The late Jim Rohn said: “The soil says, 'Don't bring me your need, bring me your seed."
Can I ask that at least once this month you sit for a while with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and ponder on this quote?
1. What are my needs? How am I coping with life? How am I dealing with the fears, the uncertainty and the technology around me? Am I using my limited time in the best way for my emotional, physical and mental wellbeing?
2. What soil am I growing my life in? We are each the product of what we do, see, hear, feel and touch. We become the product of what is around us, of what we listen to and who we work with or socialise with or live with, day in and day out. Visual technology, media and advertising can take us away from reality and can influence who we become.
3. What seeds (ideas or habits) am I planting in my soil? What changes do I need to make or share with others? What do I have to share with others to become the person and influence, I am meant to be?
We are and act by what we carry in our heart – so to improve society, in safety and behaviour - the journey starts with individuals working and sharing together to rebuild a culture of commonsense and manners from the ground up.
Enjoy this time you set aside to plant your seeds of goodness……Mario
e: mario@calannapharmacy.com.au
w: www.calannapharmacy.com.au
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