Ingrid Hagne will provide one on one diabetes education for clients with type 1, type 2, Gesttional Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Intolerance, teaming up with Calanna Pharmacy Group, Woree location.
Your Diabetes Self-Management is supported by a Management team consisting of:
Appointments with the Diabetes Educator range from 1 hour for newly diagnosed or extended appointments to 30 minutes for reviews.
Your Diabetes Management Goals
Quit Smoking
Healthy & Clean eating
Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity each day
Maintain a healthy weight range
Limit alcohol intake to less than 2 standard drinks per day for men & 1 standard drink per day for women
Join Diabetes Australia Qld for help as well as educational material
See your GP & Diabetes Educator regularly for ongoing support in the self-management of your Diabetes.
To make an appointment, contact Calanna Pharmacy Woree on (07) 4054 2440
Ingrid Hagne - BA Nursing, Grad Dip Midwifrey and Grad Cert. Diabetes