Friday, July 8, 2011

Why is it that some people are more susceptible to catching a cold?

Why is it that some people are more susceptible to catching a cold and others breeze through the flu season without even a sniffle? The answer to this is the strength of our immune systems capability.
The immune system is the body’s defence force that protects the body against unwanted pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. Cold and flu symptoms such as mucous and fever are the result of the body trying to reduce the survival time of a virus or bacteria. (4)
For the immune system to function optimally it must have the right ingredients to optimise its fighting power. Nutritional co-factors such as vitamins and minerals have been proven to support immune system function. Herbal medicines are equally as effective to help fend off cold and flu symptoms as well as boost immune competence.
Symptoms associated with colds & Flu:
§         Fever (hot and cold chills)
§         Sore throat
§         Cough (dry and chesty)
§         Runny or stuffy nose
§         Headaches
§         Muscle aches and pains (more specific to flu symptoms)
§         Fatigue (extreme fatigue is more indicative of flu)
Immune Booster Recommendations:
§         Flaxseed or Fish oil: Polyunsaturated fatty acids found in flaxseed and fish oil help to reduce inflammation and increase immune function.  (5)
§         Vitamin C increases anti-viral and anti-bacterial activity in your body; it also stimulates white blood cell response to destroy unwanted micro-organisms.
§         Zinc is very important in restoring immune function. It is a vital component of white blood cell activity; it destroys pathogens and protects the body from toxicity.
§         Vitamin A can help to provide a protective surface barrier of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, therefore preventing microorganisms from entering the body. It has also demonstrated increased antibody response and stimulates white blood cell activity.
§         The herb Echinacea was and is traditionally used by the native people of Northern America. It is used to enhance the body’s natural resistance to viral and bacterial infection. Echinacea currently has the most evidence based data than any other herb in Western herbal medicine. It has a particular affinity to prevent and alleviate upper respiratory infections such as tonsillitis, mucous production and sinus infections. (4, 5)
§         Olive leaf helps to fight against viral and bacterial infections, and has shown to be highly beneficial when fending off the common cold and flu.
§         The homeopathic remedy Allium cepa 6C can be used to treat symptoms such as persistent sneezing, runny nose and a tickling cough. (2)
§         Homeopathic Natrum muriaticum 6C is useful when treating a runny nose with clear to white mucous, sinus congestion and sneezing. (2)
§         Homeopathic Kali sulphuricum 6C can be used to treat colds that have yellow nasal discharge. (4)
§         Aromatherapy: Essential oils such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Menthol can be used as an inhalant to relief nasal congestion. Add a few drops of each to hot water and inhale. (4)
§         Herbal teas are great to sooth a sore throat and warm the body. Try ginger, lemon and honey. (1)
§         Cooking with horseradish or eating small amounts of wasabi (Japanese condiment) will help to alleviate sinus congestion. If you find spicy food unbearable supplementing with a tablet may be a better option. (4)
§         Cook with Reishi or Shiitake mushrooms. 
§         Soups are an excellent nutritive healing food. The hot liquid helps to ease congestion and warm the soul. Add plenty of garlic to activate natural antibiotic properties.  (1)
§         Wash your hands frequently and avoid rubbing your eyes. This will help to prevent recontamination
Speak to a qualified Naturopath, Herbalist or Nutritionist to have an individual treatment plan made up for you. Herbal mixtures can be made up to suit your symptoms, immune system capability and other associated factors.

1.        Davis, C. and Speer, S. (2006). Foods & News that Fight Colds and Flu. Canadian Journal of Health & Nutrition; Alive Publishing, Canada.

2.        Duelli, N. (2005). It’s Sniffle Season. Treat Colds and Sinus Congestion with Homeopathy. Canadian Journal of Health & Nutrition; Alive Publishing, Canada.

3.        La Valle, J. and Hawkins, E. (1998). Colds and Flu: A Natural Approach. Drug Store News, Vol. 20 (20).

4.        Sahelian, R. and Toews, V. (1999). Give Colds the Shoulder. Better Nutrition, Vol. 61 (10).

5.        Starbuck, J. (1998). Team Up with Natural Immune Boosters. Better Nutrition, Vol. 60 (11).

ลก| Vanessa Laird|Naturopath|Calanna Pharmacy Woree

Words of Wisdom - Many years ago Theodore Roosevelt stated....

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Very sobering words, I thought. Especially as we hear criticism and desperation, day in and day out. We appear to expect others to fix our challenges.

It is time to search for our own answers to the statement made of JFK:

“Ask not what my country (myself, my friends, my boss, my city) can do for me; but I can do for my country (myself, my friends, my boss, my city)”.

The time has come for each of us to be “the person in the arena” to be a noble leader or to follow a noble leader and help build a more secure and harmonious community.

š | Mario Calanna|CEO Calanna Pharmacy Group

Common Cold or The Flu - what does my baby have?

Colds and flues are common in babies and small children, especially for those babies who were not breastfed as their immune system is not as developed as those babies who were breastfed. However one of the hardest things as parents is watching their baby suffer with a cold or flu.
So how do we know if our baby is suffering from just the common cold or they have the “flu”?  The difference is that if your child has associated fevers of 38˚ or higher, is fatigued or has chills, followed by a runny nose and a dry cough they are more likely to be experiencing the flu.
If the congestion or cough happens before the fever it is more likely to be a cold.  Colds can also bring poor appetite, sore throat and swollen glands.  The flu can also cause diarrhoea and vomiting.
So what can we do to help our babies feel better? When a baby has a cold they still need to breath via their nose. When they have a cold their nose becomes blocked and therefore makes it difficult to breathe. Babies cannot clear (or blow) their noses by themselves yet so it may be necessary for you to help clear their nose. This can be done with saline drops/spray and a nasal decongestor.  This will allow for easier breathing, sleeping and feeding. Rest and regular fluids also play a vital role in recovery.
The flu can be similar in treatment. Sleep/rest and regular fluids are important as it may be necessary to visit your GP. Antibiotics may be required as well as analgesics to aid in the relief of pain and fever.
A probiotic can be taken from 3 months of age as well as a multivitamin from birth but it is important to realize that babies need to be allowed to develop an immune system on their own without supplements. So whilst it is very difficult to watch your baby suffering with a cold or flu it is important that we allow the body to build up antibodies to be able to fight any future infections or viruses that they may come in contact with.
Other products that may assist with relieving the symptoms of colds or flues are steam vaporizers, chest rubs and hand sanitizers.  Clean hands are important for not passing on the germs.  Of course you should talk to your pharmacist or health care nurse before purchasing some of these products.
If you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask advice at your local, friendly Calanna Pharmacy.
Written by Helen Bailey|Registered Nurse|Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan
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