Helen Bailey's advice Discomfort in our Babies
We all know how frustrating it can be to identify what it is that is making our baby cry. There are many reasons a baby cries, but how to identify the reason and how to resolve the problem can be difficult for any parent, especially if it’s the first baby.
Let’s look at some possibilities;
Hunger/Thirst - A baby will cry if it is hungry or thirsty. The baby may not have been fed enough or in hot weather, the baby can be dehydrated. Offer the baby a fed.
Hot/Cold – Most babies need to be kept warm. They do not have the ability to regulate their own body temperature properly. However in the Tropics, baby’s can easily become overheated as well. Be sure to check your baby regularly and ensure clothing is appropriate for the weather.
Wet/Soiled Nappy – Always check to see if they need changing before exploring other options.
Tiredness – If a baby is tired it will cause them to cry and become irritable.
Now let’s look at simple measures to help settle a discomforted baby;
Some of the following problems can be harder to diagnose.
Colic – Often babies suffer any unsettledness in the evening. This can be due to colic. Colic can affect up to 20% of babies in the first few months. There are no known causes of colic. It has been suggested that it is caused from wind or indigestion. Colic may be relieved in a number of ways. Swaddling the baby, holding and rocking the baby, sitting baby upright when feeding, smaller frequent feeds, Breastfeeding mothers should avoid tea, coffee, spicy foods and alcohol, if bottle feeding make sure the flow is not too fast, be sure to burp your baby after each feed, comforting baby in a quiet darkened area may provide some comfort, going for a walk may also soothe your baby, a warm bath and gentle massage and avoid stress as babies can often feel our stress.
Colic can be a normal part of a baby’s life, and remember it is NOT harmful. It is not recommended to give medication, however if you are finding it difficult to cope talk to your GP. Eliminating cows milk protein from baby’s diet might help, this should be done for one week, if this does not change the babies discomfort abandon the trial. There are a number of drops available that work by unblocking the trapped wind in the stomach when babies have swallowed air. Lactase drops which break down the lactose in milk may be of assistance in babies who are diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Please seek advice from your Pharmacist.
Teething – Signs of teething can be when a baby is rubbing their gums, pulling their ears, drooling, putting hard objects in their mouth to chew.
Teething rings that can be cooled in the fridge, teething gels/tablets or liquid (available at Calanna pharmacy) can be used to relieve discomfort. If your baby is running a fever than children’s paracetamol may be required.
Lactose Intolerance – occurs when the body cannot break down the lactose within the milk. Sometimes babies do not produce enough of the enzyme, lactase, which helps break down the lactose. It isn’t absorbed and passes through the gut without being digested. This causes wind pain, swelling in the tummy, irritability, failure to settle, failure to gain weight and diarrhea.
Your baby should be diagnosed by a GP or pediatrician. They will suggest ways to treat your baby’s condition. If you are bottle feeding, you could be advised to use drops/tablets in the bottle that breaks down the lactose for the baby. If you are feeding with formula then you may need to change to a lactose free formula until your baby is older, then start introducing lactose back into the diet.
Constipation – described as when a baby passes a hard dry motion. Breastfed babies rarely get constipated. Although they may not pass a motion for several days, their stool may still be soft. Many babies strain and go red in the face when they pass a normal motion, however this is NOT a sign of constipation until the motion causes pain and discomfort. True constipation is rare in babies and should always be checked by a doctor.
Causes of constipation include:
- Formula being made too strong or not made to specifications on the tin
- Changing milk: Baby’s gut needs to adjust to the changes
- Not enough fluid: Formula babies, in hot weather may require extra boiled water.
- Starting solids: Age inappropriate solids or starting solids before the baby is ready can cause constipation.
Your doctor or child health nurse can give you advice on how to manage constipation. Increasing the amount of fiber in your baby’s diet may be necessary. Ensure that formulas are made to manufactures specification on the label. E.g.: Cooled boiled water first then powder. Offer extra fluids in hot weather, gentle tummy massages can be of assistance, a warm bath to help baby’s muscles relax. If all else fails consult your doctor for advice on medication suitable for your baby.
DO NOT give prune juice or add any form of sugar, malt extract or rice cereal to formula, this will not help with constipation.
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan p: 4773 4224
helenb@calannapharmacy.com.au |Written by Helen Bailey|Registered Baby Nurse