Wednesday, April 11, 2012

APRIL 2012 - Autism Awareness in a Positive Light & Healthy Mouths....

A Positive look into Autism |

Many of us have heard or know what Autism is, and it’s a shame to say that many have feared those with Autism due to not fully understanding someone with Autism.

This month, it’s all about Autism awareness - we are going to look into the Positive Side of Autism, and share some of the amazing traits & personalities, in hope that we can look upon and welcome an Autistic friend into our lives with a new appreciation.

To many parents and carers, it is very important to shed light on the good side, and they say there are many plentiful benefits for these special need children and adults;

Intelligence - they have outstanding recollection and make keen observations. School may come easier, sense of direction is phenomenal, and the smallest of details are noted.

Focused Interests - they thrive on consistency, so specific shapes, patterns and texture really intrigue them. They acquire an advanced degree in specialized skills to enable them to be successful through life.

Truth - children with Autism don’t lie. They don’t play “head games” and are sometimes too truthful, and will tell on themselves sometimes - which can be quite humorous, but a good quality.

Class distinction - children/adults with Autism don’t judge others harshly. It doesn’t matter what clique surrounds them, they will find amazing qualities in people that deserve ppreciation.

Living in the moment - Instead of being easily hurt like their typical developing peers, if something upsets them they feel it but then move on quickly.
Materialism - and obsession is almost non-existent. These needs are not important to them and they are generally happier with less and don’t require frivolous needs.

We all appreciate that true person who inspires us to see the less complicated side of life. A major trait of children with autism is evoking deep thought in others. Autism encourages open-mindedness & acceptance in society.

Oral Hygiene | Tips on a healthier Palette!

Did you know that over 500,000 Australians are in urgent need of dental treatment and are on public waiting lists as long as two years?

Good oral hygiene is essential, not only for healthy teeth and gums but also for overall health and well being.

Poor dental health has a significant impact on health and wellbeing along with being a significant cost not only to those suffering from poor oral health but also to the community.

Tooth decay and gum disease however are largely preventable if we follow some basic steps….

  • Brush teeth twice daily with a good soft bristled toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Floss regularly – flossing will not only reduce tooth decay but also help prevent gum disease and actually assist in whitening your teeth.
  • Gargle with a good quality antibacterial mouthwash
  • Chew sugar-free gum between meals – this helps increase saliva production in the mouth. Saliva is the body’s natural defense against plaque and tartar.
  • Avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks such as sweets and soft drinks. Swap soft drinks for water.
  • Supplement daily with a good calcium and magnesium supplement – this is also great for bone strength and development.
  • Some medicines can reduce the amount of saliva your body produces. Talk to our pharmacists about medications that may cause this problem and how to solve it.

Colgate Disclotabs
An excellent Aid for Oral Hygiene instruction;

  • The food die in the tablet stains the plaque red, making it easier to see
  • Safe & simple to use for adults and children

APRIL 2012 - Words of Wisdom by Mario Calanna

Welcome to April,

In your own mind do you choose to be a Victim, a Hero or a Villain?

In most life stories there are three elements - Victim, Hero and Villain. We need to be the hero if only to ourselves and we will influence others in this way. If we wait for someone else to help or rely on someone for our needs - we are VICTIMS and we will NEVER be the person we are meant to be. We will regret our life and so will our family, our friends and our society.
They called Earl Shoaff "The Millionaire Maker." He was an "average Joe" who made it big and freely shared with anyone who would listen - how they could also do this. He frequently toured America telling spellbound audiences:

"Life never, never withholds anything from anyone - love, health, wealth, companionship. All these exist in infinite abundance. We alone are the ones that prevent our own good from flowing, simply because we are not aware of nature's abundance and the tremendous power dormant in each of us. Our power will remain untapped because we don't know how to release, and set in motion, the activities which function the laws of our success."

"One of life's great tragedies is mankind’s persistence in clinging so tenaciously to lack and limitation. The true mark of greatness is not just in what a person accomplishes with their own life, but in their ability to help others help themselves, and to realize that they too can become great".

He had that rare ability of simplifying the laws of success and abundance to where even children understood and successfully applied them.
Mr. Shoaff used to say: "Be naive enough to believe what I say for just thirty days and you will be on your way to a new life."

There is so much fear - of loss, of lack, of disaster in our society – that we often fail to realise mankind’s amazing potential for creativity and innovation and the abundance of possibilities in ourselves, in our society and how self rejuvenating our natural world really is.

Our thoughts are ours alone – our thoughts limit us – our thoughts make us grow – our thoughts are only controlled by ourselves………Think as a Hero….

Enjoy an abundant April………Mario
e:  w:

APRIL 2012 - Products of the Month

A variety of sizes are available in-store!
Antibacterial mouthwash helps you achieve six key signs of a healthy mouth;

4 Tarter-Free teeth
4 No Plaque build-up
4 Healthy Gums
4 No Tooth Decay
4 Naturally White Teeth
4 Fresh Breath