Thursday, August 2, 2012

AUGUST 2012 - Feature Products

Dairy Free ü Gluten Free 

  • Artifical Colour Free
  • Preservative Free
  • Flavour Free 

4 Forms of Calcuim; Calcium Carbonate, Hydroxyapatite, Calcium Hydogen Phosphate, Calcium Citrate Hydrate 11 Bone Fortifying Nutreints; Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K, Boron, Vitamin C, Zinc, Manganese & Copper, Folate, Vitamins B6 & B12 
SPECIAL PRICE $15.95 - save $4.00

FREE Blood Pressure Testing Calanna Pharmacy offer FREE Blood Pressure testing. Everyone should get regular Blood Pressure tests, but even more so if you have; 4 A History of High Blood Pressure 4 A History of High Cholesterol 4 Are Pregnant 4 Anyone with a history of heart or kidney problems

Would you like to keep your scripts in 1 place? 
Simply leave your scripts on file with us at your local Calanna Pharmacy. When you are ready, simply call us & tell one of our friendly team members what you need – and an approximate time of collection Your scripts will be ready & waiting for you On your next visit, collect your FREE magnet, which conveniently has your local Calanna Pharmacy phone number on it, making your prescription collection quicker and easier! How easy is this? – you’ll never misplace or forget a Prescription again ! 

Would Medication Packaging be helpful?
Calanna Pharmacy offer “Medication Packaging” which keeps your day to day tablets sealed in a blister pack. You can easily identify which tablets you need to take on what day and at what time. Medication Packaging is great for everyone, especially if you; take more than 5 medications find it hard to keep track of what tablets to take and when. Talk to our Pharmacists today, about medication packaging

AUGUST 2012 - Tips on how to keep your Bones Strong!

It is a sad fact of life for many of our ageing population that our bones will thin, causing discomfort and pain.  Bone loss can result in Osteoporosis (porous bones), and some bones may even fracture.

The Good news:  There is plenty you can do to keep your bones healthy & strong.
Healthy bones depend on more than calcium and Vitamin D.  “We now know that many nutrients are   essential to maintaining bone,” says Katherine Tucker RD, PhD, chair of the department of health sciences at Northeastern University in Boston. “Unfortunately the diets of many older people fall short on some of these nutrients” says Tucker. “So even if they’re getting     calcium and vitamin D, they’re still losing bone.” Research points to key roles for protein, vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin C and other nutrients for bone health.

So, a diet rich in whole foods is an essential part to  getting more of the nutrients needed to keep bones healthy.  Whole foods include;
ü Nuts
ü Beans
ü Whole grains
ü Fruit
ü Vegetables

All of the above are full of natural nutrients, and Tucker suggests that fruits & vegetables are just as important as dairy products for bone health.

Some Bone Health Tips:
4 Get enough calcium & vitamin D in your diet
4 Eat a diet rich of whole foods (listed above) for extra essential nutrients
4 Be physically active - include weight bearing exercises e.g. Walking (seek advice from a professional before using any kind of weights)
4 Talk with your Doctor or Pharmacist about the medications you are taking. Some may increase the risk for osteoporosis or increase thinning of the bones
4 Talk to a Calanna Pharmacy Naturopath about the correct Supplements that can be introduced into your diet

Another way to see if your bones are healthy & strong is to get a Bone Density Test. 
Conducted Australia wide, testing is recommended for women 40 plus and men over 50, or anyone over the age of 20 who would like information about their bone health with a view to reducing risk of age related progression toward osteoporosis.

Australian Bone Density Testing Centre is committed to fighting osteoporosis and promoting bone health, and can be contacted on 03 9822 0044 or 1800 640 544, or email 

Sources: Katherine Tucker RD, PhD, Northeastern University, Australian Bone Density Testing Centre

“1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men over the age of 60 will have an osteoporotic fracture”

Osteoporosis is often referred to as the ‘Silent Disease’.  This is because osteoporosis usually has no side effects or symptoms until a fracture happens, due to brittle & fragile bones. 
Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, such as Calcium, more quickly than the body can replace them, leading to a loss of bone thickness.  You may ask “Can all bones be affected?” The answer, any bone can be affected, however, the most common sites for osteoporosis to develop are in the hip, spine, wrist, ribs, pelvis and upper arm.  Osteoporotic fractures can lead to changes in posture, chronic pain, disability and even loss of independence.  About 50% of people who have had one osteoporotic fracture will have another, as the risk   increases with each new fracture.
Risk Factors for osteoporosis
 Any family history of osteoporosis & fractures

Certain conditions & medications such as;
 Cortico-steroids (commonly used for Asthma)
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Over-active Thyroid or parathyroid glands
 Coeliac disease & other chronic gut conditions

AUGUST 2012 - Words of Wisdom with Mario

Hello Club Members,

How often have you heard – “I want to make a difference” or “I want to change the world?” Both of these phrases seem hollow to me – especially as I hear them everyday.

If we think about it – the very fact that we are present in a group, at a function or just writing a letter – means we are making a difference. We are each unique in ourselves and our very presence makes a difference. It does not, however, mean that we are doing anything extraordinary.

It is very difficult to change the world – but you can change your own world by improving your knowledge, your skills, your behaviour toward others. And you can influence others by communicating and sharing your ideas, your time, your skills, your attitude and your ears. Many times - just by listening – you can change someone’s world.

To change means to relearn, to do things in a different way. It takes at least 28 repetitions to change a habit or a routine. It therefore makes it very difficult to change the world. You can, however, have an affect on many people and influence them to make the changes they require in their own lives and pass this onto their own friends.

So when we say “I want to change the world” – let us define the “world” we mean.

Let us start with our own personal “world” and influence others by the good behaviour, the ideas and the time we are willing to share.

Let August be a time to improve your “world” and then your community.

Mario Calanna

AUGUST 2012 - Osteoporosis

Article written by Kym Hughes - Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan

Our skeleton is much like a coat hanger with which to hang our skin and muscles and to house our internal organs.  For this very reason a “Good Strong Frame” is important. 
The word osteoporosis comes from the Greek words: ostoun meaning "bone" and poros meaning "pore" so osteoporosis literally means porous bones.  

There are numerous things that can weaken our bone support for example:
  • ·         Poor Diet – Lack of calcium and cofactors
  • ·         Faulty Parathyroid Gland
  • ·         Chemotherapy (May cause or contribute to the development of Menopause)
  • ·         Post Menopause (females  in late 40’s to early 50’s)
  • ·         A family history of Osteoporosis and fractures (indicating weakened or stressed bones)
  • ·         Smoking
  • ·         Sedentary lifestyle (little or irregular physical activity)

We can however, remedy bone loss with simple measures that may include one or more of the following:
  • ·         Calcium Supplements
  By using compatible calcium such as Hydroxyapatite, a major component and essential ingredient of normal bone and teeth, which has an excellent absorption rate.  (Many modern implants such as Hip replacements and dental implants are coated with Hydroxyapatite).
  • ·         Cod Liver Oil Supplements

Cod Liver Oil contains vitamins A & D which not only aids absorption but also contains Omega 3’s which help alleviate creaky bones and joints
  • ·         A Healthy Diet

Consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, good whole grains and fresh water is a simple approach but one that has proven to be very beneficial
  • ·         Regular Moderate Exercise

Regular exercise has proven to:
1.       Control weight
2.       Combat Health Conditions and Disease
3.       Improve mood and
4.       Boost energy