We have just finished the Finals of the 35th Calanna Junior Speaking Contest in which 214 amazing young people delivered 3 minute speeches to an audience of family, friends and teachers.

You see when it came to doing a project – Everybody could have tried it. Somebody could have done it. Anybody could have helped. But Nobody did.
There are many people involved in many events, competitions, sport, music etc and others who say “I do not have any time”. The old saying “if you want something done, ask a busy person” – is still applicable even in the 21st Century. Our natural tendency is to blame someone, or make an excuse – rather that just accepting the challenge and doing something – anything is better than doing nothing.
I am reminded of a story I read: “When I was a kid, one of my father’s favourite riddles to us went like this: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? The first time he asked me, I answered, “One.” - “No,” he responded, “Five. Why? Because there’s a difference between deciding and doing!” Procrastination and Apathy are personal and community killers.
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