Monday, November 3, 2014

NOVEMBER 2014 - A Fun and Delicious way to Strong & Healthy Bones

Strong bones as we well know, are the foundation of our bodies.  Unfortunately though, as we age, our bones become weaker.  It is important therefore to instil in our  children and early adults the importance of eating quality foods, rich in vitamins and minerals that our bodies require to produce strong and healthy bones.  Learning about which foods are of benefit to us and help provide our bodies with  daily essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help    prevent the onset of chronic disease in the future i.e. osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

This month we are looking at how we can keep our Bones Healthy & Strong, by giving some advice on foods that can be incorporated into your daily meals, which provide essential bone building vitamins & minerals. 

When we say ‘Strong Bones’ the word Calcium comes to mind.  Calcium is a critical element for bone structure. The body also needs a “helper” to assist in absorbing calcium into the blood stream and this help is known as Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is formed in the body through exposure to sunlight, which is why regular short periods of sunlight exposure are important for calcium absorption and helping create strong bones.  Magnesium is another important mineral for bones as it enhances the absorption and usage of calcium within the body. 

Let’s look at some foods that we can get Calcium, Vitamin D & Magnesium from:

Foods containing  Magnesium:

  • Whole grains - especially Brown Rice
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Dried Fruit

Foods containing Calcium:

  • Kale - green leafy vegetable - Rich in calcium,  Vitamins K & C - Contains ‘sulforaphane’, a chemical with potent anti-cancer properties
  • Spinach - one cup of cooked spinach contains almost 25% of the daily required calcium plus  fibre, iron & Vitamin A
  • Almonds - Also contain Vitamin A, B, B6, B12, Vitamin C, E, K and Folate
  • Oranges
  • Cabbage - Chinese (Pak Choi / Bok Choi), Red & Green leaf
  • Yoghurt - Non-fat contains 49% (%DV per cup) of the daily requirement of calcium

Foods containing Vitamin D:

  • Eggs - Yolks hold the Vitamin D, also protein & Vitamin B12
  • Mushrooms - lightly cooked button mushrooms also contain Vitamin B5
  • Salmon - contains Vitamin D and essential fatty acids
  • Cod Liver Oil
Calcium and magnesium supplements are also useful to assist in ensuring the body receives adequate bone building nutrients. Check with your practitioner, pharmacist or GP to ensure you are taking the correct supplements for your body’s requirements.

Calanna Calcium & Vitamin D 

Pharmacist Formula Extra Strength Calcium 600 & Vitamin D is formulated to help maintain healthy bones and teeth.

CALCIUM helps build bones & teeth
Supplements with calcium can assist in maintaining adequate daily levels of calcium in the body, thereby helping to reduce the risk of deficiency and osteoporosis.

VITAMIN D is important for calcium absorption in the body
Vitamin D has the added benefit of assisting muscle strength in the elderly, and this may help reduce the incidence of falls and fractures.
Vitamin D deficiency can result in decreased bone strength and density.

NOVEMBER 2014 - Christmas in Northern Queensland, Australia

Christmas and the holiday season are upon us again, and so soon!!   Many, like myself are wondering where the year has gone.   Major department stores are filled with Christmas decorations and promotional products already!  The holiday season is, as always so hectic, there are parties to organise, gifts to buy and food to prepare and all in such a short period of time.  It is easy to understand why these last few months of the calendar year are the busiest and most stressful of the whole year.  There is not time to waste, things need to be done, what can we buy for “so and so” an on it goes.  At times it can be extremely difficult and exhausting just organizing and preparing for the coming “silly season”.   
One of the greatest secrets to surviving the pressure of the holiday season is so simple it is often overlooked but can be summed up in one word “relax”.  Don’t stress over small and insignificant things, you know, the silly things we can’t change but that seem to grow bigger and more urgent the more we stress over them.  Every now and then it is important to Stop take a few breaths and try to go with the flow, you might be amazed at how easily things fall into place when you stop “swimming upstream” fighting trivial battles.
The months leading up to Christmas are a great time for socializing with family and friends however, it is important to remember everything in moderation.  Too much socialising can be harmful.  Remembering to include fresh fruits and drink plenty of water this can make all the difference to your health and well-being throughout the “silly season” particularly in the tropics.  A diet rich in fresh fruit (we are blessed in the far north to have a great variety of fresh fruits like paw-paw, mango, pineapple, lychees, peaches and more) and seasonal vegetables are a quick, easy and healthy option for the hot summer months ahead.  You will be amazed at how much extra energy you will have to tackle those pre-Christmas sales by simply making the effort to plan meals that incorporate salads, fresh herbs and lean protein such as fish, chicken and eggs. 
Keeping all your meats, fruit and vegetables adequately refrigerated helps to keep the nasty bacteria’s that can cause food poisoning at bay.  If you do happen to be unlucky this coming festive season and suffer with a bout of food poisoning activated charcoal is an excellent remedy for food poisoning, keeping a bottle handy is a great idea.  A good probiotic is also an excellent addition to one’s health and wellbeing regimen.
Stay hydrated with plenty of fresh water and a good multi B complex will not only help with stress levels but can also reduce the severity of hangovers that might occur after indulging a little too much.  In keeping with the staying cool theme, remembering the old saying “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun” will alleviate dehydration and sunburn.  Stay in the shade between the hours of 11 am and 3 pm and if you have to go out in the hot midday sun make sure to wear a shirt with long sleeves, sunscreen and a suitable hat, necessities up here in the far north.    Small doses of the sun’s rays are important to maintain vitamin D levels and sun exposure is also great for pineal gland regulation however, this can be achieved through more gentle and safer ways.  Early morning sunbaths are an excellent way to get your daily dose of D vitamin.

Finally, and most importantly … try to see the silver lining in every situation and strive to recognize “the lesson” in more difficult situations.  A positive mindset might make all the difference to how you fare this coming holiday season.
Written by: Kym Hughes
Naturopath Calanna Pharmacy Kirwan

Saturday, November 1, 2014

NOVEMBER 2014 - Words of Wisdom with Mario

Hello Club Members,

Welcome to November –already 10 months of the year have passed. And more importantly you have had the privilege and the opportunity - to live, to use, to be active, to rest and to work towards your goals.  OR you have ignored goal setting and planning and wasted most of 300 plus days of this year.

In 1989 – I won a National Oratory Contest with a speech entitled:

“Your Unknown Limited time to love – is your most Valuable possession”.

25 years on – this is still true and the more busy we say we are and the more we say “I have no time” – the less we achieve. The less we plan and the less we productively work towards our own purpose in life. Time management, planning and actions with “do by dates” – are imperative.

Jim Rohn reminds us:
 “Days are expensive. When you spend a day - you have one less day to spend.
So make sure you spend each one wisely.”

Whatever your circumstances – rich or poor – tall or short – urban, rural or community dweller – we each have 24 hours in a day.
Wouldn’t it drive you nuts to know that successful, achieving, volunteering people - who pile so much into each day and become RICH with generosity, influence, gratitude, service and perhaps good bank accounts.

ALL have the same time in ONE day as someone who has no goals, little motivation, and who blames and complains – while watching 5 or more hours of TV a day?
Wouldn’t it drive you nuts to know – that difference lies SIMPLY in our personal philosophy (our attitude to life) and those we associate with the most.

Jim said:
“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”

The key to success, to influence, to leading a full life, to leaving an uplifting, positive and enduring legacy - is to define the goals you need and desire to achieve. And develop the habits, the skills and the knowledge to ensure that this is so.

Habits are created over time – through discipline and pain.

As Jim reminds us – there will be pain during our unknown limited time to Love – the choice then is yours – the pain of achievement and fulfilment or the pain of regret.
I encourage you to plan, to act, to be involved – day in and day out – so you will have no regrets about your unknown limited time in this life.  

PS -  Below is a link to my 1989 Oratory – to watch the 10 minute Oratory go to the 3 minute mark.
Mario Calanna Oratory 1989 – Unknown Limited Time to Love  (go to 3 minute mark)

Written by: Mario Calanna