Written by; Vanessa Laird - Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Woree
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin
When we think of emotions it usually depicts negative and weak connotations. It is often considered more of a ‘feminine’ presentation, rather than a natural response to a situation or an instinctive message. Emotions can help us to work out what is happening in our lives by alerting us of what direction or action we need to take. The trick to knowing how to decipher your emotional message is to observe your feelings objectively and honestly.
Objective observations will give you a clearer picture of what you need to do. Our emotions may sometimes cloud our judgment, amplifying a situation rather than finding a resolution. Assess both sides of a situation in order to work out the best possible outcome.
Positive feelings provide us with an amazing ‘charge’ of happiness and clarity. It can reassure us that we are on the right path and are making the right decisions. Positive energy flows through to others around you. It attracts like-minded people and creates an abundance of warmth and happiness.
Negative feelings are often associated with uncertainty and warning. When you feel negative towards another person, it is more than likely that you are feeling miserable and deflated by a situation that is unresolved. This is a common behaviour seen within our society especially when we feel powerless to change things. If you take a step back and objectively observe the situation you will see the emotion of yourself and the other in common unity. If you change your perception and mindset you will find a solution.One of my favourite quotes depicting this scenario comes from a movie classic – Star Wars.
“Fear leads to jealousy. Jealousy leads to anger. Anger lead’s to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to the dark side” ~ Yoda.
People who lack energy may be disorganised by deep emotional and psychological conflicts. A great way to understand and control our emotions is to practice mindfulness. This is achieved by concentrating on the present rather than worrying about the past and future. If a traumatic event has taken place and you feel trapped by it, talking to a psychologist, counsellor or psychotherapist may help you to work through it.
Subliminal messages are constantly flooding our everyday lives, sometimes without us even knowing it. Negative images of killings, disastrous accidents, war, pain, suffering and financial ruin are constantly projected through the media. Celebrity and body image obsessions are destroying the self-esteem of many individuals. Do yourself a favour and turn off the T.V., avoid the celebrity magazines and spend time creating the person you want to be… not what is perceived to be ‘beautiful’.
Be a thinker and ask questions. When was the last time you questioned what you’re feeding your body and mind? Is the food you’re eating really food or is it processed rubbish? Where does it come from? How long has it been stored? Why have we got Sodium Silico Fluoride (SSF) polluting our water? SSF is a scheduled 8 toxin and a known carcinogen. When have we ever swallowed our toothpaste containing fluoride? Why do I feel so physically and mentally tired? Asking questions and thinking about what is happening in our lives can empower you to take responsibility for your health and life.
Other suggestions to help bring balance to your emotional wellbeing:
· Australian Bush Flower Essences: Flower essences can help unblock negative emotional conditions such as apathy, anger and fear. Remedies are chosen to suit an individual’s emotional constitution and help restore emotional balance.
· Homeopathic Remedies: are based on the philosophy that "like be cured by like." This works at assisting the body to heal itself through remedies that produce similar symptoms as the condition. Constitutional remedies can be prescribed to suit an individual’s emotional, physical and energetic make-up.
· Kinesiology: is a process of muscle testing that helps the body into a better position to heal itself or reach a specified goal by ‘balancing’ its energies.
· Healing Touch and Reiki: is energy based healing therapy, used to balance, clear and energise the human bio-field. This therapeutic practice can help to restore harmony, balance and promote self-healing.
· Salivary Hormone Testing: this test can be accessed through a Naturopath, Nutritionist or Holistic GP. Salivary hormone testing can provide a more comprehensive assessment of hormone imbalance.
· Massage
· Spend time in nature
· Meditation, breathing exercises and yoga.
· Spiritual practice
· Engage in meaningful conversation
· Establish a work/life balance
· Embrace your creative side. This may be art, dance or writing.
· Create a healthy, happy environment at home.
Emotions are a part of what we are and a gate way to our conscience. Ignoring them will only intensify your unresolved issues and create unhappiness and suffering. If the pain is too unbearable and hard, try practicing forgiveness. Forgiveness is not for the person who hurt you; it is the releasing of pain in order to heal yourself. Acceptance and letting go will help you achieve emotional wellbeing and bring about positive change.