Friday, October 23, 2015

October Focus – Women’s Health

 Women – here are 5 things you need to know about improving fertility

Jana Gorski – Naturopath and Natural Fertility Educator

  1. Don’t leave it too late  Most women understand that fertility declines with age but did you know that by 35, a women’s fertility is 50% of what it was in her early 20’s? Combine this with any number of the following factors that reduce your fertility and you may have trouble conceiving.
  2. Your hormones need to be just right  Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are two of the leading causes of infertility in Australia. Hormonal imbalance can make conception or maintaining a pregnancy difficult too. If you have irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, menstrual pain or PMS, herbal and nutritional medicine can bring your hormones back into balance.
  3. Your lifestyle makes a big difference  Studies show that smoking, excessive caffeine intake, alcohol and lack of social activity can increase the time it takes to achieve a pregnancy. Combine just 3 of these factors between a couple and the time to pregnancy is 4 times longer! Naturopathy can help you with strategies to cut back.
  4. Stress can impact on your fertility  There is no aspect of our health that isn’t affected by stress! Stress can disrupt the reproductive hormones involved in ovulation and maintaining a pregnancy. During pregnancy, stress can also have permanent negative outcomes for the developing child. There are safe and effective natural treatments to help with managing stress.
  5. Timing is everything  An ovum only survives 12-24 hours so getting the timing right is important. In a recent study, 68% of women reported they knew when they were fertile but in fact, only 13% did. Natural Fertility Awareness teaches you how to correctly identify ovulation and when conception is most likely, maximizing your chance of pregnancy.

The right medical advice along with complementary medicine can help assist the improvement of your fertility. Talk to one of our experienced practitioners to point you in the right direction.

Jana is a trained Natural Fertility Educator and Naturopath at Calanna Woree, offering Nutritional and Herbal Medicine as well as diet and lifestyle advice to maximize your fertility. Make a booking with her today!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Hello Members
October has arrived and   Christmas is within grasp. We have seen yet another year of turmoil in politics, economy, social issues, tradition,environment and huge unrest especially overseas.
There certainly appears to be wars raging between individuals, groups, cities, states and nations. Most likely caused by fear, ego, pride and misplaced and poorly informed passions.

I believe that most of these wars are formed from inside ourselves. Usually we are unsure of why we do what we do, and the reason we work toward this - day after day. Most people I talk to have no long or short term goals. No real plan for their life – essentially drifting from task to task, place to place, idea to idea – without purpose and without knowing the real  meaning and direction of their life.

These wars cause frustration, boredom, insecurity, anger and lead to us blaming others,     making excuses for ourselves or simply denying these conflicts actually exist.  Authorities and experts have us believe we can improve  society (to their ideas) by passing laws and regulations to change behaviour.  

Thinking about the infrequent times I watch local and national news I hear “This is a National Disgrace”. When you list all the issues to which this is applied it is not “a” this but “those”.  I wonder how many different   National  Disgraces you can list :
1. The ICE epidemic.
2. Syphilis outbreak.
3. Boat people.
4. Domestic Violence.
5. Sexual Abuse.
6. Obesity.
7. Racism.
…...The list goes on.

How many National Disgraces can we have? Maybe the   label “National Disgrace” is itself a National Disgrace.  There is no doubt that we need to deal with the crises effects of these  major issues. However, what are we doing to prevent the Tsunami  that will follow - if our young people are not provided the leadership, the discipline, the security and the self-confidence to rise above these “Disgraces”.

Marching against it, throwing money at it, advertising it – will have little effect – as these issues are the result of habits formed over time through our associations, our family  members, what we read, what we watch, what we hear and what example we see around us.  So let me ask you to examine this list and acknowledge that we can all help to play a part in reducing the Tsunami – by first reducing the “wars” inside ourselves and helping others to do the same.

Healthy Living for Women - Calanna Pharmacy Suggests 8 Steps You Can Try Today!

Healthy Living is a major contributor to emotional stress for Australian women according to a recent survey.   Whether you are male or female, adopting a healthy lifestyle is a long term commitment that can involve a total overhaul of exercise, diet, and even social habits.  However, you can make the mistake of overdoing it in the beginning and, while it won’t necessarily undo your good work, it can make your lifestyle changes less effective than you might think.  Make your change to a healthy lifestyle smoother by following these eight simple steps that you can take right now. 

1.     Assess your situation

Make an appointment with your doctor for a thorough check-up. Take this opportunity to ask about any niggling health concerns you may have.  Take your measurements, pay particular attention to your waist measurement; it is a great indication of developing chronic diseases like  diabetes. Take stock of your physical activity, food intake and mood and energy, this will help point out those areas that require immediate attention.

2.    Address pre-existing health issues

If you are already suffering from chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, depression or arthritis seek treatment and advice before starting any health or exercise program.  If you smoke get help to quit, you will be amazed how much better you feel in a short period of time

3.    Increase your movement

Follow these top tips for increasing physical activity. 
* Make it fun, you don’t have to slog it out in the    gym, get out into the fresh air for a hike with    friends, take a swim or ride a bike with friends.

* Work physical activity into your normal day, 10% of some activity is better than 100% of no          activity, start small!    
*  Set goals, build your confidence by starting with a small goal and once mastered increase     gradually.

4.    Overhaul your diet

The word “diet” is not necessarily about eating certain foods and cutting out others, it is more about knowledge, awareness and good choices. Challenge yourself! - try to incorporate five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables into your daily consumption.   Make meal times           enjoyable, slow down and really taste the food you are putting into your body.

5.    Take charge of stress levels 

Remember to breathe!  Try to appreciate what you have rather than worrying about what you don’t!

6.    Sleep – make sure you are getting enough

Make good quality sleep a priority, if you are having   trouble getting to sleep, try to avoid brain stimulating activities, such as television and computer games at least two hours before bed time.  To relax before bed, avoid stimulants like caffeine, take a warm bath or put a small amount of lavender on your pillow.

7.    Improve your relationships

Healthy living isn’t just about food intake and physical activity; it includes relationships and social interaction.   Spend time with people who make you laugh and if you are in a difficult or challenging relationship seriously  consider getting help.

8.    Challenge your mind

A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.  You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on fancy computer programs or apps.   Check out your local library for hobbies or subjects that peak your interest and read up, it’s free.

Follow these steps to make today healthier than yesterday and start your journey to a healthy, happy  tomorrow.