Viktor Frankl said: “It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness”. I think it appropriate that we each think about the term “happiness”.
On a daily basis we hear people say – if I had a new car I would be happy; if I found the right partner I would be happy; if I found the perfect job I would be happy.
Some of these phrases really give much credence to Viktor’s quote. Things can bring us comfort or enjoyment NOT happiness. Happiness really is a mindset, a decision. It is being content as a result - of what we do, who we associate with and our own attitude toward life. It is about following the need in our heart and not what others expect of or from us.
Happiness is not pleasure. Happiness cannot be bought or won or sold. Happiness is the product of your mind, your body, your heart and your will. It results from the pursuit of your purpose in life. Happiness is a state of mind and not a status symbol.
Take Care…………Mario
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