Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cool, Calm, Corrected....

An extract from......"Power of Life" written by Dr. Robert A Schuller

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth"
When pushed, threatened, or mistreated, it is easy to lose our cool, spout off, or run away and retreat.  It takes tremendous emotional maturity to stand our ground, coolly and calmly, and be willing to be corrected.  I is not enough to be collected, we must also be willing to face our mistakes, learn from them, and grow in the process.
We must be meek - not a doormat or a martyr - but able to state our position, discuss options, admit our mistakes, accept help and apologise.  

In four words, we must be:
M - Mighty, using our strength to help others
E - Emotionally stable, even through the ups and downs
E - Educable, continually willing to learn
K - Kind, able to say "It's your turn."
When you are willing to be meek you are opened to be blessed!

I, found this email among the many I was going through and deleting - but I could not delete this particular email, as it stood out and touched me - just like it did when I first read it.  This is something that I wanted to share with all of you, our customers, our blog followers, our friends.  I ask that you take a moment to ponder the above, then jot down how you feel about these words.  You are most welcome to share your thoughts, if you would like using the comments section below. Many thanks, DiJonne

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