Well Far North Queensland has had it's first Cyclone of the season, with another looming off the coast - it's still a fair way out from the coast. Have you got your cyclone kits ready, with a plan for the family in-case of evacuation? It might be an idea to get a plan, and some equipment ready, just in case the next one is a big one. A First-Aid kit is a must, and we can certainly help you there!
We hope that our Southern Queenslander's will be alright. Many people have been evacuated out of their homes, due to the flooding - our thoughts are with you.
For many of us up North, we understand and are ready for the wet season, but for those in southern areas and states who are experiencing wild weather, are not. They are used to sunny days, with longer daylight, thanks to day light saving, however this Christmas hasn't bought much joy to many Australians. Clean ups are always hard emotionally & mentally. We hope you get your homes back soon, so that you can continue with life, as you would normally.
Let's hope the New Year brings some joy, no more rain, and plenty of sunshine :-) www.calannapharmacy.com.au
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