Wednesday, January 9, 2013

JANUARY 2013 - Natural advice on how to Quit the Habit

Practioner’s Corner|I do want to Quit Smoking!

Written by Vanessa Laird - Naturopath 

Smoking is an addiction that generally begins in the teen years. It is a learned behaviour often due to peer pressure, parents smoking or a stress related incident. Like any addiction it is a challenge to stop and for many people it is an on-going battle. Smoking is often a mask to an underlying emotional or stress related issue that has not been managed or dealt with.

Smoking is often considered to be a life long friend. It has been there in celebration, consoled you in sadness and has provided a sense of security to fill in the gaps. But lurking below the guise of friendship is a secret enemy. This enemy will eventually cause damage and destruction that far outweighs the enjoyment it gave.

Some of the many (often serious) conditions associated with smoking include:
·         Heart disease
·         Emphysema
·         Stroke
·         Gastric ulcers
·         Cancer (especially the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, lungs, pancreas, cervix, uterus and bladder) (1)
·         Premature aging and increased wrinkles. (1)

Nicotine addiction is considered to have the highest dependence rate amongst common popular drugs. These include: heroin, cocaine, alcohol, caffeine and marijuana. As you can see, quitting smoking is a challenge and many who try often relapse. No matter how hard the challenge it certainly can be achieved, provided you really want to do it.

Mental preparation is an absolute must!!! You can try patches, gum and/or hypnotherapy, but if you are not mentally ready to give it up, it’s not going to happen. This challenge requires total commitment and consistency. Just imagine what you can achieve. You will save money, increase your energy and improve overall vitality. You’ll feel amazing!

Remove all potential triggers from your surroundings in the first two weeks of stopping. Work out when you normally crave a cigarette. Some triggers may include: coffee breaks, alcohol, social engagements, anger and stress. Stress management and learning to deal with life without a cigarette is an important mile stone to achieve.

Reducing the severity of the withdrawal process is imperative to ensure there are no relapses. Helping to modulate dopamine, acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholine may help to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. (1) This can be achieved through nutritional and pharmaceutical treatment.

Signs and symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal: (1)
·         Irritability & frustration
·         Mood swings and anger  
·         Headaches
·         Reduced sense of taste and/or smell
·         Frequent colds
·         Smoker’s cough
·         Increased heart rate and blood pressure
·         Stress, anxiety & depression
·         Poor concentration
·         Fatigue
·         Increased appetite or weight gain
·         Nausea

Other Helpful Suggestions:
·         Make a list of why you want to quit. Keep this with you at all times.
·         Counseling may be needed depending on psychological stressors.
·         B Vitamins are depleted in smokers and are beneficial nutrients for stress management.
·         Tryptophan: helps to increase serotonin production, therefore alleviating symptoms such as depression, anxiety and mood swings. (1)
·         Antioxidants: smokers have higher amounts of free radical exposure due to many of the toxic chemicals found in tobacco. Antioxidants may assist in preventing damage caused by smoking.
·         Vitamin C & Glutathione are particularly useful for smokers and for smoking withdrawal as well as heavy metal removal such as cadmium.
·         Eat plenty of brightly coloured vegetables and fruit. These foods contain natural antioxidant compounds.
·         Green tea may be beneficial for smokers to reduce the risk atherosclerotic biomarkers such as LDL’s (bad cholesterol). (3)
·         Nicotine patches, gums and inhalers are available to help with the withdrawal effects. Speak with your pharmacist for proper assessment of which one is right for you.

Be good to yourself! You deserve to be healthy, happy and smoke free.


1.        Osiecki, H. (2006). The Physician’s Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. Bio Concepts Publishing, Eagle Farm, Australia.

2.        Osiecki, H. (2008). The Nutrient Bible. Bio Concepts Publishing, Eagle Farm, Australia.


JANUARY 2013 - Is the Heat feeling irritating?

Prickly Heat |Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Prickly Heat Rash, also commonly known as Heat Rash, Wildfire Rash or Miliaria Ruba is a condition where  leakage of sweat into the deeper layers of the epidermis (outer most layers of cells in the skin) is caused by obstruction, like blocked pores, provoking local inflammatory reaction - with the typical appearance of redness and/or larger blister-like lesions. 

The lesions are usually tiny white or clear in colour and are found in a number of areas on the body including;
4 Face
4 Neck
4 Under breasts
4 Groin
4 Elbow folds
4 Abdomen

Prickly heat is prevalent in the summer months and particularly in humid climates, such as ours.
It is usually itchy, irritating and uncomfortable and can develop on anyone.

There are however, individuals that will be more prone to prickly heat, they include;
4 Babies / Infants - as their sweat glands have not fully developed
4 Athletes and people who regularly exercise
4 Overweight persons
4 Bedridden persons

The first step in treating any heat rash is to wash the affected area with a non-soap wash i.e. Pinetarsols Gel. Rinse with water and this can be repeated as often as needed and should be done immediately after exercise or prolonged heat exposure.
Also cool packs are a great way to relieve the itchiness, and in more severe cases use of cortisone & antifungal creams may help for resistant rashes. Talk to your GP or Pharmacist about these.
Wearing light cotton or absorbent fabrics that separate the skin especially in the folds of the skin i.e. elbows, knees and groin areas.

Drinking water is also an important prevention process as it;
ü Is helpful for overall hydration
ü Is good for body temperature regulation

Let’s look at some factors that aggrivate Prickly Heat;
4 High humidity / temperature
4  Jacuzzi’s, Sauna’s & steam rooms
4  Fever
4  Sunburn
4  Sweating or hyperhydrosis (excess sweating)
4  Tight garments & non-breathable fabrics
4  Application of perfumes, body oils, fragranced lotions (these may cause secondary irritation)

So, in the summer months of Tropical Queensland, it’s important to stay hydrated, and limit activities that make you sweat in excess.  Remember, Calanna Pharmacy have a fantastic product pack to help with Prickly Heat!

JANUARY 2013 - Featured Products to help with the heat

Heat Wave Pack $18.95 (save $1.95)

Mario’s Prickly Heat Spray 95ml
ü Opens the pores of the skin to relieve rashes associated with Prickly Heat
ü Easy to apply spray bottle
ü Instantaneously cooling
ü Treats existing rash
ü Contains antiseptic to help prevent infection
ü Special formula for Children also available

Ego Pinetarsol™ Gel 100g

ü Gently cleanses without irritating inflamed skin like normal soap can
ü pH balanced to maintain the skin’s natural protection
ü Helps to relieve itching & inflammation associated with prickly heat, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, shaving rash, chicken pox, nappy rash, sunburn, hives, insect bites, tinea, athlete’s foot & jock itch.

These products are a great treatment & prevention combination to help relieve & treat symptoms of Prickly Heat Rash.

Rashes are common, so it may help to see your Doctor or Pharmacist to assist in determining the best treatment for the rash.  Where possible,  always seek medial advice if the rash   blisters are open or weeping, as a more advanced treatment may be needed.

Ethical Nutrients Mega Magnesium(60 & 120) from $22.50

Magnesium is an essential mineral for our bodies to stay healthy and is used for over 300 bio-chemical reactions in our bodies.

Multiple health benefits;
ü Relieves muscle aches, tension & cramping
ü Energy production
ü Transmission of nerve impulses
ü Formation of Teeth & Bones
ü Improves muscle function

Good dietary sources of magnesium include;
4 Almonds (nuts)
4 Whole Grains
4 Wheat germ
4 Fish
4 Green leafy vegetables
No added artificial flavouring,  colouring or preservatives. Free from gluten, wheat, dairy, lactose, corn, cereals, eggs, nuts, starches, yeast, and salt.
Do not use if cap and/or bottle seals are missing or broken.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.

Calanna Checklist|Back to School|FREE

Be sure to pick up your FREE Back to School Checklist from any Calanna Pharmacy. 

The checklist has some great products and advice to have your children prepared for the up-coming School year.

There are also some great lunch box ideas in previous newsletters - to find these all you need to do is jump online and go to our Newsletter section from our homepage, and read away!

May your children have a healthy & successful year in School!
Contact Calanna Pharmacy Head Office Cairns,  if your child is interested in participating in debating and public speaking!

JANUARY 2013 - Words of Wisdom with Mario Calanna

Welcome to 2013 and the challenges, the joys and the dramas it will bring. 

We will all have these and need to deal with them the best way we can. Having a close family and friends is really important. We cannot,however, escape the fact that we need to improve ourselves. Our thoughts, our associations, our actions, what we read, what we watch (see) and how we act or react – is our decision and our responsibility. 

Society will not improve – unless individuals have the desire to improve, to be responsible and to be accountable for our actions and our conduct. 

No matter what position we have in society – we are all asked to be leaders. We are challenged to influence ourselves and others - so that we can enjoy physical, emotional and financial security. The ‘blame game’, the ‘poor me’ mindset – has never and will never achieve improvement, happiness or fulfilment. 

Jim Rohn suggests that a Leader should learn to be:

  • Strong but not impolite 
  • Kind but not weak 
  • Bold but not a bull 
  • Proud but not arrogant 
  • Humble but not timid

“Humility is almost a God-like word. It has sense of awe - a sense of wonder. Has an awareness of the human soul and spirit. An understanding that there is something unique about the human drama versus the rest of life. Humility is a grasp of the distance between us and the stars, yet having the feeling that we’re part of the stars”… Jim Rohn Leadership is hard work. Forming new habits and associations is hard work. However, the road to failure is always assured by taking the easy options. 

Is 2013 a time to choose? I wish you all the very best………………Mario
