Merry Christmas Club Members,
From the young to the old – the same comment is made: –
“Where has the time gone. I cannot believe another year has almost passed”.
“Where has the time gone. I cannot believe another year has almost passed”.
For the first 30 years of my life, I always had time. Time for work, friends, socials, service clubs, mowing and gardening. There was a time each week when I could say – I have finished my “to do” list. This was before the advent of 7 day trading and Sunday became just another day.
Since that time more and more people are “busy” and it is almost impossible to say – “I have finished my to do list for this week”.
Our mindset, priorities and continual bombardment (by all forms of media) of products, options, opinions, false truths and incessant mental overload – have virtually succeeded in leading us down the track of survival, stress, meaningless changes in laws and values - and the naïve acceptance to change social common sense; without questioning or considering the consequences to the individual and society as a whole.
Anxiety and depression can become a daily paralyzing trap for all of us – unless we take the time to discern where we are at present, how have we arrived at our present situation, what do we need to change and who do we need to become – so that we can be the person we were born to be.
There is really no other way to life the best life we can - unless we accept and tune into our Spiritual persona. Who we are in our hearts and who are we meant to be.
Ronald Reagan made many speeches on love, hope, life and value of each person:
“I know in my heart that people are good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth in each and every life”
So during the break you have during this month – take some time to list your dreams, your goals, your challenges, your weaknesses, your friends, your daily routine, your fears, your bucket list.
Believe that as an individual you are special. That you are valuable and your heart (your Spiritual persona) can help to nurture and heal our society. Or it can break it. This is a CHOICE – pursue your goodness.
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