Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SEPTEMBER 2013 - Food Glorious Food!

How to keep our Bones Strong.....
Strong bones as we well know, are the foundation of our bodies.  Unfortunately though, as we age, our bones become weaker.  It is important therefore to instil in our children and early adults the importance of eating quality foods, rich in vitamins and minerals that our bodies require to produce strong and healthy bones.  Learning about which foods are o f benefit us and help provide our bodies with  daily

Essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help prevent the onset of chronic disease in the
future i.e. osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many more.

This month we are looking at how we can keep our Bones Healthy & Strong, by giving some advice on foods that can be incorporated into your daily meals, which provide essential  bone building vitamins & minerals.

When we say ‘Strong Bones’ the word Calcium comes to mind.  Calcium is a critical element for  bone structure. The body also needs a “helper” to assist in absorbing calcium into the blood stream and this help is known as Vitamin D3. D3 is formed in the body through exposure to sunlight, which is why regular short periods of sunlight exposure are important for calcium absorption and helping create strong bones.  Magnesium is also another important mineral for bones as it enhances the absorption and usage of  calcium within the body.

Let’s look at some foods that we can get Calcium, Vitamin D & Magnesium from:

Foods containing Calcium:

4 Kale - green leafy vegetable

             - Rich in calcium,  Vitamins K & C

             - Contains ‘sulforaphane’, a chemical with potent    anti-cancer properties

4 Spinach - one cup of cooked spinach almost contains 25% of the daily required calcium plus  fibre, iron & Vitamin A

4 Almonds - Also contain Vitamin A, B, B6, B12,  Vitamin C, E, K and Folate

4 Oranges

4 Cabbage - Chinese (Pak Choi / Bok Choi), Red & Green leaf

4 Yoghurt - Non-fat contains 49% (%DV per cup) of the daily requirement of calcium

 Foods containing Vitamin D:

4 Eggs - Yolks hold the Vitamin D, also protein & Vitamin B12

4 Mushrooms - lightly cooked button mushrooms also contain Vitamin B5

4 Salmon - contains Vitamin D and essential fatty acids

4 Cod Liver Oil

 Foods containing  Magnesium:

4 Whole grains - especially Brown Rice

4 Avocado

4 Bananas

4 Dried Fruit

Calcium and magnesium supplements are also useful to assist in ensuring the body receives adequate bone building nutrients. Check with your practitioner, pharmacist or GP to ensure you are taking the correct supplements for your body’s requirements.



SEPTEMBER 2013 - Practitioner's Corner with Vanessa Laird

Hay Fever 

Are you irritated with hay fever? For many who suffer from this condition it can be a highly aggravating.  Hay fever is an allergic reaction caused by pollen, dust, animal hair, fungi or mould. This allergic response is from our immune system wrongly identifying a substance that is not normally harmful, and begins to attack it. Allergies may last for weeks and can make us feel extremely tired.
This imbalance within our immune system can lead to upper respiratory symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. This can lead to sleep dysfunction and therefore affect our daily performance and quality of life.

 Nutritional supplements can be highly affective to reduce and prevent symptoms associated with hay fever.

 Nutritional & Herbal Supplementation:

·         Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that is found in the lining of airways. It has shown to help lower histamine levels, which is released from white blood cells and increases detoxification of histamine. Vitamin C may also decrease bronchial constriction due to allergens.

·         Flavonoids such as Quercetain has shown to inhibit histamine release and reduce the production of leukotrienes (allergy agents)

·         Supplementing with Omega-3 fish oil will help to decrease airway responsiveness to allergens and improve respiratory function.

·         Herbs are highly useful when reducing symptoms of hay fever and can help to prevent the onset of an attack. Garlic is a wonderful herb to use due to its antioxidant, anti-microbial and immune enhancing effects. It helps to prevent and alleviate upper respiratory complaints such as mucous congestion. It is best taken in conjunction with Horseradish which can be used as a decongestant and exerts an antibiotic effect.

·         Another highly beneficial herb is Elder Flower. This helps to tonify mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, increasing resilience to allergens.

·         Albizia is a great herb to use to help reduce the severity of allergies. Studies have found Albizia to have anti-allergic and anti-microbial activity.

 Dietary and lifestyle suggestions:

·         Remove the offending antigen from your environment.

·         Cook with plenty of garlic, horseradish, fenugreek and ginger.

·         Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds. (High fibre diet)

·         Eliminate mucous forming foods from the diet such as dairy products, eggs, sugar, white flour, fatty foods and alcohol.

·         Increase omega-3 fatty acids in the diet including fish (salmon, halibut, and mackerel), walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds.

·         To destroy dust mites wash clothing and bed linen in hot water over 58°C.

·         Use air filtered vacuum cleaners, to reduce exposure to allergens in the house.

1.         Bach, P. (2002). Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Avery Publishing Group, New York, USA.

2.         Chevallier, A. (2000). Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. 2nd Edition, Dorling Kindersley Limited, Sydney, Australia.

3.         Murray, N. & Pizzorno, J. (1998). Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. 2nd Edition, Three Rivers Press, New York, USA.

4.         Osiecki, H. (2006). The Physician’s Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. 7th Edition, AG Publishing, Queensland, Australia.

Written by: Vanessa Laird
Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Woree
e: vanessaw@calannapharmacy.com.au

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

SEPTEMBER 2013 - Words of Wisdom by Mario Calanna

Hello Club Members
Welcome to Spring and to September.
Our family achieved a milestone last week when our Grand-daughter – Madeline – turned ONE. It is just amazing how time moves - right in front of your eyes.
Over the past 12 months I have seen many young children (courtesy of FB friends) change and grow. All these little children are innocent and are a Blank Canvasses. How will there story, their picture, their purpose – be shaped? And by whom?
Each will rely very closely on the language, the people, the TV programs, the books, the activities – they will be associated with as they grow to school age and beyond. All of what we think do and say.
All the associations we have. Play a large part in the adult each of these children will become and the life they will lead. Hopefully they will all become achieving and giving members of our community. And adopt a mindset of Accountability, Responsibility and Optimism rather than one of Blame, Excuses and Denial.
Their fate is – in most part –  entrusted in parents, family and close friends. Well before the school system takes it hold.
Father’s day came in this same week for our family. Besides a nice family day on Sunday (which followed Madeline’s party on the Saturday) – it was Matthew’s 31st Birthday and I received a card from Madeline.
The card reads: “ Nonno, my favourite place in the whole wide world is right inside your HUG – thank you for everything you do for me and the time you spend with me”.
For those who know me – not too much tugs more at my heart-strings that a good and genuine HUG. It engenders laughter, good feelings and provides the lift – you so badly need at times. I believe it is a symbol of unity, of sharing, of empathy and a willingness to understand.
So for this month and beyond – be aware of the one’s close you. Be aware on how you influence and can influence them. Lead them to the best associations and activities. Always keep their “Tomorrows” in mind.
For things are achieved or destroyed moment by moment, day by day – through the compound effect. The changes are noticed (not in the moments) but by looking back over the past “Tomorrows”.
Let us build the best Tomorrows for ourselves and the very young.
God Bless…………………Mario

Mario Calanna - CEO
Calanna Pharmacy Group

e: Mario Calanna