Friday, December 13, 2013

DECEMBER 2013 - New Products!

Available NOW in-stores:                 Chemist Own Sunscreen - GREAT new look!
The new non-greasy 'Dry Touch' sunscreen is High protection broad spectrum. Feel the difference!
The new 'Sport' sunscreen is very high protection broad spectrum SPF 50+
Prices start from $9.95


FREE to ALL family homes!  
Calanna Check List for your next Reef Trip - have you found Nemo?


DECEMBER 2013 - Meet our New Diabetes Educator

Ingrid Hagne will provide one on one diabetes education for clients with type 1, type 2, Gesttional Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Intolerance, teaming up with Calanna Pharmacy Group, Woree location.
Your Diabetes Self-Management is supported by a Management team consisting of:
  • Diabetes educator
  • GP
  • Endocrinologist
  • Dietician
  • Optometrist or Ophthalmologist
  • Pharmacist
  • Podiatrist
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Psychologist
  • Naturopath
Appointments with the Diabetes Educator range from 1 hour for newly diagnosed or extended appointments to 30 minutes for reviews.
Your Diabetes Management Goals
  1. Quit Smoking
  2. Healthy & Clean eating
  3. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity each day
  4. Maintain a healthy weight range
  5. Limit alcohol intake to less than 2 standard drinks per day for men & 1 standard drink per day for women
  6. Join Diabetes Australia Qld for help as well as educational material
  7. See your GP & Diabetes Educator regularly for ongoing support in the self-management of your Diabetes.
To make an appointment, contact Calanna Pharmacy Woree on (07) 4054 2440
Ingrid Hagne - BA Nursing, Grad Dip Midwifrey and Grad Cert. Diabetes

Thursday, December 12, 2013

DECEMBER 2013 - Are you Sunmart?

Many factors can affect the condition of our skin including the sun, air pollutants and everyday life. This means keeping a good skin care regime is essential for healthy skin. Below are a few tips on keeping your skin looking youthful, glowing and protected everyday.

Cleanse - find a cleanser that works for you. You don't need to spend a lot of money. Avoid using soaps above the neck as they tend to dry the skin and are not usually appropriate for the face. Use lukewarm water in preference to cold or hot water. Cleanse once or twice a day, there is no need to wash more frequently as it can strip the good oils from the skin. Use a cream cleanser if you have dry skin or a clear (for foaming) cleanser for oily skin.

Exfoliate - this remove the top layer of dry, dull skin cells from the surface of the skin to keep skin healthy and glowing. Scrubs should have fine round beads in them as larger beads can scratch and tear the skin. Only use a scrub one a week as overuse can lead to increased stimulation of the sebaceous glands and excess sebum (oil) can be produced bringing out more blemishes in the skin. Men - shaving daily mimics the exfoliation process by removing dead skin cells as you shave.

Mask - there are two main types of masks: deep cleansing and moisturising. The deep cleansing masks help to bring impurities to the surface of the skin. In doing that they can produce a breakout a few weeks after the first use but this is better for the skin's long-term health and appearance. Moisturising masks are generally for dry and mature skin and give the skin extra hydration. Masks should be used once a fortnight in place of an exfoliant.

Tone - toners work to remove the final traces of oil, makeup and dirt from the skin and can be used on makeup wipes.  Always wipe upwards and outwards from the chin to maintain the skin's elasticity.

Moisturise - this is important for all skin types, even oily skin needs hydration and moisturisers are also a good source of protection for the skin. When skin is dry, the body's natural reaction to produce oil to protect it and moisturisers discourage the skin from doing this. Sun protection is vital for keeping youthful skin as sun damage is the number one factor in getting wrinkles. A great trick to buy two moisturisers; one for day with SPF and one for night. Ladies - also look for SPF in your foundations for extra sun protection.

Protective Clothing for use in the SUN
Summer in Queensland always includes time outdoors. For fun in the sun all summer long, Calanna Pharmacies stock a range of sun-protective clothing. Visit your local Calanna pharmacy to ensure you are sun safe this Summer and make you; Slip, Slop, Slap!

*Tip: you can now purchase SPF 50+ Lip Balm Sticks - see in-store for details

It's important to remember the 5 S's of Summer..........

SEEK  - seek shade to avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest part of the day (11am-3pm). Remember that reflection of UV radiation off surfaces like concrete, sand and water causes you to burn, even if you think you are protected. Use sun shelters or shade whenever possible (e.g. trees, umbrella, buildings), and choose shade carefully.

SLIP - try to cover as much skin as possible with clothing. Wear protective shirts which cover the back of the neck. Choose clothing with closely woven fabric to keep you cool.

SLOP - use a sunscreen with SPF 30+ or 50+ (now available in stores), which is also broad spectrum and water resistant. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out into the sun and reapply every 2 hours, after swimming or any activity that causes you to sweat.

SLAP - wear a broad brimmed hat to protect your face, head, ears and neck from the sun.

SLIDE - protect your eyes with Sunglasses (preferable polarised sunglasses).

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DECEMBER 2013 - Words of Wisdom from Mario


Hello to you all,

The Calanna Teams and myself wish to thank you for your continued loyalty over the year(s). It is our pleasure to ensure you are provided with what you require – each time we are given the privilege to serve you.

As we enter Christmas time let us apply a big focus on Humility and Gratitude - as we look back over the past 11 months and look forward to 2014.

The Characters of Love are many and varied. For me, these two stand out – for they focus on the importance of others in our lives and how we deal with joy and adversity.
For Centuries we have known that the hard road is the lasting road. It is the road that can cause more pain, needs more endurance, contains failure and discomfort – but it always leads to a better life and a better outcome and immeasurable fulfilment.  This a road filled with Humility and Gratitude in abundance.
Humility can be overlooked as a weakness – a quality that allows others to walk all over us – a quality that sounds a little subservient. However – Humility is thinking of others’ needs, challenges and goals - before your own. It accepts that we need others to help us walk through life and achieve the purpose we were born to achieve. It is not thinking LESS of ourselves – but rather of ourselves LESS.

Gratitude goes hand in glove with Humility. For Gratitude allows us the comfort and the spiritual growth to say thank you for the many blessings and successes we have enjoyed. And to realise that others have also helped us. And Gratitude allows us to accept the challenges and the adversity that have come our way - to accept them and to appreciate the help others have given us - during those times.
I think Humility and Gratitude are values to be acknowledged, to be worked on, to be seen as great strengths. They are qualities that introduce us to Patience and to Joyfulness.
During this Christmas time may I wish you Humility and Gratitude in abundance. May your mind, body and spirit be open to them and may they bring Peace into your lives.

God Bless………………..Mario Calanna