Calanna Pharmacy Woree, North Cairns and Edmonton have Bowelscan Test Kit's available for $7. This test kit you can perform yourself in the privacy of your own home. How it works, visit one of the three Cairns locations, pick up a test for $7, take it home and perform the test. Once you have completed the test, bring the test kit (sealed) back into one the Cairns locations, and we send it off for you. You will receive advice on the outcome of the test if the registration card is completed fully.
Bowelscan Information;
Of the various screening tests used in an attempt to detect early Bowel Cancers and Polyps, the most widely used is Faecal Occult (hidden) Blood Testing. This test detects hidden (occult) blood in the bowel motion which may indicate a problem that requires investigation. The Bowelscan test should be taken every year.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Do you suffer from Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea (AP-ne-ah) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They often occur 5 to30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound.
At Calanna Pharmacy our qualified CPAP Consultants can assist you and your family control sleep apnea. Meet our qualified CPAP consults;
Sleep apnea usually is a chronic (ongoing) condition that disrupts your sleep. You often move out of deep sleep and into light sleep when your breathing pauses or becomes shallow.
This results in poor sleep quality that makes you tired during the day. Sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of excessive daytime sleepiness.
At Calanna Pharmacy our qualified CPAP Consultants can assist you and your family control sleep apnea. Meet our qualified CPAP consults;
Combined, Marina & Joyce have a wealth of experience together with an abundance of knowledge about all aspects of the Pharmacy Industry, and have been with Calanna for many healthy years.
Calanna Pharmacy is one of two Pharmacies in Cairns who have dedicated CPAP consultants and facilities, making us the first choice for quality service. You can make a CPAP appointment by calling our Woree Pharmacy or visit our website to book online.
Appointments are available from
Monday - Friday between 9am-3pm
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
We've got the NORTHERN PRIDE, have you?
The Calanna Pharmacy Group is proud to announce their partnership with local icon, the Skill360 Northern Pride RLFC in 2011. It is a winning formula that will empower community spirit, encourage personal and team development and give the Zest for Life.
The range of services and products serve the whole community, from sports enthusiasts, families, aged care, home aids, Naturopath Clinics, weight management and much more.
Skill360 Northern Pride CEO Chris Sheppard said “Since the launch of our Club in 2008 it has always been our goal to establish successful partnerships that engage local businesses. I am delighted to have such a reputable family owned and operated local company such as the Calanna Pharmacy Group on board. Skill360 Northern Pride is committed to creating and engaging opportunity unique to sponsors. I look forward to welcoming the Calanna Pharmacy Group to the Skill360 Northern Pride family”.
General Manager of the Calanna Pharmacy Group, Matthew Calanna said “the Partnership provides an opportunity not only to support a great team but also to help in the development of young people in our local community. We look forward to the 2011 season with the Northern Pride and wish them a very successful year.”
Additional sponsorship opportunities are available by calling the Skill360 Northern Pride office on 4046 0500.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Our Kidneys - We can’t live without them!
Did you know that Kidney function is essential for life?
Research shows that a person can live quite well with only one functioning kidney, but whilst bones can break, muscles can waste away and the brain can sleep without risk to life - if both kidneys fail, all of the above functions cannot carry on - Without any kidney function, our body dies.
What do kidneys look like, and how big are they? Kidneys are small, the size of a fist and are located below the rib cage on either side of the spine. Their actual dimensions are about 11.5cm long, 5-7cm broad and 2.5cm thick weighing about 150grams.
Our kidneys are the amazing master chemists of our bodies! They have a huge role in keeping our body balanced by filtering 200 litres of blood daily, removing wastes, and producing three important hormones, erythropoietin, rennin and active Vitamin D. Erythropoietin stimulates the production of red blood cells, renin is involved in the control of blood pressure and active vitamin D controls calcium uptake and helps make strong bones.
Process of removing waste & extra water in simple terms
4 Food & drink enters the stomach & are broken down into nutrients.
4 Solid waste products are removed and nutrients enter the bloodstream.
4 Nutrients are used by the body for energy, growth, repair and maintenance of body functions.
4 This process creates waste which is removed by the kidneys.
4 Extra nutrients not immediately needed by the body are also removed by the kidneys.
4 Waste products and extra water move from the kidneys to the bladder then leave the body as urine.
What can go wrong with the Kidneys?
“Silent Disease,” is what kidney disease is often known as, because there are often no warnings.
4 It is not uncommon for people to lose up to 90% of their kidney function before getting any symptoms
4 When symptoms do occur the initial signs may be general, such as feeling tired or generalised itching
4 As kidney disease progresses, the symptoms can include changes in the urine (reduced volume, discolouration, blood or pus), nausea and vomiting, and appetite loss.
4 Other symptoms include swollen or numb hands and feet (because of water retention), weakness & lethargy, darkened skin & muscle cramps.
Urinary Tract Infection also commonly known as UTI’s. UTI should be treated promptly as a kidney infection is serious. It is important to see a doctor if a kidney infection or kidney stones are suspected because lasting damage or even kidney failure can occur if these conditions are left untreated. Infection which has spread from cystitis or pyelonephiritis can be life threatening.
Chronic Kidney Disease also known as CKD, means that the kidneys have been damaged and are not working as well as they
should normally. There are about 50 people a day that die of kidney related disease, so early detection and treatment can help prevent kidney failure.
Why do Kidneys fail? Each kidney is made up of one million tiny units called nephrons. Nephrons filter the blood - as blood passes through the nephron, water and waste products are removed. Most kidney diseases attack the nephrons and destroy their ability to filter blood.
What can I do to stay healthy?
Maintain a healthy weight - being overweight or obese can lead to other lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes & High Blood Pressure, which are also factors that could lead to Chronic Kidney Disease.
Healthy Eating - the food you eat plays a huge role in the health and well being of your body.
4 Don’t over eat - always leave a meal feeling like you could eat a little bit more
4 Eat breakfast - a good breakfast activates your metabolism first thing in the morning
4 Avoid Fad Diets
4 Drink plenty of fluid - Choose WATER, it’s the best!
Stay fit - Physical activity leads to increased strength, stamina and energy. By completing 30 minutes of physical activity at least three times every week, you will feel better and you will see great results - but you need to work at staying healthy, it is up to you!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The important role Kidneys play in Detoxification & Body Balance
When the word detoxification is used it conjures up many different meanings. Some of these include drug rehabilitation, liver cleansing and dietary fasting. The definition of detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body via its filtration and eliminatory channels. These eliminatory and filtrations systems include the liver, bowel, skin, respiratory system and kidneys.
Berkeley , California .
When the word detoxification is used it conjures up many different meanings. Some of these include drug rehabilitation, liver cleansing and dietary fasting. The definition of detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body via its filtration and eliminatory channels. These eliminatory and filtrations systems include the liver, bowel, skin, respiratory system and kidneys.
The kidneys are often forgotten about when it comes to detoxification and it has a critical role in maintaining vital bodily processes. These essential organs act as a purifying system that filters nearly 200L of fluid from the blood stream to help remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the body, whilst returning needed substances back into the bloodstream.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys govern the emotion fear. It is considered that the kidneys are the root and foundation of the body. (3) The kidney’s have a connection with the adrenal glands (stress organs), which are found on top of the kidneys. Fear is an ancient emotion that can help protect us and prompts us to search for internal & external security. If fear is experienced long-term, known today as anxiety, it can have a damaging effect on our health and wellbeing. Some of the symptoms associated with kidney imbalance include: lower back pain, all bone problems, urinary, sexual and reproductive imbalances as well as premature aging.
Other functions of the kidney & renal system include:
· Filters toxins and metabolic wastes out of the body via urine
· Balances fluid in the body
· Regulate blood pressure
· Controls electrolyte balance
· Stabilises acid-base balance (acidic and alkaline dispositions in the body)
Helpful suggestions to optimise kidney health:
· Drink a minimum of 2 litres of purified water daily
· Fresh juicing can be highly beneficial in any detoxification program. The nutrients attained in juices can help to remove toxic substances as well as replace essential vitamins and minerals. Avoid acidic forming fruits such as oranges and tomatoes. 1 juice daily is recommended.
· Include barley greens in juices to assist in alkalising the body
· Diuretic herbs can be useful in improving elimination of toxins from the body. This is achieved by increasing urinary output and reducing fluid retention (toxin stagnation).
· Urinary demulcent herbs assist in soothing and healing of renal mucus membranes.
· Eat plenty of fresh vegetables especially green leafy vegetables. These are particularly high in necessary electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium and potassium.
· Avoid tea, coffee and refined sugars. This will increase dehydration and can irritate the mucus membranes of the renal system.
· Avoid soft drinks due to the high amount of phosphate, sugar and artificial colourings, flavours and preservatives.
· Supplement with magnesium and calcium help to bind phosphates and reduce the load.
· Reduce protein intake to small amounts daily, whilst cleansing the kidneys. During this time you can supplement with amino acids to ensure deficiencies do not occur.
· Increase the intake of turmeric, garlic and ginger. These contain anti-inflammatory properties and improve circulation.
· Eat small meals frequently. Avoid over-eating.
· Stress management. A treatment plan can be put together by your Naturopath.
Prior to commencing any form of detoxification, it is necessary to consult a qualified health practitioner to determine a suitable program formulated to your individual needs. This is particularly important if you have a medical condition, take pharmaceutical medications or are immune compromised.
1. Marieb, E. (2004). Human Anatomy & Physiology. Pearson’s Education Inc., Sixth Edition, California , USA .
2. Oseiki, H. (2006). The Physician’s Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. Bio Concepts Publishing, Eagle Farm, QLD, Australia .
Pitchford, P. (2002). Healing with Whole Foods. North Atlantic Books,
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