This little story was sent to me,
and what a profound message it has….
“Everyday a small Ant arrives at work early and starts work immediately
The Ant produced a lot and was happy.
The Lion was pleased to see this work attitude - without supervision.
Then the Lion wondered how much more the Ant could produce with supervision.
So he recruited a Cockroach to supervise and to write excellent reports on production.
Firstly the Cockroach introduced a clocking-in attendance system.
And hired a secretary to type up the reports, manage the archives and answer the phone.
The Lion was delighted with the reports and wanted a better quality to present them to the Board.
So a new computer, printer and an IT manager were added.
The Ant hated all this new system and paperwork because it wasted time.
So the Lion hired someone to head the Ant’s department.
The first additions were a new carpet and an ergonomic chair.
Then Budget and work Strategic controls were produced.
The Ant’s department became a sad and unhappy place.
So a climatic study of the work environment was instigated.
The review showed that production had fallen dramatically.
So an Owl was recruited to offer wise solutions to this unforeseen problem.
After three months the Owl concluded that the department was overstaffed.
Guess who the Lion fires first? The Ant for lack of motivation and negative attitude”.
Q: Did you know that Kidney function is essential for life?
Research shows that a person can live quite well with only one functioning kidney, but whilst bones can break, muscles can waste away and the brain can sleep without risk to life - if both kidneys fail, all of the above functions cannot carry on - without any kidney function, our body dies.
What do kidneys look like, and how big are they?
Kidneys are small, the size of a fist and are located below the rib cage on either side of the spine. Their actual dimensions are about 11.5cm long, 5-7cm broad and 2.5cm thick weighing about 150grams.
What do our kidneys do?
Our kidneys are the amazing master chemists of our bodies! They have a huge role in keeping our body balanced by filtering 200 litres of blood daily, removing wastes, and producing three important hormones; erythropoietin, rennin and active Vitamin D. Erthropoietin stimulates the production of red blood cells, Rennin is involved in the control of blood pressure and Active Vitamin D controls calcium and helps make strong bones.
The process of removing waste & extra water;
- Food & drink enters the stomach & is broken down into nutrients
- Solid waste products are removed and nutrients enter the bloodstream
- Nutrients are used by the body for energy, growth, repair and maintenance of body functions
- This process creates waste which is removed by the kidneys
- Extra nutrients not immediately needed by the body are also removed by the kidneys
- Waste products and extra water move from the kidneys to the bladder then leave the body as urine
What can go wrong with our kidneys?
The “Silent Disease,” is what kidney disease is often known as, because there are often no warnings.
- It is not uncommon for people to lose up to 90% of their kidney function before getting any symptoms
- When symptoms do occur the initial signs may be general, such as feeling tired or generalised itching
- As kidney disease progresses, the symptoms can include changes in the urine i.e. volume Discoloration), nausea and vomiting and appetite loss.
- Other symptoms include swollen or numb hands and feet (because of water retention), weakness & lethargy, darkened skin & muscle cramps.
Urinary Tract Infection also commonly known as UTI’s. UTI should treated promptly as a kidney infection is serious. It is important to see a doctor if a kidney infection or kidney stones are suspected because lasting damage or even kidney failure can occur if these conditions are left untreated. Infection which has spread from cystitis or pyelonephiritis can be life threatening.
Chronic Kidney Disease also known as CKD, means that the kidneys have been damaged and not working as well as they should normally. There are about 50 people a day that die of kidney related disease so early detection and treatment can help prevent kidney failure.
Why do kidneys fail?
Each kidney is made up of one million tiny units called nephrons. Nephrons filter the blood - as blood passes through the nephron, water and waste products are removed. Most kidney diseases attack the nephrons and destroy their ability to filter blood.
What can I do to keep my kidneys healthy?
Maintain and healthy weight - being overweight or obese can lead to other lifestyle disease such as Diabetes & High Blood Pressure, which are also factors that could lead to Chronic Kidney Disease.
Eat Healthy - food plays a huge role.
- Don’t over eat - always leave a meal feeling like you could eat a little bit more
- Eat breakfast - a good breakfast activates your metabolism first thing in the morning
- Avoid Fad Diets
- Drink plenty of water - it’s GREAT stuff! (try to keep hydrated as much as possible)
Stay Fit - physical exercise leads to increased strength, stamina & energy! By completing 30 minutes of physical activity at least three times a week, you will feel better and you will see great results.
Calanna Cranberry 10,000 - $21.95
Cranberry 10,000 promotes and maintains the health of the urinary tract and helps discourage the adherence of bacteria to the urinary tract wall.
Cranberry extract also has deodorizing properties and this helps mask urinary odour associated with incontinence.
Also available, extra strength Cranberry 20,000. This formulation may help to reduce the frequency of recurrent cystitis.
~ Available at all Calanna Pharmacies ~
Nature's Way Krill Oil 30caps - $24.95
- 6x more powerful than fish oil
- Potent Antioxidant
- Healthy Heart & Cholesterol
Earth Hour 20:30 Saturday 31st March
More than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2011, sending a powerful message for action on climate change. It also ushered in a new era with members going Beyond the Hour to commit to lasting action for the planet. Without a doubt, it’s shown how great things can be achieved when people come together for a common cause. Will you join in this year? Consider it!
World Kidney Day 8th March
The mission of World Kidney Day is to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health and to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide.
Head to the website for more information about kidney health, and find out how you can donate to this wonderful cause to keep raising funds & awareness for generations to come!