Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mario's Magic Minute - Multipliers v Diminishers

Self- Serving Leadership versus Servant LeadershipThe Five Disciplines of Multipliers v Diminishers                                                     (Adapted from Liz Wiseman by Mario Calanna)

The Empire Builder
Hoards resources & under utilisers talent
The Talent Magnet
Attracts talented people and uses them at their highest point of contribution
The Tyrant
Creates a tense environment that suppresses people’s thinking and capability
The Liberator
Creates an intense environment that requires people’s best thinking and work
The Know-it-All
Gives directives that demonstrate how much they know
The Challenger
Defines an opportunity that causes people to stretch their thinking and behaviours
The Decision Maker
Makes centralised, abrupt decisions that confuse the organisation
The Debate Maker
Drives sound decisions through rigorous debate
The Micromanager
Drives results through their personal involvement
The Investor
Gives other people the ownership for results and invests in their success

To become a Multiplier you need to learn how to:

  1. Leverage the talent within your business and your team’s output
  2. Access  the intelligence and potential of all your workforce
  3. Expect & Help people to become better
  4. Create an environment where ideas are generated with ease
  5. Define opportunities that challenge people to go beyond what they know how to do
  6. Access a wide spectrum of thinking in rigorous debate before making a decision
  7. Cultivate new ideas and energy to drive organisational behaviour and innovation
    • Trust is a defining characteristic of great work places.
    • Imperative that personal objectives are aligned with company objectives.
    • Gen Y’s (1982-93) – value flexibility, meaningful work and embrace technology. Want to deliver results. Want a manager to be engaging, inspiring, inclusive and collaborative. They were raised on instant gratification and feedback. Often supremely confident they can be successful at anything just by being who they are. Could be hollow managers.
    • Gen X’s much same as Baby Boomers – more geared to working in teams and more collaborative than hierarchical.

Mario Calanna - CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group
e: mario@calannapharmacy.com.au
w: www.calannapharmacy.com.au

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mario's Magic Minute - Health Tip: Good Fats v Bad Fats


There are fats that ARE bad for you – these are SATURATED FATS – e.g. usually animal fats, mixed vegetable oils that have been heated and processed. Examples of these are product fats that are solid at room temperature – margarine, lard etc.

But there are GOOD FATS that are essential to our bodily functions & wellness – these are called UNSATURATED FATS with high amounts of omega 3 & 6.


The good fats are essential for body health & wellbeing and are not produced by the body. They need to be ingested in food and/or supplements.

The omega 3 & 6 fats are the best and most essential for our health. We obtain them from seeds, nuts, fish, cold pressed oils especially virgin olive oil and coconut oil.

Any fats denatured by heat or processing are a poison to the body.

Over the years our diet has changed - not only are we ingesting higher amounts of bad fats (deep fried foods etc) but the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 has changed dramatically from 1:4 about 25 years ago to the present 1:25.

This is one way by which we compromise our health. Balance prevents disease.


The regular ingestion of omega 3 & 6 essential fats help in the following areas:

  1. Reduce the risk of macular degeneration (which leads to blindness)
  2. Helps our heart & cardiovascular system by reducing Blood Pressure, bad cholesterol levels (HDL), by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels & reducing hardening of arteries.
  3. Brain activity & health. Our brain is mainly fatty tissue and high amounts can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia ADD & other mental illness.
  4. Their anti-inflammatory action helps in arthritis pain & joint stiffness.
  5. Needed for maintaining healthy skin and reducing symptoms of eczema & psoriasis.
  6. Help maintain good hormone levels which are important for our immune system, bone health, metabolism and vitality.

There is a lot of confusion with fat free & low fat foods. Fat free usually means low bad fats & high sugar levels. This imbalance will eventually produce disease by keeping the body in an ACIDIC state.

Health & wellbeing comes back to your own personal needs. Ensure that you are taking the correct type, in the correct dosage and of the highest quality to ensure maximum absorption. The essential fats must be cold pressed and be kept cool from time of manufacture to the time of purchase.
Written by; Mario Calanna - CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mario's Magic Minute - Health Tip: B Group Vitamins

You often hear "I took Vit B1 for this, B6 for this" and so on. How many are there in this group?

There there are up to 12 compounds that come under the heading of B Group vitamins They include not just Vit B1,2,3,5,6,12 but also biotin, inositol, choline, folic acid, lipoic acid, and PABA.     

That is a big group, are they stored in the body and how are they replenished?

As they are water soluble they are not stored in the body for long and are sourced mainly from food and supplemented when the body requires more of some of them.

Is there a way of knowing when the body is lacking in B vitamins?

Yes the usual effects of fatigue, muscle tingling & soreness, confusion, lack of ability to focus. Poor sleep pattern, irritability, moodiness, restlessness are physical signs that perhaps a good dose of all the B’s is required. Generally lipoic acid & PABA are not included in basic formulas but attention should be given to the present of choline & inositol. Vit B 12 can be difficult to be absorbed and at times requires a regular dose by injection.

A brief look at what  each of these B Group vitamins do?

Basically, Vit B1, 2, 3,6 & 12 are very important to the nervous system to keep it relaxed, provide energy, keep the brain focused and help digestion. They are great for the skin. All are very beneficial in protecting the heart, circulation, stroke prevention, lowering the incidence of diabetes and protecting the integrity of the cell membranes and reducing the ageing rate.

Lipoic Acid is really a booster B. It helps enhance the effect of all the B’s and increases energy, regeneration and wellness.

Choline & Inositol are found mainly in Liver formulas because they help to stimulate the digestive enzymes required to digest food intake.

Folic acid is important is male fertility and for pregnancy. It this case it reduces the changes of Down syndrome and Neural Tube defects in the baby.

Do you need any B’s?
It is possible to have an imbalance of these so supplements of separate ones should be approved by a natural health practitioner. Our online Nutricheck Questionnaire on our website www.calannapharmacy.com.au will graphically tell you what you actually require.

To ask Mario for more information about B Group Vitamins, send him an email.

Mario Calanna - CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group
e: mario@calannapharmacy.com.au