hours, after swimming or any activity that causes you to sweat.
SLAP - Wear a broad brimmed hat to protect your face, head, ears and neck from the sun.
SLIDE - Protect your eyes with sunglasses.
Tip: try to get into the good habit of carrying a water bottle with you, that way you will never be thirsty (being thirsty is a sign of dehydration).
Heading away this Festive Season?
● Make sure you have enough (Prescription medication) to last your trip
● Collect a free “Travel Checklist” from us to be sure you don’t leave anything important behind
Travelling by Plane?
● Keep hydrated – Avoid alcohol & coffee
● On long flights, get up and walk around. Wear flight socks or compression stockings
● Vitamin E & Fish oils help prevent Thrombosis
● Boost your immune with Mario’s Herbal Immune Tonic for a few days prior to flying
● Saline Spray or Eucalyptus for blocked ears and noses
Travelling by Road?
● Car sickness – Ginger tea or Ginger capsules/tablets
● Have frequent stops (every 2 hrs) to prevent fatigue & to stretch your body
Aitkenvale - OPEN Christmas Day 9am - 8pm & all Public Holiday’s 8 - 10
Edmonton - CLOSED Christmas Day & all Public Holiday’s
Innisfail - CLOSED Christmas Day & Public Holiday’s
Kirwan - CLOSED Christmas Day, OPEN all Public Holiday’s 8am-9pm
Main Beach - CLOSED Christmas Day & Public Holiday’s
McLeod St - CLOSED Christmas Day & Public Holiday’s
Nth Cairns - CLOSED Christmas Day, OPEN all Public Holiday’s 10 - 4pm
Woodlands - CLOSED Christmas Day & Public Holiday’s
Woree - CLOSED Christmas Day, OPEN all Public Holiday’s 8 - 8
w: www.calannapharmacy.com.au