Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What role did your Dad play when you were younger?

“Dad’s role in the family and why it is important to stay healthy”
Dads play a lot of different roles within the family unit, and the role of a father is changing. Traditionally we used to see dad going off to work and mum staying home to look after the children. However in today’s changing society we see more of our Mother’s going back to work when baby is at a young age, due to heavy financial burdens. Therefore fathers have an increased role to play within their family unit.  However, it is the most important role you will ever play in your life. With the mother’s role, they are traditionally the nurturer of their children and dads play more of a disciplinary role, however they still need to be aware they also need to be:
·          The protector of the family
·          Income earner, until the mother goes back to work
·          Supporter of feeling’s
·          The provider of discipline, love and support
·          Increased help with housework when mum does go back to work
·          Increased involvement with their child and childcare
·          The shoulder to cry on
It can sometimes be hard being a dad, because even though the traditional role has changed, fathers are still thought to be the “protector” of the family. For this reason it is important that our fathers stay fit and healthy.  Often mothers stay home for 12 months after their baby is born. Income drops dramatically, especially if mothers work for a company that does not provide good maternity benefits, and dad once again becomes the major bread winner. This alone can be stressful. With dad being the major bread winner and the added pressure to “provide for your family,” you need to stay fit and healthy. A good healthy balanced diet, plenty of exercise and rest ‘when you can’ will offer that and offer your family stability and support.
With a new baby, comes a change in the relationship. Mothers become tired, feel less desirable, and more stressed. As a father, they may feel less important and unable to help. This is not the case. It is within this time frame that the father should become more supportive and show an increased interest in both mother and child. As the child grows and becomes more independent the relationship between mother and father will be improve. 
How parents act together can reflect on how their children act when they grow up. Teach your children, at a young age, to be respectful of others. Children learn by watching their parents. If you are a good role model this will enhance good values in your children. If you, as a father, show a caring and respectful attitude towards your partner, and others, then this is what your children will learn.
So why is it important to instill good values in your children?
·          Better results at school
·          Less likely to get into trouble
·          Have better relationships in their future
·          Have a stronger connection with their community
As parents we experience many different emotions and challenges. Fathers need to be aware that their participation within the family is very important and vital on what the future holds for their children.
Written by Helen Bailey |Registered Nurse|Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan

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