Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mario's Magic Minute "The Company you Keep"

The Company you Keep

(Adapted by Mario Calanna)

Your associations are one of the most powerful influences that determine whether you will stick to your goals or get forever derailed.

Dr. David McClelland of Harvard University concluded after 25 years of research that the choice of a negative “reference group” was in itself enough to condemn a person to failure and underachievement in life.

His discovery indicates that your reference group is more important in determining your success or failure than any other single factor.


“Associations are both subtle and powerful.” —Jim Rohn


Your associations don’t shove you in a direction; they nudge you ever so slightly over time. Influence is so subtle that it is like being on an inner tube out in the ocean; you feel like you are floating still, until you look up and realize the subtle current has pushed you half a mile down the shore.

Jim Rohn explains: “You will become the combined average of the five people you hang around the most. You will have the combined attitude, health and income of the five people you hang around the most.”

“I want you to determine the five people you hang around the most and then total up the numbers. You will see clearly that the company you are keeping might be what’s standing between you and what you want to achieve”.

The Company you keep could also be the reason for your success.
Mario Calanna
CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group

W: www.calannapharmacy.com.au

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Practitioner's Corner "Kidney Health"

Kidney Health - written by Kim Ehrlich - Naturopath

Our kidneys are two very important organs for the human body . . . we can live with one but would die with none.

Generally, we do not really think about them too much, they just do their job of removing wastes and extra water, and filtering our blood (about 200L every day!).  The kidneys also produce three hormones that help stimulate production of red blood cells, assist in controlling blood pressure, and active Vitamin D which controls calcium uptake, helping make strong bones.

If the kidneys become unhealthy, we may not even notice, as often there are not any symptoms experienced.  In-fact, kidney disease is sometimes known as the “Silent Disease” because there is often no warning.

It is therefore a good idea to ensure we keep our kidneys and urinary tract in a healthy state, so that we do not put our kidneys at risk.  Preventing and/or managing infections of the urinary tract are a priority.  Lower urinary tract infection is referred to as a bladder infection or otherwise known as Cystitis. Upper urinary tract infection is referred to as pyelonephritis.

Cystitis is the more common type of infection and is usually experienced more in women. Symptoms are normally burning with urination and having to urinate frequently (or an urge to urinate). Some pain above the pubic bone or in the lower back may be present.

Calanna Pharmacy has a variety of supplements and services that may assist in the treatment and management of Cystitis.  Here are some recommendations:

·                 Pharmacist Formula Cranberry 20,000.  Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) may prevent the bacteria from adhering to the bladder mucosa. The Cranberry 20,000 is a high potency formulation to help promote urinary tract health.

·                  Pharmacist Formula Vitamin C 500mg.  Vitamin C in larger quantities will have a local antibacterial effect.

·                 Owens Cantharis 6c homeopathic remedy.  Cantharis in the homeopathic form is very effective in acute cases of Cystitis.

·                 Fill out a Nutricheck Questionnaire (a free Calanna service); this may reveal any underlying nutritional insufficiencies or digestive disorders that may be compromising the immune system.

It is also important to increase water intake during an acute bladder infection to 3L a day and follow an alkalising diet (low in animal protein, sugars and grains).

There are many other herbs and supplements that are effective in the treatment of urinary tract Infections and for kidney health.  The Naturopaths at Calanna can advise on what is appropriate in individual cases.  For anyone who experiences ongoing problems with urinary tract infections, acute or chronic, make an appointment with a Calanna Naturopath to assist with a health management plan. 

It is important to remember that kidney infection is serious.  If you suspect that you have a kidney infection or kidney stones, or if any urinary tract infection persists, please make a visit to your doctor.

Osiecki, H. (7th ed.) The Physician’s Handbook of Clinical Nutrition, Queensland, Australia

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mario's Magic Minute - "Cycle of Democracy"

Cycle of Democracy - Alexander Fraser Tyler – 1750
(Adapted by Mario Calanna)

I really believe that pondering on the following quote and the diagram is essential to provide some perspective to the lack of common sense (Character Values) and egotistical energy that appears to drive important decisions throughout all aspects of society – from personal to political.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a louse fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world's great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:"

Here is Tyler's "Cycle of Democracy" and a brief explanation of each step:

From Bondage to Spiritual Faith;

When Australia was first colonised its structure began from scratch. There was leadership, no buildings, roads, dams, food, farms, cattle or sheep. It began basically with the common law and Christian values of the British Empire.

Many Priests and religious, manly from Ireland, can from Catholic and Protestant sources. Through all the turmoil of convicts, injustice, gold fever, the fight for survival the Character Values of Love they promoted – helped to build a cohesive, prosperous and peaceful society.

From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage;

The Spiritual faith that resulted from the Character Values of Love lead to the community understanding to that of great courage – the courage to build a new nation against all the odds – was based upon hard work, sacrifice, respect, loyalty and sacrifice.   The Values of Love helped each person believe that he or she had a purpose in live; that there is something bigger and better to believe in. For a person who does not stand for something, will fall for anything.  Think of the true heroes throughout history.  One of the uniting principles that all heroes have is a willingness to stand for truth and conviction in a world of untruth and apathy.  The Founding Families had great courage to stand for the truth against the climate, the convict culture and British oppression. They did this because they knew the Bible said, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty – and Australia was to provide much natural abundance for their labour.

From Courage to Liberty;

As our country was being established in this way – the community realised they had a future, something to build, to believe in and the Values of love gave them freedom. Freedom to work, to build, to fight for their rights and to become equal citizens.

Amazing how freedom to choose; to be allowed to own land and have a family; to be fulfilled with a good life – gave people liberty. The liberty to be confident and have high self-esteem.

From Liberty to Abundance;

The abundance generated by free enterprise and limited government - were Australia’s biggest blessings, but also became one of its biggest challenges.  Throughout the 18 hundreds, Federation and two World Wars – Australia began to develop its rich abundance of primary and secondary industry. There was abundance in food, minerals, manufactured goods and stability and democracy in Government. One of the few standing economies after WWII was the America’s.  Our products flowed to foreign markets creating more wealth and envy.  It takes incredible discipline to remember where our blessings came from - with abundance heaped upon further abundance.  Over time, people forget the principles that created liberty and the fruit of that liberty.  Seeing the inequalities in the blessing of individual citizens, an envy of our fellow Australians germinates.  The fruit of this unholy thinking is a desire to take our brothers and sisters abundance and give to those less abounding.  Government would have to intervene and right this wrong, according to the envious.

From Abundance to Selfishness;

The 1960’s and 70’s saw free love, the beginning of the destruction of society’s norms, and a drug culture began to prevail in the youth.  These decades saw a rebellion against the plastic society of abundance without the belief in the principles that created that abundance. 

The Church began to decrease its conviction for traditional Character Values which were being challenged and more and more disregarded. With this weakening in the Church and the rise of Political Correctness, Feminism and Equality of Opportunity - the youth were left on their own to search for answers to the abundance and confusion that engulfed them.  Instead of returning to the Character Values of Love that created the blessings, society entered into the worship of self and self-actualization.  A new religion was being born and promoted and marched Australia even further from its Biblical roots.

From Selfishness to Complacency;

Without a Biblical foundation, the rebellion was bound to produce worse fruits than the plastic culture it attempted to replace.  With no firm convictions to stand upon, the rebellion dissolved into peace and personal affluence.  The loss of Traditional Common Sense absolutes has lead from conviction and certainty - to surrender to complacency - as no one is sure what the truth is.  What is the use of standing for anything, if we are not sure that what we are standing for is truth?  The 1970’s and 1980’s saw this complacency as the youth joined the “system” and pursued peace and affluence with little understanding of original principles that America was founded upon.

From Complacency to Apathy;

After the political changes in the 1980’s – deregulation, privatisation, globalisation-the 1990’s saw a near complete surrender to apathy and personal fulfilment.   With a near complete rejection of absolute values, people defined their own values and pursued fulfilment in the myriad of choices available to them. 

People did not care who was running the government as long as they were left alone to pursue their own personal agenda.  Government performed by doing focus groups to ascertain what the people wanted and giving it to them, surrendering all leadership responsibilities to the disparate wishes of the people.

Government, instead of playing the role of umpire and defender of our freedoms began to play the role of a benevolent dictator.  The dictator studied to learn what we wanted and offered that to us with only a presumed token price of submission to the almighty sovereignty of government in the affairs of the citizens.

From Apathy to Dependency;

The 2000’s will be remembered as the decade of complete submission to the government’s largesse. More and more Australians depend upon government for their welfare, health care, social security, etc.  It would be unthinkable for most Australians to live without the direct involvement of our beneficent Big Brother. 

The price of dependency is submission of our freedoms to the dictates of Big Brother.  The old saying that you boil a frog one degree at a time aptly fits here.  If you take a frog and throw him into boiling water, the frog will have enough sense to jump out.  But if you turn up the temperature slowly, the frog will open up its pores and will literally be boiled without an attempted escape. We are now boiling in our dependency on our government.

This dependency is being funded by higher and higher taxation, the sale of Australian assets and money borrowed from anyone who will lend to us.

From Dependency back again to Bondage

Eventually in our dependence, we see our status falling in the free world as slaves can never perform the functions of free men and women.  Although the government still mouths the words of our founding fathers, the words have new meanings.  

The citizens cannot put a finger on the malady, but they know something is not right.  In their desperation, they look for a messiah to save them.  Because the Churches are not sharing the message of the true messiah and the true way to liberty, the citizens look for a worldly messiah.  A perceptive leader, with words that tickle the ears, promises to be the searched for messiah.  So, instead of returning to the Character Values of Love, we look to some (anyone) who we can follow – to save us. When all the time – we have the capacity within ourselves. We were born with the gifts and talents we need; into country with boundless prosperity – a yet we lack the certainty, the humility and the courage to fight for the Traditions we lose day by day as legislation rips our hearts and dignity a little more and a little more.

A shocking truth is learned too late, that man cannot save man and only Love can liberate the soul in bondage.  Government cannot be the saviour to the people and was never intended to be so when created by our Founding Families.  Our national debt rises and we tax and borrow just to service the debt on the interest. We are bankrupting our children's inheritance on the altar of self indulgence! 

A Democracy was formed to keep the masses from directly running the government and voting the government into bankruptcy.  How far have we travelled from our founding principles and roots? 


Time has come to examine where we stand at this historic time in relation to the Cycle of Democracy?

The science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein wrote about "Bread and Circuses" - a reference to Roman Emperors providing food and entertainment to distract the masses. 

"A perfect democracy, a 'warm body' democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally depends on the wisdom and self-restraint (the Character) of its citizens...which is opposed by the folly and lack of Character of other citizens. What is supposed to happen in a democracy is that each sovereign citizen will always vote in the public interest for the safety and welfare of all. But what does happen is that a person votes for there own self-interest - which for the now majority - translates as 'Bread and Circuses'

"Bread and Circuses is the cancer of democracy, a disease whose only cure is Love. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends its reach to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader--the barbarians enter Rome."

Where are we in the Cycle of Democracy?

How do we revive, teach, think, live and act with Character?
Colin Pearce says: “When all else fails – Character Works www.characterworks.com.au
Mario Calanna
CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group

Thursday, April 4, 2013

APRIL 2013 - Natural Medicine & Insomnia

Over the past century insomnia has become a common problem in Western societies. With the increase of artificial lights, T.V. and computer activities, social and economic pressures, sleep has become disrupted and shortened. Sleep deprivation results in a sleep deficit, which needs to be repaid by the body at a later stage. This ‘sleep debt’ is usually compensated by sleep-ins on weekends or catnaps through the day. However, this causes a change in the body’s normal circadian rhythm, resulting in early waking, broken sleep and difficulty falling asleep (Bittencourt, et al. 2012).

There are many types of sleep disorders including Insomnia, Sleep Apnoea, Narcolepsy, Sleep Walking and Night Terrors. The focus of this article will be on insomnia, its different causes and natural treatments.

Stress and Insomnia:

Cortisol is the hormone secreted by the adrenals (stress organs) and is an important hormone connected with healthy sleep cycles. Its level begins to rise 2-3 hours after sleep onset and will continue to rise into the early morning. Healthy cortisol levels peak at 9am and will begin to decline as the day progresses. With the onset of sleep, cortisol is at its lowest point. Cortisol can act as a stimulator or an inhibitor. During high periods of stress cortisol levels increase, causing a disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm. It can cause frequent waking and increase light sleeping. Night time waking is associated with spontaneous cortisol secretions, followed by cortisol inhibition, which also may play a role in sleep apnoea (Hudson 2011).

People suffering depression tend to have high levels of cortisol in the evening, resulting in high energy levels at night and lower energy in the morning (Hudson 2011).

Nocturnal Hypoglycemia:

Avoid nocturnal hypoglycemia (low blood sugar at night).  When blood sugar levels drop, specific hormones are released that stimulate the brain signaling that it is time to eat (Osiecki 2006).  

Menopausal Insomnia:

Menopausal women often have disrupted sleep cycles due to the decline in oestrogen and progesterone production. Oestrogen is thought to reduce spontaneous sleep arousals, whereas progesterone works as a sedative, due it being a GABA antagonist (Balk 2011). Progesterone has also been demonstrated to be a mild respiratory stimulant, which may be useful in mild obstructive sleep apnoea (Balk 2011). Melatonin levels may decrease prior to the onset of menopause. Normal melatonin circadian rhythms are initiated by darkness and its peak levels are between 2am and 4am. Light inhibits its production and therefore should be avoided from 6pm onwards (Balk 2011).

Prescriptive melatonin is available through some GP’s or alternatively you can try homeopathic melatonin.

Irregular Working Hours (Night Shift or Alternating Shifts):

The problems surrounding night and alternating shift workers are due to three important factors.  These include: an interruption to the body’s biological circadian rhythm and environment cycle (peak in melatonin levels); sleep duration is shorter or fragmented; and prolonged wake cycles causing a propensity for greater sleep debt (De Almondes and Araujo 2011). Night and alternating shift workers are more likely to suffer from high cholesterol and triglyceride levels; susceptible to obesity and cardiovascular disease. Stress, depression, anxiety, social isolation, appetite disorders and gastrointestinal disturbances are also commonly seen in these people (De Almondes and Araujo 2011).

Sleep Management:

·         Establish a set of habits and follow them consistently. These include setting regular hours or a relaxing bedtime routine that will allow you to unwind.

·         Exercise regularly, a minimum of 30 minutes daily or 3 hours per week. However, avoid stimulating exercise before bed.

·         Avoid exposure to bright light before bed time

·         Have a relaxing warm (not hot) bath with Epsom salts and relaxing essential oils.

·         Avoid using your bed for anything other than sleep. Your bed should be associated with sleep. (No T.V. and eating in bed)

·          Consider your sleep environment. Make your bedroom a private sanctuary including comfort, darkness, temperature and quietness. Limit or eliminate disturbance by others and pets

·         Go to bed only when you’re sleepy

·         Rise at a consistent time each day (use an alarm clock but face it away from you)

·         Avoid eating too close to bed time.

·         Increase daylight exposure, a minimum of 3 hours.

·         Avoid alcohol, stimulating drinks, tobacco and excessive liquids before bed.

·         Consume no more than 2 serves/cups of coffee, tea, cola drinks and chocolate daily; avoid after 3pm.

·         Keep a sleep diary: note time spent asleep verses time in bed.


·         Bedtime Remedy: 1 drop of chamomile, 1 drop of Lavender, 10ml base cream. Massage into soles of feet.

·         Aromatherapy Sleeplessness: 2 drops of Lavender, 1 drop of sandalwood, 10ml of vegetable glycerine.  Add to a warm bath and agitate water to disperse. Combine with soothing music for highly effective results.

Nutritional Supplementation:

·         Supplementation of the amino acid l-tryptophan can help increase serotonin levels and thus melatonin production (Balk 2011). Foods containing l-tryptophan are also beneficial, however will not provide a therapeutic result. Some of these foods include: beef, legumes, cottage cheese, fish, lentils, oats, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds (Osiecki 2009).

·         Vitamin B6: low levels of B6 have been shown in some people who suffer from insomnia. Vitamin B6 is required to synthesize hormones including serotonin, GABA and dopamine. Dreaming has also been associated with healthy B6 levels (Osiecki 2009).

·         Magnesium: works as a muscle and nervous system relaxant. Low levels of 250mg taken daily can help aid in sleep (Osiecki 2009).

Herbal Medicine:                 

·         Passiflora incarnate (Passionflower): is a wonderful herb to use to aid in sleep. It has demonstrated sedative effects and contains the active constituent harmine. Harmine is thought to inhibit the breakdown of serotonin, therefore regulating melatonin production (Bone 2003).

Homeopathic Medicine:

·         Coffea cruda 6C or 30C: this remedy is particularly useful for people who experience sleeplessness due to excessive mental energy. It is also highly beneficial for people who become wide awake at 3am (Reichenberg-Ullman and Ullman 2010)

  • Balk, J. (2011). Melatonin for Menopausal Sleep Disorders and Quality of Life. Alternative Medicine Alert: The Clinician’s Evidence-Based Guide to Integrative Medicine. 14:8; 85-96.
  • Bittencourt, L.R.A. Santos-Silva, R. De Mello, M.T. Anderson, M.L and Tufik, S. (2010). Chronobiological Disorders: Current and Prevalent Conditions. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 20; 21-32.
  • Bone, K. (2003). A Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs. Churchill Livingston; Australia.
  • Cuthbert, S. and Rosner, A. (2011). Physical Causes of Anxiety and Sleep Disorders. Alternative Therapies. 17:6; 30-34.
  • De Almondes, K. M. and Araujo, J.F. (2011). Sleep Quality and Daily Lifestyle Regularity in Workers with Different Working Hours. Biological Rhythm Research. 42:3; 231-245.
  • Hudson, T. (2011). Women’s Health Update: Chronic Insomnia and Adrenal Dysregulation. Townsend Letter. October: 99-101.
  • Osiecki, H. (2009). The Nutrient Bible, Eighth Edition. Bioconcepts Publishing; Eagle Farm, Australia.
  • Osieki, H. (2006). The Physician’s Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. Bio Concepts Publishing; Australia.
  • Reichenberg-Ullman, J. and Ullman, R. (2010). Healing with Homeopathy: Homeopathic Treatment of a Sensitive Woman with Insomnia. Townsend Letter. April: 109-111.
Written by; Vanessa Laird
Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Woree

w: calannapharmacy.com.au

Mario's Magic Minute - The Maximus Principle by Chris Widener (edited by Mario Calanna)

The greatest leadership lesson Chris ever learned is one he called the Maximus principle. He learned it in his own life and then he named it later when he saw the movie Gladiator.

At the very beginning of the movie, they're about to go to war. Maximus, the great leader of one army, is out looking at the other army. He finds that the other army is about to strike, so he needs to strike first.

He comes back to his lieutenant and says, "We need to go and start the war." And the lieutenant starts to say, "The casualties will be too great." But he only gets out the words, "The casualties will be..." when Maximus interjects, "acceptable."

Chris remembers early on in his leadership career when he was leading an organisation, he never wanted to make changes that were going to end up having casualties involved - somebody might lose their job, or somebody might get mad, or somebody might leave the organisation or whatever.

When you're always afraid that there are going to be casualties, you're not going to make the needed changes. So the fact he learned was is that there are always casualties.

Somebody's going to decide they don't like the new way you're going and they're going to quit and go find a new job. They're going to get mad because their best friend got a decrease in pay. Somebody's always going to get mad.

The leader's job is to determine whether or not the casualties are acceptable for the greater good of the organisation.

As he continues been a leadership consultant, he often comes back to that - because so many leaders won't make a decision because they're afraid of its ramifications.

They wait and wait until they can pull it off without any sort of casualties. Most times new challenges occur as a result and leadership is compromised.

There are always going to be casualties.

The question is whether or not the casualties will be acceptable to move the organisation forward. And how well you negotiate these casualties.

Mario Calanna - CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group
e: mario@calannapharmacy.com.au
w: calannapharmacy.com.au