Tuesday, June 26, 2012

JULY 2012 - Practitioner's Corner with Lesley Parker

Type 2 Diabetes and You

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic disease in the world today. The good news is that with the right diet, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes Type 2 diabetes can be reversed in the majority of cases.  The other interesting news is that Type 2 Diabetes is preventable.  Even if you have a strong family history, you can prevent yourself from becoming a diabetic. 

Type 2 Diabetes is lifestyle induced and lifestyle controlled
How much diabetes will influence your quality and quantity of life will largely depend on you.  It is well recognised as a disease that is a consequence of our modern lifestyle:  a result of poor diet and inactive lifestyle to begin.  These two factors combined may produce an overweight body and may lead to diabetes. 

Main Symptoms of Blood Sugar imbalance:  increased thirst, urination, hunger and fatigue, sores that do not heal, and skin infections such as boils or fungal infection. Blurred vision and numbness or tingling in the feet, hands, and lips may be indicators also.

Diabetes is a sugar problem
 Understanding of the disease is complex, with the hormone insulin and its release from the pancreas dependant on the foods fed to the body and the exercise it is given. From the foods we eat the fats and sugars get absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream and are converted into physical energy inside the cells. Insulin transports them into the cells. If the insulin receptor does not work properly, the fats and sugars stay in the bloodstream, and the pancreas responds by putting out more insulin. The cells are starved of the sugar they need for energy production. The fats and sugar are taken to the liver or fat tissues and it turns into fat instead of energy.  So we put on weight, get fatty liver disease, feel tired and crave more sugar. Most people get fat on a diet that is not high in fat and this is why.
“Your body makes large amounts of saturated fat out of sugar and high carbohydrate foods like bread, pasta and potatoes that you eat but don’t burn off as energy,” says Dr Sandra Cabot (P67 Diabetes Type 2, You can reverse it..)  
Dietary contribution to blood sugar imbalance

SAD (Standard Australian Diet) diet
The most prevalent contribution to raised blood sugar levels is our diet which encourages all to eat refined carbohydrate based on wheaten flours (breads, pasta, boxed cereals, muffins) at every meal. Over consumption of cola drinks including those labelled “no sugar”, wine and coffee is also a major contributing factor.

Not eating enough fibre
Fibre is in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, and dried whole beans such as adzuki, cannellini, kidney etc.  These are whole foods, not grainy or wholemeal bread. 

Eating the wrong fats or no fats
The cheap oils used in making processed foods and margarine spreads are polyunsaturated, high in omega 6, unstable oils that oxidise easily and promote inflammation in the cells (sunflower, safflower, canola, corn oils). Saturated and monounsaturated fats (real butter, olive oil, lard, coconut oil) are more stable, do not rancidify easily and can be used in cooking.  The beneficial fat, omega 3, is found in flax and chia seeds, nuts and seeds, fish and all flesh meats. Fats in the diet assist digestion, transport the fat soluble vitamins (A,E,D,K), satiate the appetite (stops hunger feeling for more and sweet foods) and assist in stabilising blood sugar.

High intake of non foods (nutrition processed out of the original food)
A good example is minerals and oils which are processed out of the wheat that becomes white flour and made into the breads in plastic bags in supermarket, savoury and sweet biscuits, pasta, muffins, cake, waffles, crumpets and most breakfast cereals.  These foods carry very little nutrition and the refining process creates a food that acts like sugar when it is eaten.

A diet low in antioxidants
We need antioxidants to overcome damage to our cells by the effect of pollution, cigarettes, EMR’s (electro magnetic radiation), stress and toxins generally.  These are supplied through fresh and raw vegetables, fruits, green tea, raw nuts and seeds and dark chocolate is a good source also. Vegetable juicing is an excellent way of getting concentrated antioxidants into the diet.  Or eat lots of raw vegetables.

Glycemic Index/load.
Using this measure to rate foods suitable to keep diabetes at bay can be misleading. Protein at every meal is required to keep blood sugar regulated and because red meat, fish, poultry and eggs rate at zero on the glycemic scale they are not listed. But these are the foods that should be eaten along with fresh plant foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans and whole grains and the good fats (real butter, olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, fish oils).

To reverse type 2 diabetes the total carbohydrate content of the diet needs to be reduced substantially, with carbs coming from vegetables and fruits.  Weight loss may also result from this, the glycemic load of the foods eaten will be naturally low and you may feel motivated to go for a daily walk. If wanting to ensure diabetes does not become your health issue, limit refined carbohydrate and processed food intake.  Do you live a busy life with little time to prepare your daytime food? A boiled egg, a cooked chicken leg and some cubes of cheese don’t take a lot of time to organise and remember that fresh and raw vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits are the original and the best “fast food”.. 

Blood sugar tests and equipment is available at Calanna Pharmacy
A non fasting reading of over 11 is considered to be in the “diabetes” range.  If this is your reading, it is recommended you ask your doctor for a fasting test to be done, as sugar readings fluctuate throughout the day according to food intake.

Naturopaths at Calanna Natural Medicine clinics in Townsville, and Woree, are available to recommend food plans and nutritional medicines which address your blood sugar concerns. 

Ref:  Diabetes Type 2 –You can reverse it naturally.  Dr Sandra Cabot, Margaret Jasinska ND
Available at Calanna Pharmacy Woree. 

Lesley Parker ND ANPA
Naturopath, Nutritionist/Food plans

Calanna Natural Medicine Clinic
600 Bruce Highway, Woree   QLD   4868
Telephone: (07)4054 2440            


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