Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Words of Wisdom by Mario Calanna

Hello Club Members,

Welcome to Spring and to September.

Our family achieved a  milestone this week when our Grand-daughter – Madeline – turned THREE. It is just  amazing how time moves - right in front of your eyes.  Over the past 12 months I have seen many young      children (courtesy of FB friends) change and grow. All these little children are innocent and are a blank  canvas. How will their story, their picture, their purpose – be shaped? And by whom?

Each will rely very closely on the language, the people, the TV programs, the books, the activities they will be associated with as they grow to school age and beyond. All of what we think do and say. All the associations we have, play a large part in the adult each of these children will   become and the life they will lead. Hopefully they will all  become achieving and giving members of our community and adopt a mindset of  Accountability, Responsibility and Optimism rather than one of Blame, Excuses and Denial.  Their fate is – in most part – entrusted in parents, family and close friends well before the school system takes hold.

Father’s day comes in this same week. A time to consider the importance and the role a father needs to play within the family. There is a book I have read entitled “Strong Fathers  Strong Daughters”. Good role models are so critical in the growth of young children – this month it is time to reflect the importance and the expectation of Fatherhood. If you are a father – you only have one chance to do the best by your children.

I recall last year Madeline gave me a card on Father’s day - 

 “ Nonno, my favourite place in the whole wide world is right inside your HUG – thank you for everything you do for me and the time you spend with me”.

For those who know me – not too much tugs more at my heart-strings than a good and genuine HUG. It engenders laughter, good feelings and provides the lift you so badly need at times. I believe it is a symbol of   unity, of sharing, of empathy and a willingness to understand.
So for this month and  beyond – be aware of the one’s close to you. Be aware on how you influence them. Lead them to the best associations and activities. Always keep their Tomorrows” in mind.  For things are achieved or destroyed moment by moment, day by day – through the compound effect. The changes are      noticed (not in the  moments) but by looking back over the past “Tomorrows”.

Let us build the best Tomorrows for ourselves and the very young.

God Bless…………………Mario

7 Health Facts Men Need To Know

While being a man is awesome in a number of ways, we need to face up to the fact that, for the most part, health wise we are generally inferior to our female counterparts.  This is due to a number of reasons some of which are demonstrated in the diagram below – lets take a closer look.

  1. Statistically men have shorter lives (4.4 years shorter on average than females) – why? Well partly due to  men having a higher involvement in fatal accidents, suicide and generally being  involved in other “risky/not so smart activities”.
  2. Alcohol kills 6 times more men than women –    drinking more than 10 drinks per week can double your risk of type 2 diabetes
  3. Men’s overall health is mostly determined by controllable lifestyle factors – e.g. smoking, drinking, exercise and recreational activities
  4. Goes with #3 – men on average live around one  decade of their lives in poor health mostly due to avoidable factors mentioned above.
  5. 80% of spinal injuries occur in young men
  6. Some of the leading causes of death in Australian men are heart disease and stroke,  smoking/lung disease, suicide and motor vehicle accidents
  7. Poor sleep – the majority of sleep apnea sufferers are men which not only leads to a bad nights sleep (and probably horrible snoring) but if untreated a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. 

Are you a Man?  Here are a few steps to improve your health and well being...

  1. Exercise regularly – 30 minutes most days  helps reduce cardiovascular disease, improves mental health and keeps you in shape.
  2. Diet – incorporate 2 fruit and 5 vegies everyday
  3. Drink plenty of water (at least 8 large glasses per day)
  4. Fish oil and Co Enzyme Q10 – beneficial for relieving inflammation in the body and reducing bad cholesterol and blood pressure
The choice is yours – quit smoking and keep a lid on your alcohol and sugar consumption, your body will thank you!

7 Health Facts Men Need to Know; retrieved from; dontchangemuch.ca
Men’s health Facts; retrieved from;